Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Security Drill

Strategic Operations, USS Valkyrie
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After Lieutenant Kazansky had stressed the importance of practicing security drills on the Valkyrie, Saffiya had dedicated time to ensuring they were properly facilitated. It was a good exercise – not only for the case of an actual emergency but in working together under new leadership and with plenty of new crew. 

She turned to her Chief Security Officer. “I am curious to see what you have in store for us.”

“Much of this may be old hat to the crew,” Kazansky said, not quite used to running a drill where she had to give the assembled senior staff orders.

“Better safe than sorry.”, the Captain nodded in agreement, and let the Lieutenant address the assembled officers.

“Thank you, ma’am. Alright everyone we’ll be simulating a boarding action by the Borg. Security staff will be beaming to several points of the ship. You will have to arm yourself and repel the invasion by stunning the attackers. Are there any questions?” the Security Chief asked.  

“So, just the phaser, I assume.” Hilea asked pointedly. “No nerve pinches or other combat moves.” She asked the security chief.

The Lieutenant shrugged, “If you want to throw down with a security team go for it. Nothing lethal, but if one of my people gets their rear ends handed to them, I’m not against that. But I’d warn you, if you throw the first knee to the groin, they’ll respond in kind.”

Jaxom had experienced drills before, though they were usually contained to a holodeck. It was much harder to practice a fire response, or something of the same vein without disrupting a station. 

As he listened to the scenario being explained, he couldn’t help but feel a little underprepared. He knew some security protocols, every Academy graduate did but the idea of a Borg-scale invasion being simulated was something outside the scope of that training. Still, he supposed that was part of the drill. Do your best, and pray you weren’t the first casualty, he did not want that to be his first impression as he looked over the other assembled officers. “No questions here ma’am,” he said, to let them know he was ready.

Hina tapped through a PADD, half listening to the scenario being planned for them. There was still so much to do and she wondered why the Captain had planned this for now and not when they were actually underway. She bit back a sigh, listening to the others offer their thoughts.

“Here to learn and do whatever is needed.” Dawson said trying to reacclimate after she was cleared back on duty.

“I’m sure it will be fun. Moderately fun. But still fun.”, Lorra commented. 

“I will let you take the lead.”, Saffiya nodded at Kazansky. 

“Alright, other than the phasers being locked on stun, treat this like a boarding event,” Kazansky said, “Ship’s damaged, shields are down and it’s fighting them off or that’s the end. As I said nothing lethal, but other than that, do what you’d do naturally. They will be trying to stun you, and anyone stunned will wake up in the brig as a reminder.” 

The Lieutenant nodded, “And rank won’t save you, captain. If you think the Borg or pirates or the whomever look at how many pips you have, you’re wrong. Any further questions or can I start the attack? Form into groups that make sense to you, whether based on your bridge location, or other factors.”

She nodded, looking at the officer that had been leading the ‘briefing’. “Im sorry, Im sure this is important… though if it ever gets to the point where my marksmanship is needed, this ship will have much larger problems…” she commented. She looked to Saffiya.

“May I be excused, there is a ton of actual work to be done still before we get underway.” she added, waggling the PADD in her hands.

The Captain gave a nod and got up, deciding to return to the bridge while the others figured out their groups. 

Jaxom couldn’t argue with Hina, there was definitely a lot of things that needed to be done. Everyone knew shore leave couldn’t last forever, but if they encountered any kind of action this could be good experience. 

“We would normally be able to use some of the ships systems against boarders, though due to them pretending to be Borg I assume venting corridors and other tricks would be moot,” he reasoned to those gathered. And if it was meant to begin with usual stations, he’d be down in the engineering levels. A prime target.

Hina shrugged. She would try, if only because getting stunned was uncomfortable and waking up in the brig would still result in wasted time anyway. Then again, waking up in the brig would also mean she didnt actually have to participate after that. She shuffled closer to one of the groups that had formed, waiting for things to begin.