Part of USS Odyssey: Avenues and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Avenues – 3

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), docked at Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 78749.76
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“A promotion?” 

“Well, not quite,” Banfield responded, trying to soften the blow of the unexpected news she had just delivered. “The admiral called it more like an appointment; I already have the four pips, Carter. The unexpectedness of the news hung in the air, catching Westerham off guard.

“Yes, I know that, but moving to the Triton?” Westerham queried, his voice tinged with concern. “I thought we planned to always finish here on the Odyssey before retiring and returning to our place on Mellstoxx? Our original plans held such significance for us. We would teach briefly before just sitting at home and enjoying doing nothing!”

Banfield knew she had just shared a massive shift in their plans as she looked at her husband across the living room of their quarters. She had been waiting for him in their shared quarters for him to finish his shift in engineering. 

“Carter,” Banfield said, getting out of her chair and walking over to where he sat in the armchair opposite to her; she placed his hands in hers, “I’ve turned down numerous approaches from Starfleet to command a science ship; this could be my last one.”

“I know that, Corella,” he said, squeezing her hands lightly. “And I don’t want to be the barrier to your career, but I’ve only just got out of that hell hole the Changelings put me in and spending quality time with our family.”

“I need a new chief engineer,” Banfield said quickly.

“Come again?” Westerham said, surprised.

“A new chief engineer, it’s yours if you’ll take it,” Banfield said with a smile. “And I’ve already cleared it with the commodore; he is allowing it and permitting Athena and Brook to transfer to the Triton if they want to continue their studies there instead of here on the Odyssey.”

“And if they won’t?” Westerham asked.

“They’re adults, Carter; we must respect their decisions now,” Banfield said, standing up and placing her hands on her hips. “Logan can move with us to the Triton, and this new chapter in our lives will continue on a ship just as diverse as the Odyssey.”

Westerham leant further back into his chair as he considered this news. “Chief Engineer on a Luna-class ship, you say?”

Banfield nodded slowly with a smile. “One that has just had a massive refit.”

Rubbing his chin at first, Westerham eventually nodded. “Fine, I’ll do it.”

Excited with the news, Banfield pulled her husband up into a tight hug. “Thank you!” 

“Now, who will be your first officer?” Westerham asked after they finished hugging.

“Oh, I’ve got a good candidate in mind for that,” Banfield said with a grin.

“Me? First Officer? Are you sure?” Jen stuttered out at the surprised request that had come from Banfield only a few seconds ago.

Nodding from where she stood in the central computer operations room, Banfield crossed her arms against her chest. Jen had been making a few updates when Banfield strolled in, asked if he was alone, and then blurted out what had happened after the massive squadron meeting. After Jen had congratulated her on her new assignment, she had progressed to ask him to become his first officer on the Triton

“It makes perfect sense this is the next step in your career, Lukiz,” Banfield added.

“Don’t you want someone like Tomaz or Craigen with you?” Jen replied after getting up off from the floor. 

“No, I want you,” Banfield answered honestly, pointing at him. “Both Tomaz and Craigen are good, but they don’t have the experience like you.”

“You mean life experience from my other hosts?” Jen clarified as he put his tools away in the nearby kit box.

“That and you did serve on the Triton.” 

“That was fifteen years ago as an ensign on the gamma shift,” Jen stated back, not sounding too convinced at that point that Banfield was using. 

“And in the past fifteen years, you’ve climbed the ladder to being one of the most senior officers on this ship; you’ve got the bridge command qualifications; you are the perfect candidate, Lukiz,” Banfield insisted. “You know what sitting in the captain’s chair is like. Wasn’t your eighth host a Starfleet captain?”

 “Seventh, and it was Norvo,” He corrected her.

“And hasn’t every host since Norvo been in Starfleet in a different field of expertise?” She challenged. 

“Well, yes, but there’s only been two since. Razrim was a security officer, and then Daubin was a counsellor.” 

“So what more do you need?” Banfield asked. “Say yes. Join me.”

Rubbing his forehead and then looking around the room, Jen seriously considered her request. “All I’ve known is the Odyssey for the last ten years. I’ve got friends here that I consider family.”

“I know you do, Lukiz, and I respect that,” Banfield hesitated at first before she carried on speaking. “And I know you and Rosle have been seeing one another.”

He winced at that. “We’ve been trying to keep that a secret.”

“Well, you know this ship, it’s a gossip mill,” Banfield bluntly said. “I can’t offer Rosle anything on the Triton, but the fact we’re remaining in the squadron with the Odyssey means you’ll still be able to see one another.”

“How long do I have to consider it?” Jen inquired.

“I need to know by this evening,” Banfield stated. “As I need to start putting a crew together.”

“A whole new crew?” Jen said, surprised at hearing that.

Banfield nodded. “And so far, there’s only two of us.”


“Me and Carter,” She replied. “He’ll be chief engineer if you’re okay with that?”

“Carter is an excellent engineer,” Jen admitted. He took a second and nodded. “I’m provisionally saying yes, but can I at least have time to speak to Rosle about it this evening?”

“Deal!” Banfield said as she offered him her hand.

Pleased he had that assurance, Jen shook Banfield’s hand and chuckled. “I never thought about being a first officer.”

“You’ll be amazing, Lukiz!” Banfield said with confidence. “I promise you!”

  • Corella Banfield

    USS Triton
    Commanding Officer
    Former Captain of Science
    Second Officer

  • Lukiz Jen

    USS Triton
    First Officer
    Former Chief Operations Officer

  • Carter Westerham

    USS Triton
    Chief Engineer
    Former Senior Assistant Chief Engineer