Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Play stupid games…

Bridge, USS Cupertino
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Lieutenant Ashli Sydin rushed towards the bridge. The ongoing conversations and negotiations with the Cardassians had just taken an unexpected turn when Gul Dan claimed the Cupertino had sent a spy on board. As far as Sydin knew, the officers they had sent over were the least spy-capable people she knew, and unless Captain Nassar hadn’t disclosed all of her plans, there most certainly was no spy.

“Captain.”, said Sydin with unusual urgency in her voice as she arrived on the bridge, her facial expression betraying the fact that things had gone south. 
“What happened?”, Nassar asked, mirroring Sydin’s expression. 
“Gul Dan believes that we have sent him a spy. He has closed our call to… deal with the matter.” 
Saffiya bit her lip and shook her head. “Did we send anyone who might have caused some kind of disruption or suspicion?” 
Sydin thought about that for a moment. “I know Doctor Trova wasn’t entirely happy with being sent there. But she is usually professional and I doubt she makes any problems. Other than that… I really don’t know.” 
The Captain took a deep breath. “One way to find out. Hail them.”

For a horrible moment that seemed to stretch into hours, the Cardassians didn’t respond. Then, Gul Dan’s face appeared on the screen, a mixture of amusement and condescension playing on his features. “Captain. What can I do for you?” 
“I was just informed that you believe there to be a … spy on your ship.”, Nassar stated calmly. 
“So you admit to it!”
The Captain peered at the view screen. “If there is a spy, I assure you I am as surprised as you are.” There was a pause, and then she added “Who is it?”
“Who is it?!”, thundered the Gul. “So you are saying there are several, if not all the crew you sent over. You merely want to know which one we caught.” 
“That is not what I said.” 
“Oh, is it not?” 
Saffiya was looking like she was about to beam on board the Zantett and strangle the man herself. 
“No, it is not. But what I am saying is that I expect my away teams returned to the Cupertino within the next ten minutes.”
“That is a ridiculous demand!”
“What is your suggestion, Gul Dan?”, asked Nassar. 
“Well! We will conduct a thorough investigation and let you know our results.”, he said, as if that was the most obvious thing in the galaxy. 
Then, he closed the call. Again.

Nassar looked at Sydin. “What’s your assessment?”
Ashli Sydin frowned. “I am not sure. We don’t have a spy on the Zantett, and he seemed… far too relaxed for the whole matter to be serious. I don’t know what game he is playing, but I do worry for our away teams.””I have no intention of leaving them there longer than the ten minutes I gave Gul Dan.”, said Captain Nassar calmly. 
“How are you going to get them back?” 
“I have an idea.”, she simply shrugged. “Nassar to the Holodeck. I’d like to have a word with B.L.A.D.E.” 


  • What are those Cardassians playing at, it is to ....obvious they are up to something. But at the same time I am curious as to what the Captain had in mind and yet it pokes me in the side hearing Sydin say "Deal with it" like she is the cause of it all....Looking forward to more! Great work!

    July 11, 2024
  • I don’t like the sound of the Cardassians during their “investigation”… they’re up to no good. Oh, but Saffiya has a plan in mind? Do tell. What will Blade be up to, now? I look forward to more posts!

    July 14, 2024