Part of USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act Five: Help Has Arrived

Viridian’s Grace, Archanis Sector, Federation-Klingon Border, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.10 | 15:17
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Emerging from the aft corridor on to the bridge of the former Imperial warship. Vozuk walked around the command chair looking to the PADD he was carrying, “Yes. What is…” he says as he stops in his tracks looking to the viewscreen at the three Klingon attack cruisers gathered on the opposite side of the border.

“How?” He said out loud more to himself than to anyone in particular.

“They just appeared out of no where not to long after you left to get some rest,” said the Human male at the tactical station.

Vozuk was confused and a little afraid that if these three attack cruisers were here then that would mean the boss was only minutes away.

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Archanis Sector, Federation-Klingon Border, Beta Quadrant

Nitus paced in the center of the bridge as she waited for the Klingon commander to blink. But for the past ten minutes they had merely been starting them down. All hails unanswered and nothing to indicate what their purpose was all the way out here. At least not on the side of fact. She hypothesized that they had something to do with the stolen Federation tech in the Grace’s cargo hold, but with no proof it would be dismissable at best.

“Anything,” Nitus asked for what felt like the hundredth time in the past ten minutes since the emergence of the Klingon force. She was beginning to become irritated by the stillness of the ships. With no hail, no movement noting it’s as if the Klingons were sizing them up. Or maybe. They were waiting for someone with more authority.

Arva sighed as he looked over the sensors for what seemed like the millionth time. He understood Nitus frustration; he himself was becoming frustrated but he knew that constantly checking the sensors was going to do anything. He had expected them to at least answer their hails so they may understand their purpose of being all the way out here. “No ma’am,” Arva said as shifted in his seat. He slowly realized that having obsessing over the Klingon force that had formed on the other side of the border would get them no where. “Might I suggest we go to yellow alert but continue to investigate the stolen tech?” He said aloud as he looked to Enzo then to Nitus.

Nitus stopped pacing as she listened to the Bajoran tactical officer. She stood thinking to herself about his proposal. She sighed as she too realized obsessing over the quite Klingons would get them no where, “Proceed, Mr. Zolath. Just please be careful.”

Zolath excused himself from the bridge to go to security center. An hour would pass with the ship at yellow alert. The Klingon’s hadn’t so much as bunged in that time. It was all a bit odd. Nitus would retreat to the comfort of her quarters so would the majority of the senior officers. Most of them hadn’t slept for nearly twenty hours.

Sound asleep the rest of the crew went about their business. Executing orders and completing tasks as they have been doing for the last seven months since coming abroad the Paramount. The once loud bustling commotion in engineering had simmered down as the engineers started to flow into a steady rhythm. Although the commotion that was once their had merely transferred to the security center. Arva had called it a night not too long after Nitus leaving Nirk’oc to take over the investigation. Which wasn’t going that good anyways.

They hadn’t found much of anything about the technology that had been discovered aboard. It was as if nothing had been stolen and without the full serial number from at least one of the items they couldn’t even confirm it existed in the first place. On the bridge T’Soni sat in the center chair. She watched over the bridge meticulously as they went about their business. As the crew worked all around the bridge a beeping sound came from the tactical console.

“Report,” T’Soni said as she turned the chair to the tactical console.

Nirk’oc tapped at the console as he tried to figure out what had happened. His face turned serious as he realized what was happening. “Klingon battlecruiser on approach.”