Part of USS Mariner: M3: Let Loose the Beast of War and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

21) The End and Beginning – Part 1

Starbase 86 - Medical Bay
September 2401
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“The conclusion is simple, Captain: your body cannot tolerate high stress. It is why your heart collapsed during an extremely stressful situation.” Doctor Solara Fowat looked at the PADD in her hands where the details were shown. It had been a few days already since the Mariner had been pulled back to the docks of Starbase 86. “I cannot provide any cure, and given your history with your mission in Beta and Delta quadrant, I added this underspace….I don’t foresee you being able to handle another stressful event”. 

Rubbing her template, Sazra let the news sink in while sitting on the biobed. “So what are you saying, Doc….?” 

“She is saying that the Captain’s job is too much for you; it is affecting your health,” Silina answered her Captain’s question, not her girlfriend’s. She had a faint idea of what was rushing through her head: “Are there no other ways? Heart replacement operation?” 

Solara looked at the Commander and shook her head. “The stress built up over the last few years, and pick your poison of what the cause could or would be. But it affected her whole nerve system.” Solara had never dealt with this kind of situation. She could have done something if taken care of in the early stadium. “I could give you a reference to Caelum Station. They deal with rare cases such as these:” 

A brief nod came from Silina. “That would be wonderful, doctor. Thank you” 

“But I also have to inform you this condition is also recorded in your records; most likely, Starfleet will also have questions about your future.” Solara nodded to them both. “I will let you take in the information. If you have questions, please do give me a call or swing by.” That said, she left the two behind to resume her duties. 

There was a brief quietness as Silina just let her hand rest on Sazra’s shoulder, trying to find the right words to comfort her love. “We will find a way, no worries, Saz,” a nickname she started to refer to Sazra; in return, she got herself the nickname Sil. 

A lot had happened during her career, from a corrupt Captain to a mutiny onboard her ship. But never in her mind would have crossed it that her own body would mark its end in such a swift and harsh moment as this. Sazra felt like the world around her was slowing down; she could hear her breathing slowly going in and out. But in a way, she came to terms with it, feeling Sil’s guidance out of the Medical Bay. They kept quiet until they were walking outside near the port view. Sazra stopped and looked at the ships passing by.

“Are you okay?” Silina asked, looking at Sazra with some concern. She had heard the devastating news and wanted to support Sazra as best as possible. 

Leaning on the railing, she saw the large Sovereign-Class ship fly past the window. “I ….I think I will.” She looked at Sil and softly smiled, seeing Sil’s light blue eyes. “I think I will resign my place in Starfleet. I have seen and endured a lot, and after long whining of you as both my pillar of support and sometimes personal doctor, I can’t ignore this advice. It will kill me if I endure such a stressful situation again.” 

Silina wanted to yell, to scream, to hit something out of frustration to see Sazra give up. But she knew that this was the right and true answer to the situation that was presented to them. Tears started to form in her eyes, and she hugged Sazra out of nowhere. Silina knew quite well that this was Sazra’s life. She loved exploring the unknown to find the scientific answers the galaxy had hidden. Now, it was taken away by this simple and rare disease. 

Feeling her girlfriend’s warmth, Sazra closed her eyes briefly, taking in the comfort of Sil’s arms around her. She placed her hands on Sil’s middle. “It is okay. I am actually at peace with this.”

“Why you’re giving up so quickly?” Silina asked, not releasing her from her grip. 

The question hit a painful part of her, but Sazra took a deep breath. “Ever since they brought me back to life on the bridge, it kept nagging. Even Doctor Th’shrithel said something was off, but he couldn’t fully diagnose me due to the situation. Many scenarios went through my head, and this was one of them.” Sazra took a step back and wiped a tear away from Silina. “Thank you for your everlasting support. I will personally go to the Task Force Command Office to resign.” She chuckles at it a bit. “This time, she can’t refuse me.” 

Silina looked at her and softly nodded, remembering the hostile yet failed mutiny attempt. Sazra felt responsible for the whole ordeal and wanted to step down to calm the crisis down. But with the losses that were taken during the Lost Fleet, it got rejected. After that, the entire situation settled down: Frontier Day happened, the Borg situation happened, and then this underspace case. “What if they can’t let you go? We still need seasoned command officers like yourself.” 

“Then you will need to step up your game, Sil.” Sazra gave her a teasing look. “They can’t rely on me anymore…I am, in a sense, broken.” Sazra hated to call herself this, but after the confirmation from her doctor, girlfriend, and now the station doctor, it was nothing but the truth. “So don’t be surprised that you or even Adrián will be asked to do a command path. Starfleet needs a strong leader, and we have proven that over the past nine years.” 

Taken back by the comment, Silina shrugged it off, leaning on the railing. “I know that the possibility exists, but I’d rather stay at your side.” She looked at Sazra with a glance in her eye. “You are my home, after.” She smiled. Softly in her direction.


  • This is a good example of exploring the consiquences of command, the responsibilites. It's actually refreshing to have a CO, accept the findings of medical officer when it impacts their career so much. The work/personal balance between your two characters was nice as well. Enjoyed.

    July 24, 2024