Part of USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

What? Battle Drills, Again!?

USS Denver - in Orbit of Vulcan
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Jeters stood in the strategic operations office and looked over the large holographic display of the system before him. As he did he made notes on his PADD while he thought through various possible simulations he could run for the crew. He stepped forward, about to start programming the first simulation, a surprise attack from behind one of Vulcan’s moons on the Denver, when he heard the door open behind him.

Commander Talon entered, tugging at his collar. After months out of uniform, the infernal thing still felt like it was strangling him. With a wry smile, Milo greeted Jeters, momentarily distracted from his discomfort. “Commander.”

“Milo,” Jeter said with a slightly distance expression as his attention stayed on the display before him. “The Captain mentioned you would be acting Security Chief for the time being.” He turned and faced Milo, the slight shock of seeing him in a Starfleet uniform showed on his face for a moment, “Hm, not sure why but wasn’t expecting you to be in uniform; though it makes sense. How’s it feel?”

Milo smoothed his mustache, dropped into a seat across from Jeter, and crossed his legs. “When I was on duty I always wore a uniform, but I admit it is my least favorite part of the job.  And yes, Becca asked me to fill in and train up Collins’ replacement temporarily, and since my last post is currently in Dominion hands, so I guess I’m available.”

Jeter nodded at that, “Yeah, still cannot believe what happened there.” He turned to look back at the display as he continued, “I am glad you were able to make it out and join us we could always use the help.”

“I’m sure you say that to all the new crew,” Milo remarked with a smirk.

“With everything happening I want to increase the number of drills that are underway. I have some ideas but would really use your take on it.” Jeter said as he started to pull up files on several possible drills.

“Sure, I can do that.” Milo shrugged and leaned forward resting his arms on his crossed legs. 

“Perfect,” Jeter said with a smile. He opened the first file and passed it over on the display so Milo could see. “To start I want to run some readiness drills starting at random times throughout the day to test each shift’s readiness. From there, I want to test the bridge crew in several combat situations including acting as the flagship,” he said as he gestured at several over files.

“Flagship?” Milo raised an eyebrow in an almost perfect imitation of a Vulcan.

Jeter shrugged at that, “We are already going to be the squadron lead, if things go sideways I want the bridge crew to also be ready if we find ourselves in a position where we need to lead all three squadrons.” He leaned back in his chair and looked at the map of the Vulcan system before them, “Best to be prepared I figure.”

Milo picked up a PADD on the desk, noted that it was empty, and made notes.  He sat silently for a long moment, tapping the PADD’s edge on his knee.  At last, he spoke, “You know what this means right?” Milo studied Jeter’s expression and shrugged.  “One: we are invading Dominion space. Or two: Starfleet is afraid the Dominion plans to attack here.”

A grin flashed across Jeter’s face at the remark, “I hope it is the former but with our luck, it will be the latter. The Dominion have been quiet lately but I expect they are making plans. Given the cryptic message from Commander Nalam, I think we might be expecting visitors here sooner rather than later.” He paused for a moment, “Not that she actually said anything but that is what I read between the lines anyways. Hopefully, I am wrong.”

“You aren’t,” Milo replied flatly.  “I knew something was up, but now that we’re here talking about battle drills.” He sighed.  “Well, we best get on them wouldn’t you say?”

“I didn’t think I was, sadly,” Jeter said solemnly. “I agree, though, we’d best get started. Shall I run through drills with the bridge crews to start and you work with security on boarding actions?”

Milo scrolled through the PADD.  “I’ll run Alpha and Charlie shifts and leave drills for Bravo up to Lt. Viat.”

“Perfect, let’s get those started in the next 72 hours and see how it goes, I’ll leave the details up to you,” Jeter said as he entered a few details into his PADD. “Once complete we will need a full report to the Captain and XO.”

“We should have shipwide battle drills, possibly with other ships here at Vulcan as well.  I am confident Security and Tactical will be up to the task, but everyone else should also be up to speed as well.  Also ship to ship formation tactics is a perishable skill.” 

Jeter nodded, “I completely agree, it’s a skill set that the fleet let slip for too long. Let’s get these booked in on the Denver and have the Captin and reach XO out to the other ships so we can start running drills with them.”

Milo closed the screen of the PADD and smoothed his mustache and let out a long sigh. “I hate this. I look forward to the day the Dominion is gone and I can go back to my ranch on Terra Alpha.  Becca… this is where she belongs.  In the center seat of a starship. That’s where she’s the happiest.  As for me, I just need a horse between my knees and wide open spaces.”

Jeter nodded slowly in understanding, “I think we all feel that way to some degree. Not so much the ranch for me, I was born in space and will die in space. It’s my home but this war has taken a toll on everyone and everything. The sooner we end this the better.” With that, he leaned back in his chair and sighed, “The crew won’t like these drills but with luck, they will save our lives.”

“They can deal with it,” Milo said with  touch of gravel in his voice.  “It’s Starfleet,  not shore leave.” Milo stood and sighed. “Anything else Commander?”

“Nothing for now,” Jeter said.  

“If you need anything you know where to find me. Until then… the captain and I are going to spend some quality time together.” He smirked at his joke and walked out of the office. 

“Ah, well you two deserve it,” Jeter said with a smirk.