Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

First Contact

Bridge, USS Cupertino
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What was worse than being stranded in what might very well be a network of subspace tunnels that connected the far reaches of galaxies with each other, and coming across the remains of a massive passenger liner that had succumbed to the numerous dangers lurking in the dark? Yes, detecting a Cardassian ship. 

Cardassians rarely were great news to begin with, even years after the last big conflict. Owing to  different views on how much aid the Federation provided after the Dominion War, and vastly different views on… well, basically everything else, the two factions had never really seen eye to eye. 

Unfortunately that didn’t change what was right, and what Starfleet would be expecting of the Cupertino in this very situation, which was why Captain Nassar had ordered to hail the Cardassian vessel, and at the same time called Lieutenant Ashli Sydin, their Diplomatic Officer, onto the bridge. 

“Trying now, Captain. The interference from the debris is making it difficult, but I think I can get through.”, that Silveira, followed by a few moments of silence after which the viewscreen flickered, and the image of a battle-scarred Cardassian bridge appeared.  Science vessel? Saffiya frowned. Either the Cardassians had a very different way of doing science than they did, or the preliminary suggestion Ensign Leski had made, was incorrect. 

Saffyia tensed as the figure of a stern-looking Cardassian male materialized. He appeared weary and strained, much like most of her crew did. From the corner of her eye, Saffy noted the red-headed Diplomatic Officer entering the bridge. Good, so if she was screwing this up, someone would at least make her aware. 

“This is Captain Saffiya Nassar of the Federation starship USS Cupertino,” Saffiya began, maintaining a diplomatic tone. “We detected your vessel among the wreckage. Do you require assistance?”

The Cardassian’s expression softened ever so slightly as he responded. “I am Gul Dan, commanding the Cardassian vessel Zantett. We are on an exploratory mission but our ship has sustained severe damage, and we are in need of immediate aid. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.”

Gul Dan. Saffyia hadn’t met terribly many Cardassians, but she hadn’t expected to meet one called “Dan” 

Saffiya nodded. “We will render assistance, Gul Dan. Please provide us with your ship’s status and any critical needs.”

This all felt a little too easy, for some reason Saffyi had exited a ’no, we’re fine, we don’t need help.’ 
She would discuss it with Sydin.

As Gul Dan relayed the Zantett’s situation, Saffiya quickly formulated a plan and opened a channel. “Lieutenant Morishita, Lieutenant Vargas, prepare to board the Cardassian vessel and assist with their engineering needs.”

“Aye, Captain,” Morishita and Vargas responded. 

Saffiya turned her attention back to the viewscreen. “Gul Dan, we are sending over a team to assist you. In the meantime, if you have any information about these subspace tunnels, we would appreciate your cooperation in sharing it.”

“Of course, Captain Nassar,” Gul Dan replied.  “We will provide you with all the data we have collected. Thank you for your assistance.”

The channel closed, and Saffiya looked at Sydin., 


The redhead frowned. “His uniform bears the insignia of the Cardassian military, which doesn’t need to make his words untrue. But it makes me wonder what kind of exploratory mission they were tasked with.” 

“And what about his surprising compliance?”, asked Saffy. 

“If they ask for help, they urgently need it. But I wouldn’t rely on their commitment to share their information about the subspace tunnels.”

“I see.”, sighed the Captain. “Stay on the bridge, I’d like you present for, and leading all correspondence with the Cardassians.” 

“I will.”, said Sydin, trying her best to maintain a calm and professional composure, but deep down feeling that she finally got the appreciation she deserved, and the opportunity to show that she was absolutely suitable for the position of First Officer. And while this all was playing out in her favour, she would just have to call back Trova. And she had an idea how to do that…

“You should send Doctor Trova and a small medical team over.”, Sydin suggested. 

“My Chief Medical Officer?”, frowned the Captain, unsure if she was okay with sending Trova – in particular considering her Bajoran heritage – onto a Cardassian vessel. 

“Yes, everything else would be seen as offensive by the Cardassians.”

The Captain considered this. And decided to trust Sydin. “Doctor Trova, assemble a medical team and provide any necessary aid to their injured crew. Ensure that all necessary precautions are taken.”

She just hoped her trust wasn’t misplaced. 


  • Oh so damn sneaky, sending a Bajoran towards the Cardassians, that is a recipe for disaster that Sydin is using to get back at Saffy. Or perhaps it is a legit mistake? nah. You keep the vibe going of the given situation and light it a bit with saying that she never met a Dan as a Cardassian, it made me smile. Its a lovely story and look forward as to where it is going!

    July 7, 2024