Part of USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

A Pleasant Guest

In Orbit of Starbase 86
September, 2401
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The Tianwen had been pulled away from the Division per the orders of Fleet Captain Tomuya. The truth was the Tianwen was going to be used for a transportation mission, but because where the person needed to go was Starbase 93 and the Division was stationed at Starbase 93 within the Fourth Fleet it was decided the Tianwen would be handling the mission. The Tianwen now under the command of Commander Calum Hyden was sitting in the orbit of Starbase 86 waiting for the transfer of the person, though Hyden did not have an idea of who it was he was waiting for the transfer patiently.

Looking at the cybernetic leg Captain Adriana Cruz sighed then dressed. It was still a different skin tone than her own, far more pale, and she was still having phantom pains. There had been promises that on Starbase 93 there was a specialist, but also the vague suggestion that the pain would go away naturally and that she’d learn to live with a white leg. Grabbing her small Starfleet issue duffle bag she went to the transporter bay on the station, taking a detour to look out at her ship being repaired after it’s run in with the Klingons and Romulans on their last mission. The USS Luna was being swamped with worker bees but she did not see her Chief Engineer supervising from the docks, which probably meant he was inside.

Not having the time to seek him out, she headed to the bay for transport to the USS Tianwen, and found the process quick as usual. One moment she was standing in the station and the next she was in an unfamiliar transporter room. The ship was clean and modern, advanced compared with the USS Luna. Maybe a year out of spacedock, at most.

”Captain Cruz reporting,” she said as she dismounted the transporter pad.

Hyden was surprised to see the Captain, as it was not who he had expected. He smiled “Welcome to the Tianwen I am Captain Calum Hyden, we seem to be the chariot to take you to Starbase 93. I don’t think you want to do much so if you want to go to your quarters myself or the lieutenant can escort you. I apologize for the emptiness of the ship we’re still working with a skeleton crew as we transition into the Neptune Division.”

Cruz nodded, “It’s fine, my first command was the USS Seattle, a Rhode Island-class and so it’s nice to see the new Pathfinder-class up close as it seems to be like a Rhode Island plus.”

The ship was meant to be fast, though they’d obviously not be pushing it. Slightly bigger and better armed than the USS Seattle had been (and still was) the Tianwen was likely a science officer’s dream posting. Cruz who had come up through tactical operations appreciated it more as a cool piece of hardware than all of the wondrous scientific discoveries meant to be made. 

“I wouldn’t mind you walking me, unless you want to get back to something. If you’re busy I’m sure the computer will direct me,” she said taking a step to the hallway, managing not to wince as her weight was put on her artificial leg. Cruz kept reminding herself that there was no leg there, and that the pain was all in her head.

Calum nodded “I do not have any pressing matters the crew knows to depart for Starbase 93 so I can walk with you.” He outstretched his arm to lead her down the corridor. “Not to be too bold, but what happened, Captain?”

He knew it was a bold question, but he was trying to make conversation and he felt some nervousness, which he had never felt before. 

Cruz frowned at her leg, it was either obviously synthetic or he’d seen a schematic of her when beaming her onboard and saw that it was non-organic. She supposed that was how it went, that for the rest of her life this was something she was going to have to explain to people.

”We entered the underspace, one of those portals that opened up, I’m sure you’ve gotten reports on them, and I crashed on a Romulan warbird and an animal got me,” she said, “it was either my leg or me, poison was eating away the tissue and spreading. This one is cybernetic, hopefully on Starbase 93 they can make it fit a bit better.”

Calum looked at the Captain and nodded “I was not trying to insinuate anything just curious as I had seen on the scan and well curiosity got the best of me. I can say I think its better that you lost a leg and we didn’t lose you completely.” It was a bold comment, but he had never seen anyone quite like her. 

Cruz smiled, “Well if I go, it seems like it’ll be through poisoning. I got my first command when the Captain and all the male crew members were poisoned after a first contact gone wrong.”

Reaching her temporary quarters Cruz opened the door and paused, “You know if you need a hand for anything, with an undersized crew and all, I used to be a tactical officer, I can jump in. It might be better than just sitting on my bed regretting all my life choices. And you could probably use an extra hand, Captain.”

Calum had never had such an exciting mission most of his were boring according to many standards. His science background especially led to some more mundane missions but he enjoyed them nonetheless. 

He smiled “Only if you feel up to it. I don’t want to stretch your energy especially when you are still recuperating., but I could use a tactical officer that knows her stuff, Captain. Though I hope no missions bring us the need for such activity.”

Cruz nodded, agreeing, “Hopefully not.”

Gesturing to the inside of her cabin she nodded her head, “I should probably wash up, take a rest. I’ll let you get on with it. Let me know if you need me. You know to do tactical or anything.“

She hoped that he did not mistake her words for something more than an offer to fill in for his skeleton crew. Not that she was against being misinterpreted, just that she did not want to seem to forward. She was just trying to be helpful, the man was likely married to an ageless Trill or something.

Calum started to turn after acknowledging her and stopped. It was very seldom he got the chance to be so bold, but he decided he was going to take the chance. “Could I interest you in joining me for dinner this evening?”

Considering the offer Captain Adriana Cruz nodded in acceptance, “I’d love that, actually.”

Over the course of the past few days she’d grown accustomed to the hospital food served in Starbase 86’s medical bay, and while it was meant to be standard replicator fare, a change if only to replicator food with better company and scenery was welcome. It was either that or eat alone in her quarters.

”Do you have a favorite place on the ship?” she asked, knowing from serving on a Rhode Island-class that on a small ship like this the options were either an officer’s lounge or the Captain’s Quarters.

Calum smiled at the Captain “That makes me incredibly happy! Actually I do and its new to specifically this ship alone, but that’ll be a surprise.” 

Calum was a cook and didn’t use the replicator, but that was something not many people even knew on the ship. “What’s your favorite meal, Captain?” 

“Surprise me,” Cruz said, “The ship’s replicators never really do my native Mexican cuisine that well, and I can’t imagine you have a chef onboard. I find the Italian is passable. Though maybe that’s because I don’t know what it’s meant to taste like. I like Andorian, pretty much anything but Klingon.”

Calum smiled “Perchance what is your favorite dish from Mexican cuisine?” He didn’t want her to know his plan or the fact that he was a cook.

Cruz shrugged, “My grandmother used to do a cochinita pibil that I loved. Also my brother’s mother does this pozole that is really good, though I think she hates me.”

She studied him, not quite sure what he was up to. She could not imagine him making either dish, and if he was tempted to Cruz was willing to just say ‘tacos’ and save him the work of learning something new. Replicators could do passable, if not particularly rich in flavor, tacos. 

Calum nodded “Im sure she doesn’t hate you maybe its all a misunderstanding. Anyhow meet me at this location in 3 hrs.” he handed her the directions to the observation lounge and smiled. 

He immediately went back to his quarters and got the information and ingredients needed to make her meal while it would have some replicated parts he hoped she would be surprised. He decided to fix both dishes for her. 

A long sonic shower was appropriate and then laying down on the small firm cot that took up most of the quarters. The new Pathfinder-class was nice, shimmering, glimmering metal, and everything had that new ship smell. Laying on the bed on top of the sheets she removed the artificial leg and looked at where hers once was, had been and felt as though she was moving her toes. Finally Cruz was able to sleep for the last few hours before the computer reminded her of her appointment and she donned a new uniform and the leg and headed out.

Wanting to say something nice about the ship she said, “I like this Pathfinder-class. I like ships that feel cozy, like as a captain you could know everyone and know every bit of the ship. I’m still learning things about my own and I don’t know if I’ll ever finish.”

Calum had been hard at work preparing the meal opting out of a candlelight due to the area in which the meal was he quickly sat a table up in the middle of the room allowing for the best view of space as they traveled. He was nervous but he wasn’t sure why. His stomach felt like it had butterflies. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time and honestly he never knew if he would feel this way again.

He stood there patiently waiting to see the face of this new guest a rather beautiful one if he admitted it to himself. 

Cruz was more than a bit surprised by the atmosphere which felt more intimate than she had expected. Not candlelight, but it had the feeling of a meal that might have been.  Not resistant, but she had failed to note any romantic interest from Calum, though now she had to have been blind to miss it any further. She nodded, and smiled, taking a seat at the table, “As I said, cozy. Do you visit anyone, when in starbase, a girlfriend or someone special?”

It was complicated for captains to date, away for long periods of time and the dynamics on a ship could make it tricky. Cruz had dated a few people on her ships before, but it had always fallen apart at some point. She had heard that captains dating each other sometimes worked out better, as another CO could understand the life better than a civilian.

Calum shook his head “I do not have anyone to visit my family passed a few years back and I do not have anyone special. If I did I can assure you I wouldn’t have attempted this bold move.” 

“So this is a date,” Adriana Cruz said, not displeased but glad to have at least cleared that up. It was always awkward to be talking at cross-purposes. Gesturing to her uniform she said, “I would have worn something more flattering if I’d known your interest was more than purely professional.“

Calum smiled “Not to be too bold, but how could it not be I mean look at you. Yes, I was hoping this could be a date.” He was glad it was out in the air now a bit of an awkward start, but sometimes that’s how it worked.

Cruz nodded, “Okay, it’s a date. So Calum, are you from Earth? One of the colonies, I’m sorry I didn’t read up on you via your file.”

“I am from Scotland on Earth it was where I was born and raised and is someplace I am proud to say I am from. I haven’t lived a super interesting life, though my bagpipe playing has been said to impress people.” he said as he looked over at the food that had not been mentioned yet.

Cruz did not know a lot about Scotland despite being from Earth herself. Prior to Starfleet she’d not been able to travel much and then other than a bit in London for some courses had mostly been in San Francisco and then space. 

“It’s good to be proud of where you’re from,” she said, “Scotland has the big rock that you kiss?”

Calum chuckled “No, you’re thinking of Ireland. Scotland is North of the United Kingdoms. It’s where Sir William Wallace led a revolt against the English. Or more so where the Bagpipe originates, as well as Edinburgh Castle”

”Ah,” Cruz said not knowing much about the former United Kingdom and Scotland, “I didn’t really learn that much in school. I was more into, well stealing things. Until I got caught and it was a choice between Starfleet Academy and jail. I know the Starfleet stuff but the Earth history stuff I’m missing in my education.”

”Your parents in the fleet?” she asked. 

Calum shook his head “My parents died a few years ago in a tragic shuttle accident.” He said solemnly before looking at her again “We can continue this but do you want to try this food?”

”Food would be good. Computer play Mexican instrumental music 22nd century,” Cruz said sitting back. 

Calum got up and plated the food in an almost eloquent manner making sure to have all the parts of the dishes present for Cruz. “Here you go. I hope this is good I tried my best.”

Cooking seemed to be a skill that Calum possessed and that provided him with pride. Cruz was careful picking up the food and taking a bite, not to answer too quickly and suggest that she had not tasted it. It was obviously done using fresh ingredients, something that the captain must have worked to bring onto the ship prior to her arrival. The flavors were far more authentic than replicators could manage.

”It’s good,” she said after finishing off a few bites, “I should have you teach the Luna chef a few things.”

Calum chuckled “I am glad you like it. I wanted to surprise you and not admit I do dabble in cooking. As to your chef I don’t want to share my secrets.” he laughed 

Cruz smiled, brushing a strand of hair back off of her face. She was surprised that they had not run into each other for the time they’d both been at the Academy. “Well that gives me an disculpar… ah excuse to visit again,” she said, “They say cooking is the way to a man’s heart, but keep this up and you may find the way to mine.”

She laughed, leaning back in the chair and smiling.

Calum smiled “If thats all it took all these years I had no idea. I will keep cooking for you then.” he smirked. It was refreshing to spend time with someone. 

He gestured to the ceiling “What do you think of the view?” he said as he dimmed the lights.

”It’s nice,” Cruz said looking up, “I should remember to slow down, appreciate the sights around me. Often I’m rushing from place to place, trying to discover the next new thing, or save some crew member from some horrible death that it’s maybe good to take a few moments and relax. Enjoy life, you know.”

“I don’t want you to get the idea that I’m not a challenge, that you’ve won me over so easily,” Cruz said gesturing, “It’s just you can focus so much on captaining, it’s nice to do something else once and awhile.”

They spoke some more and at the end of dinner Cruz stood and nodded, casting Calum a smile to show that she’d enjoyed the evening, whatever it might be termed. Heading into the hallway outside she paused, “I am going to go and rest, but while I know this is a glorified milk run for you, if you need some help with anything let me know. And if you have some down time, maybe relaxing on the holodeck or something might be nice?“

With that she said her goodbyes and returned to the quarters that she had been assigned onboard the USS Tianwen.


  • Cruz enjoying herself and feeling relaxed! Whatever next? I think she needs it after all the stuff she's been through. Some commanding officers don't get the chance to just switch off and be normal people. I hope she gets to have more moments like this in the future. Nicely done.

    July 7, 2024
  • Yeah, putting her on another ship, outside of command is interesting. You don’t see captain’s just hanging out much with each other on Star Trek, usually when a new Captain arrives by the end of the episode they’re in charge and adding new shifts to Riker’s annoyance.

    July 27, 2024