Part of USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

First star on the right, and straight on until Vahalla

Ship's lounge- Vahalla
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Morning before the Grand Re-opening

It had been a busy week. Caela and Riordan, along with many members of the crew had spent time and trouble whipping the lounge into a space worthy of entertaining crew and guests alike. 

Several banquet tables and two smaller ones, were arranged around the large room. Tabletops were hand-hammered brass and had a thin film to make it flat and easy to clean. Long benches lined one, the others had larger wooden chairs. Rich red mahogany, polished to a mirror finish, along with padded cushions.

Brilliant shields lined the walls. Each emblazoned with the crest of a different Federation member. The blue UFP banner hung behind the shields and over the large stone fireplace lining one wall. Later the tables would be filled  with food, drink, and other entertainments. 

The bar top was an interesting pattern of butcherblock with dozens of shades of wood from a dozen worlds. A black marble base held up the bar top.

Hilea had her last piece to install—a hand-built twenty-liter distillery. 

The entrance was off-center as Hilea entered the room. Caela walked around from the warmly lit back area. Hilea put up her hand first, slowing Caela in her tracks, a wider smile on Caela’s face. “That’s shiny. What is it?” Caela asked. 

“Several engineers got together and built this as a final addition. You had mentioned the lack of refinement in the spirits from the replicator. I have used much cruder devices to create tinctures, solvents, and water. It is preloaded with an apricot brandy mixture. The yield will be eight point five liters at 100 proof.” Hilea offered as she wheeled the antigrav into place. Lifting the device to the counter, Hilea made the final connections on the glass, brass, and copper unit, powering the device on. 

“I love it. Thank you.” Caela was close but Hilea was prepared for the emotional assault. She did like woman, it was sometimes a bit much. A large glass of orange juice slid over at the same time. “Your usual.” 


1845 hours

Riordan arrived to supplement the staff. Since it was important to his sister, he didn’t mind. Dressed in a tuxedo, he walked around checking the various areas. 


1900 hours

Caela had on a shimmering gold evening gown. “You made it,” Caela said, as she spotted the newly appointed medical officer. 

She instantly put her mental shields up. Caela was a hugger if she could get away with it. For her part, Hilea had on a nice dark green dress with black pearl earrings to match. 

It was around the same time that the Captain decided to show up. Truth be told, Saffiya had loved these kind of events until she had become Commanding Officer. Now she didn’t quite know how to behave and how maintaining decorum worked when you were also trying to look like you had fun.

“This is nice.”, she said to Hina, who had been forced to accompany her here.

Hina shot a sidlong glance at Saffiya. She had been dragged along, and it had sounded suspiciously like an order. She had been working in Engineering when Saffiya had come to find her and tell her about the reopening of the lounge. The decor was nice though. She would still rather be in engineering. Or a jefferies tube.

“Uh-huh…” she commented, brushing at her dress some. She didnt enjoy parties. “You sure this looks ok? I feel silly.”

“Oh don’t say that. You look great.”, Saffiya smirked. She wore a suit from which she hoped it made her look handsome. Because she didn’t really like looking pretty.

“If you say so…”

The two women turned as Saffiya pointed out their new medical officer. “You look lovely, Lieutenant.”

“Thank you, Captain. Socializing in Federation parties is a skill I am still mastering it seems. The suit is a look I had not considered. It is attractive on you”

“Thank you.”, the Captain nodded. “And I understand the part about mastering parties. I’m still learning myself.”

“I don’t often go to parties in the first place…” Hina commented, shrugging. Made it easier to not have to worry about proper decorum for them.

Caelae mingled, greeting everyone and directing servers as needed. “Hilea, I have Holiday Mimosas. The flute glasses are rimmed with sugar. With your love of orange juice, I think you will enjoy it.” Turning to the others she offered. “Captain, Lieutenant, what can I get you?”

“What do you recommend?”, Saffiya asked.

Caela replied, “Taking inspiration from a few local talented sources. I have a Romulan Ale analog as it were. Nice thing is it won’t knock you around later. It’s rum and blue curacao, but it does the trick. Though mixing it with orange juice, makes it a lovely green. Think rum screwdriver. They don’t suck.” Caela said with a knowing now as she made eye contact with one her servers with a loaded tray. Then she added, “these would have been a smash on the star-cruise liner circuit.”

“Then I will take that.”

“Nothing for me thanks.” Hina said, shaking her head. She had an early shift.

The tray showed up. Several tall glass flutes of blue liquid were arranged along with larger glasses of thicker cold slushie mixture with lime edge garnishes and straws with an attached small spoon.

Hilea wandered by carrying a tray of her own. There were a dozen brandy snifters each with several ounces of dark amber liquid.  “This is a recipe, I have had good luck with in the past. It is an apricot brandy. Eighty-seven proof and distilled this morning. Placing it on the nearby bar top, she grabbed one for herself and handed one to Caela. It did pack a punch but had a nice finish with a bit of tartness.

Hina leaned against the bar, just looking around for now.

“Who ever did the decorating in here certainly has an eye for it.” she commented.

“It is pretty, isn’t it…”, Saffiya nodded. “Certainly an upgrade from the Cupertino.”

Hilea offered, “I would credit many but the group leader was Caela.” 

“Caela balked, ”Hey now. I had people coming and going for days in here.” 

“Ah I see… group effort then?” Hina asked.

“I have to agree with that.” Caela countered. “Really, people walked in and I just keept pointing at things to be rearranged until it looked right. ”

Hina nodded.

“Well, it was a good effort then.” she complimented, smiling. Awkward conversation was one of her specialties. She looked over to Hilea.

“Commander, I still need to get my medical intake done. When would be a good time for that? I don’t want to be a inconvenience to sickbay.” she asked.

She was sure Saffiya wouldn’t be happy to hear that she hadn’t yet done her medical intake. But she also couldn’t possibly be surprised. And she was right. Saffiya didn’t look particularly pleased. 

Hilea turned quickly assessing her as a patient. Old habits die hard and now had renewed purpose. “Stop by tomorrow during the morning shift,” Hilea said sipping her Mimosa. “Medical has been busy, but we can easily fit you in. Ten minutes at most, Lieutenant.” She paused then added. “I appreciate the timeliness. Easier to fix you later if I know what the puzzle looks like.” 

Hina thought, considering what she still had left to do in engineering and when things would be best.

“Yea, I think that time should work.” Hina confirmed, nodding. “I’ll be there then.” she added.

“Good. Now less shop talk, more Ale, politics, or whatever compatible analog we can find to make life warmer.” Hilea added. 

Hina nodded.

Hilea returned to her drink, still enjoying the orange mixture

Saffiya tried hers, and found that she had made a good choice by letting Caela make the choice for her. “So.”, she said to Hina. “I hear a lot of crew from the Cupertino has moved over to the USS Callisto.”

She wasn’t sure if that qualified as shop-talk or small-talk, but she was willing to take that chance. 

“Oh did they? Callisto… if I rememeber right thats one of Jupiter’s moons, so a Luna-class?  Well that must be a nice upgrade for them. ” she stated.

Saffiya looked at Hilea and explained: “My old ship. The crew was pretty tight-knit, not in terms of romantic relationships – from what I could tell – but they are friends. So from what I understand, one transfer prompted the next, and so on.”

“So the Elements blessed you with Fire and who doesn’t like being around Fire.” Hilea offered, in context with what was Rihannsu religion.

Saffiya laughed. “Oh I have been there for about a month, not longer, so I very much doubt me leaving prompted that major shift.” She omitted the fact that she had, however, dragged Hina along to the Valkyrie. Saffy sipped from her drink, then considered. “But I am interested, if it’s not too much of a personal question to ask – are there people here you would leave for, or leave with? Or maybe came for?”

There were couples on board, but they were few.

“I have had close comrades during special times, but no one that close in the recent decades. No one I would trust my secret name with.” Hilea offered. “Romantic relationships as a political dissident can get very dangerous.” Hilea stretched and cracked her neck at the same time.

Hina kept quiet. She knew no one on the ship short of Saffiya, and had been dragged there by her. Though, it was a willing dragging at the very least.



Getting up on the small stage in one of the corners, Riordan, picked up the microphone. “Hello, fellow Vahallan guests. Thanks for showing up tonight. I want this stage to be an open microphone night on occasion. In that vein, I have a few songs. Requests of course are considered but not guaranteed. “ He said smiling. Later, I plan to steal Commander t’Rehu for our practiced song.” He said nodding to Hilea. Strapping on the guitar Riordan said, “Let’s kick this into full impulse at least An ancient but great song “Sultans of Swing.” Energetic blues came from his electric guitar as the trio of crew played.

You get a shiver in the dark, it’s raining in the park, but meantime
South of the river, you stop and you hold everything
A band is blowing Dixie, double-four time
You feel alright when you hear that music ring

Shahr stepped into the lounge, and paused. Everyone was dressed… very formally. He’d had the replicator make him a suit in a civilian Andorian style. It would look fine – obviously not tailored – on Andor, but here, on a Federation ship? Didn’t quite blend in. Oh well, nothing to be done now. Making his way to the bar, Shahr waited patiently to catch the bartenders eye, then ordered. “Whiskey, neat. Something peaty, I don’t know what you carry back there.” Shahr demanded curtly. Then he had to remind himself where he was. “Uh, please. Thank you.” Shahr sipped his drink, enjoying the strange human drink. He’d tried it on a dare when graduating from OCS, and much to his delight, found it very much agreed with his taste buds. Shahr looked around for a familiar face. It felt like he’d been onboard for barely a minute, how was he supposed to mingle with the crew?

Caela came over and touched the man’s arm with a warm smile. “I got you, Sugar.” She retrieved a marble Collins glass, pouring several fingers of orange-amber liquid. “A nice single malt. Gotta appreciate someone who knows what they want. She handed him the drink. ”I’m Caela, this is my place now, effectively. If you need something, ask.” Offering a genuine open wide smile, her green eyes brightening in response.

Shahr gratefully accepted the glass, swirled it, and took a sip. It burned perfectly, and he thanked Caela again. “This is nice. It has a fire to it. I think it would be appreciated back home. You don’t have to wear a uniform? Or is this the uniform for your position?” It didn’t even occur to Shahr that this woman could be a civilian, working here on a military starship.

Hearing the question. “Nope. I get to work here. Pretty sweet gig. Plus with a replicator in my quarters and all my old dresses, I’m set for clothing. Unless maybe you have a thing for women in uniform? No shame in that.” She responded. 

Then added. “My brother Riordan on the stage with the guitar is a Chief Petty Officer, and I wanted to take a vacation from the Starliner cruise circuit. So I don’t have to sing for my supper anymore. Though for a special friend, or request, it could happen under the right circumstances.”

Shahr blushed slightly at Caela’s question about women in uniform. Good thing his blue skin hid it fairly well. “I, well, uniforms are fine? I only asked because there are no civilians serving on ship in the Imperial Guard.” Then, realizing she was probably engaging in some light teasing, Shahr said more confidently “Truth be told, I did not date while a member of the IG. Everyone is very competitive, and it is hard to trust your partner won’t betray you for a career advantage. As for my time in the Federation, well, I’m still learning the social structures here. My roommate at OCS said I was too brusk. I’m working on it.”

“Well, that single malt should sand off any rough edges,” Caela said. “Besides, people tend to take themselves too seriously. Just loosen up. She placed a warm hand softly on his chest. ”I think you’ll be just fine.” She said with a wink.” 

Shahr gulped. “Loosen the edges, will do. I mean, sand them off. Thank you.” Shahr nodded quickly, sipped his whiskey, and walked away to hide his once-more red cheeks. Maybe he’d mingle and practice socializing. Only a handful of people even knew who he was, so this was a good opportunity to work on his first contact protocol. Ha. Shahr chuckled at his private joke, then looked for an opening.

Jaxom had been unsure what to wear, knowing a uniform would kill the social feeling of the gathering, but not really having much experience with more formal wear. At the end he’d decided for something midway. So he’d worn a nice knit sweater, with well cut pants. 
Hearing a familiar voice, he turned to see Hilea singing an old earth song, and wearing a green dress that made him realize he’d picked comfort more than style. 

Seeing the steward, bartender, to be honest he wasn’t sure; but they were busy, he picked a chair where he’d be nearby for a drink, but was content to watch the band play. Wondering who the male performer was, appreciating the timbre he had. 

Wrapping up the song, Riordan leaned into the microphone at the applause. “Thanks. Again, I’m Riordan, though I work in damage control, you can catch me in here from time to time. ”And the lovely Hilea loaning us her voice. Now if we can get a bit more applause and see if we can coax her to tickle the keyboards for the next song?” Hands clapped, Hilea bowed and walked to the keyboard. “Just like we practiced. ‘The Way It Is.’ ”

With a bit of ice melted from the evening, Hilea put her best effort into the song. Hands with long fingers flew firmly and meaningfully as she began the intense backdrop the song required. Her head bopped along as the song progressed up and down the chord progressions. Hilea was appreciative of the thought that went into the song.

Standing in line, marking time
Waiting for the welfare dime
‘Cause they can’t buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old lady’s eyes
Just for fun he says, get a job

That’s just the way it is
Some things will never change
That’s just the way it is
Ah, but don’t you believe them



  • Had a lot of fun with this JP, glad to see Valhalla being utilised for some nice get-togethers!

    October 6, 2024