Part of USS Eagle: Mission 8 – Looking for Love

The Lost is Found

October 2401
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It took only twenty minutes of searching the cages for Saunders to stop looking at the captives’ faces.  He felt compassion for everyone there, but also deep, gut-wrenching guilt that he couldn’t help set them free.  He was already discouraged.

“Look over there, to the right, but don’t make it obvious,” whispered Iziraa.

Not sure what Izi meant, Saunders played along, slowly shifting to look where she directed.

Nick Saunders and Mara Conway locked eyes.


In the eight days she had been on Aldavi, Mara had been given more leeway than the other unfortunate people there against their will.  She wasn’t caged, but still bore the neurolytic restraint on her neck.  She was allowed to move around the complex without an escort and she could come and go as she pleased, provided it didn’t interfere with her assigned work.

Mara had finished her morning chores of cleaning Mousette’s quarters, and had prepared the morning meal; he preferred real and not replicated.  Making sure to be completely obedient, she hoped he’d trust her enough to remove the restraint, but that was probably something that would never happen.  With some free time before her next chore, Mara left her room and began her daily routine of walking around the complex.  Hating it, she had to do something.  She always felt bad for the people in the cages.  Most would be sold for slave labor.  Some of them, the lucky ones, would become servants like herself and be treated decently enough, but would no longer be free.  She did her best to ignore their plight, though it broke her heart.

Moving past a section of cages, she stopped in her tracks as though she had been punched.  Staring in absolute disbelief, her stomach spinning, she saw Nick and Iziraa!  Not wanting to draw unwanted attention, Mara hurried away, for the first time feeling hope that she would be leaving this horrible place.


“She’s here, she’s here, and she’s okay!  What do we do now?” babbled Saunders.

Iziraa swore under her breath in Andorian, tired of having to keep Nick focused.  “Follow my lead.”  She wrapped her arms around one of his and dragged him to one of the guards, a muscular Orion male.  “Please buy her for me!  She’s perfect!”  Iziraa bounced on her feet, her antennae vibrating as she stared longingly at Nick.  “Please, Rigo.”

Saunders was shocked, but he understood what Izi was doing.  “For you, my sweet, anything.”

Iziraa squealed in delight.

The guard watched them in bored amusement.

“Sir, we saw a young woman walking about,” said Saunders.  “My lovely friend here would like me to purchase her.  Is that something that could be arranged?”  He reached into his vest pocket and waved a bar of gold-pressed latinum.

The guard snorted in derision.

Saunders produced two more bars.  “How about now?”

Iziraa stared at the guard with pleading eyes.

The guard snatched the three bars and motioned to another guard, though one smaller in stature.  He handed over one bar.  “Take them to The Room.”

“Oh, thank you so much!”  Iziraa pressed her hand against his chest.

The guard shook his head.

“Follow me,” said the second guard.

Saunders and Iziraa followed the man past the cages, down a hallway, around a corner into another corridor.  Near the end, they stopped at an ornate wood door.

Opening it with an old-fashioned doorknob, the guard grunted.  “Wait here and someone will be with you.”  He walked away without waiting for a response.

Saunders shrugged his shoulders and led the way inside.

The room was plush, with large, padded chairs.  Several tables lined both side walls, accented by high-backed benches for privacy.  Every table had a tray of fruit and a decanter of some kind of alcoholic beverage, accompanied by crystal glasses.  The walls were decorated with expensive tapestries and scenic paintings.  The room was well-lit, with several ornate chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

This was a place where you were meant to be comfortable, where the operator of the complex entertained favored customers.

“Thank you, Rigo.”  Izi threw herself into Saunders’ arms, her mouth next to his ear.  “We’re probably being watched,” she whispered, “so stay in character.”

“You know I can’t say no to you,” said Saunders, returning the hug.

The door Saunders and Iziraa used opened and a man followed by an Orion guard stepped inside.  He was Human, with short, brown hair and a goatee.  He was a bit over six feet and in good physical shape.  He looked to be about fifty.

“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long.  I’m Tyrus Mousette, the administrator of this complex.  I’m told you have a special request.”

“We weren’t waiting long,” said Saunders.  “I’m Rigo Miloni and this is my friend, Sozi.  Thank you for seeing us.”

“Please sit and make yourselves comfortable,” said Mousette.

Iziraa skipped to one of the tables.  Sitting, she grabbed a piece of fruit and took a large bite, juice dripping down her chin.  Closing her eyes, she sighed in delight.

Saunders chuckled.  “If we can get right to business, while inspecting your merchandise…”  Nick was disgusted with himself for saying that.  “…we noticed a young woman moving about freely.  Sozi wants her.”

“I’m afraid she isn’t for sale,” said Mousette.

“No!”  Iziraa threw her fruit across the room.  “Rigo, you said I could have any present I wanted.”  She crossed her arms in a huff, her antennae drooping forward.

“We’ll pay whatever you ask, Mister Mousette,” said Saunders.  “Money is no object.  Please don’t disappoint my Sozi.”

Mousette was silent for several moments.  “I’ll consider your proposal.  I have another matter that needs my attention.  Please enjoy yourselves here and I’ll return soon.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Saunders.  Watching Mousette and his guard leave, something in Nick’s gut didn’t feel right, but it was too late to go back now.