Part of USS Eagle: Mission 8 – Looking for Love

Are You Coming With Me?

USS Eagle
October 2401
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“Thank you for coming.”  Nick Saunders stepped to the side so Doctor Weaver and Iziraa could enter his quarters.

“What’s up, Nick?” said Iziraa, her antennae leaning slightly towards him.

“I’ll get right to the point,” said Nick.  “I got a subspace comm from Kurtox.  Mara is missing.  I’m going to Delvis and the captain said you could come with me, but it’s voluntary and not an order.”

“Missing?  What happened?” said Iziraa, her antennae now rigid.

“Hold on a minute,” said Weaver.  “I need catching up.  Delvis is where the two of you went a few months ago for shore leave, right?”

“Yes, and Izi entered the martial arts tournament, but we ended up solving a murder,” said Saunders.

“Kurtox is the Klingon that runs the place.  Mara is…”  Iziraa smiled.  “Nick’s friend.”

Weaver chuckled.  “I understand why Izi would go, but why do you need me?”

“No one has seen Mara for almost two days,” said Saunders.  “Tork, the Ferengi shopkeeper, was assaulted outside her cabin.  Their doctor isn’t equipped to handle treating him.”

Iziraa snorted.  “You mean he’s intoxicated.”

“Probably,” said Saunders.

“Okay.  I’m in,” said Weaver.  “I’m always glad to help.”

Saunders looked at Iziraa.

“Sure.  Why not?”  Iziraa smiled.  “It will be nice to see the other Andorians again.”

Especially the guy you…  Nick had to shake that image from his head.  “Thank you both.”

“So what’s the plan?” said Weaver.

Nick swallowed.  “Before we go into that, I need to tell you something important first.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” said Weaver.

“Because of the tension after the Cardassians collapsed Underspace, the captain said I couldn’t go.  He said he needs us here.”

“What changed his mind?” said Iziraa.

“I tried, but he wouldn’t budge,” said Saunders.  “I gave him my comm badge.”

“Oh, Nick,” said Weaver.

Iziraa’s antennae drooped.

“It was the only thing left for me to do,” said Saunders.

“But you knew Mara only three days,” said Weaver.  “This is your career, your life in Starfleet.”

Saunders didn’t think Weaver would understand.  He looked at Izi.  “And you?”

Iziraa shrugged.  “I chose Starfleet over my bond mates.  We all make our own decisions.”

“You’re both still coming?”

“Of course,” said Iziraa.

Weaver was silent.  The sour expression on her face made Nick think she was angry with him.

“I’m in.  I still want to help.  It’s my medical duty.”

“Thank you both,” said Saunders.  “Let the captain know you’re coming and meet me in the shuttle bay as soon as you can.  We’re taking Eaglet One.”

“Gotcha.”  Iziraa bounded out of Nick’s quarters, a smile on her face.

“I wish you would have found a different way,” said Weaver.  “What if this turns out to be a misunderstanding or Mara really was taken and we can’t find her?  You’re throwing away your career.”

“I had no choice, Doc.  Even if you don’t understand or agree, please accept that.”

Weaver nodded and sighed.  “All right.  I’ll accept that much.”  She sighed again and without another word, she walked out.