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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport

The Tianwen tasked with transporting an injured Captain from Starbase 86 to Starbase 93 a simple mission pulling them away from the Underspace mystery until they are pulled away to deploy probes. With an injured Captain what is going to happen?

Mission Description

Through a request the Tianwen is asked to transport a Captain to Starbase 93 due to having the needed specialist present to help the Captain after a recent injury. While on route to Starbase 93 the Tianwen has been asked to deploy probes in investigation of aperture’s. What will happen as the ship is still equipped with a skeleton crew.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

30 June 2024

A Pleasant Guest

USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport

The Tianwen had been pulled away from the Division per the orders of Fleet Captain Tomuya. The truth was the Tianwen was going to be used for a transportation mission, but because where the person needed to go was Starbase 93 and the Division was stationed at Starbase 93 within the Fourth Fleet it [...]