Part of USS Eagle: Mission 8 – Looking for Love

The Orion’s Den

October 2401
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Above Aldavi, the Hav’neqh was in a holding pattern.  Ready to beam down to search for Mara, Saunders and Iziraa waited for their turn to transmit a business code that would allow them access to the outpost.  Kurtox had one and when asked why, he shrugged it off as a story for another time.  Meanwhile, the Klingon gave a quick briefing on what the rescuers would encounter.

“Aldavi is a rough place.  The main… commerce, is the slave auction.  You’ve got to project that you’re the kind of people that fit in.”  Kurtox looked at Saunders.  “Can you do that?”

“Why are you staring at me?” said Saunders.

Kurtox smirked.  “They can smell a Starfleet officer a kilometer away.  Make them believe you’re one of them or you’ll be next on the auction block.”

“I get it,” said Saunders, annoyance in his voice.

“This outpost is run by Tyrus Mousette,” said Kurtox.  “By Syndicate standards, he’s an honorable man.  If Mara is there and hasn’t already been sold, you might be able to buy her back.  I have some latinum gathering dust in my quarters.  Take it with you.”

“I think she’s still here,” said Iziraa.  “Mousette sent his top operative to kidnap her.  He wouldn’t do that just for a common slave sale.  There’s more going on here we don’t know.”

“I hope you’re right,” said Saunders.

“There’s one more thing,” said Kurtox.  “Each captive will have a neurolytic restraint on their neck.  It insures obedience by causing convulsive seizures and can be fatal.  Most of the guards carry a control device that activates it.”

“These people are disgusting,” said Saunders, barely able to hold in his anger.

“And you’re one of the disgusting people too,” said Kurtox.

Saunders was feeling the full impact of what they were about to do.  Though they were playing a role in order to rescue someone, he felt like he needed to shower.

“Are you okay?” said Iziraa.

“No.  No I’m not, but I don’t have a choice.”

Aldavi Auction Center

Though Kurtox had done his best to prepare them, it wasn’t enough for Saunders.  Just being in the large room, seeing people in cages crying out to be set free, the terror on their faces as they were being sold, made him sick.  How could places like this still exist?  He wanted to puke.  Feeling a strong grip on his arm and warm breath in his ear, temporarily pushed all that from his mind.

“Get it together or you’ll blow our cover,” whispered Iziraa.

“All right!”  Saunders shook his arm out of Izi’s grasp.  “I still don’t understand why Kurtox wouldn’t come with us.  I don’t buy that it’s a story for another time.”

Iziraa sighed.  “You know someone must be on the ship if we need a quick beam out.  Now focus or I’ll sell you myself.”

Saunders stared at Izi in disbelief.  He’d never seen her more serious than now.  “Okay.  I can do this.”  He was trying to convince himself more than convincing Izi.  He moved toward one of the cages….