Part of USS Cupertino: Change It Up

A slightly different mission briefing

Captain's Office, USS Cupertino
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Saffyia led the Cupertino’s newest crew member – Silveira – past her ready room and into her office, and the first question on the Lieutenants mind was most likely why they didn’t use said ready room. Instead, the office had been rearranged from the layout that was typical, with the personal workspace removed, and chairs around the desk instead. There were beverages in the centre of it, a somewhat failed attempt on making this a friendly atmosphere. 

“Please, take a seat.”, Saffyia said, giving a somewhat tight smile. She was nervous, and it showed. 

Vitor has followed the Captain into her office. He was curious as to what rescue mission they were diving into. For a second, as the Captain offered him a seat he almost reached for one of the beverages,  but hoping to make a good first impression he smiled and sat down. 

“Thank you Captain.”

The door opened again, and a somewhat confused woman in gold-collared uniform stepped inside. “Lieutenant Keller.”, said the Captain and inclined her head. “This is Lieutenant Silveira, he has just transferred to the Cupertino and will be joining the tactical devision.”

Keller, who appeared to be human and in her forties, gave a nod. “Pleasure, Mister Silveira.” 

Vitor stood up and smiled at the newcomer, nodding to her.

“The pleasure is mine Lieutenant Keller.”

He took a side step and looked at the Captain. 

“With the Captain’s permission I believe you can join us.”

Nassar gave a nod, and Keller took her seat. Arriving after the woman was a male science officer who was introduced as the Cupertino’s CSO Lieutenant Pereira, accompanied by the Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Nichelle Trova. 

“I think we are only missing one more person, and then we can start.”, Saffiya said, more to herself than anyone in particular. Glances were exchanged, either questioning who was to come, or why they were holding their briefing in such an odd setting. 

Vitor was surprised by the arrival of of the other officers, he smiled and nodded politely at each of them. Apparently the Captain was quite right in stating that his arrival was timely. However he wasn’t expecting to be jumping into a briefing this soon.

And then the doors parted and a short woman in a new-looking, red-collared uniform stepped inside. “This is Lieutenant Morishita, acting First Officer.”, introduced Nassar, and most of the crew gave a simple nod of acknowledgement.

Hina still didn’t like the position she had been thrust into, red certainly wasn’t her perferred colour, but she nodded to the rest of the assembled crew as the Captain introduced her. She moved to a seat.

“Hello.” she commented, sitting.

Vitor nodded and smiled. “Hello Lieutenant.” He then took a seat and waited.

Saffiya took a deep breath, then decided to get the elephant out of the room and approach the matter proactively, rather than waiting for someone to ask. “I have decided to make the Lieutenant acting FO because, frankly, I need you all in your corresponding departments, and not stuck at a desk trying to sort through mountains of bureaucracy.”

Which seemed to pacify most of them.

No instead she wanted her closes friend stuck at that desk trying to sort through mountains of bureaucracy. What a wonderful friend Saffiya was.

“I dont intend to overstay my welcome…” she said, looking over at Saffiya for a moment before returning her attention back to those at the table.

Vitor smiled at the Lieutenant and leaned back on his seat. “Still welcome and congratulations are in order, Lieutenant.”

“I’ve had a few days to spend on the ship… its a great ship from what Ive seen.” she said. Which wasnt a lie. There were some niggly things she wanted to fix, like the alignment of the engines, to make the hum a little more pleasant, but everything else really seemed to be running well.

Saffiya nodded in agreement. 

Being the lower ranked officer in the briefing Vitor couldn’t help but shrug raising slightly his hand.

“I have to say I literally just arrived, but whatever you and the Captain need me to do, I am at your full service.”

Hina nodded, looking over to the Captain, waiting for her to get to the reason why she had called everyone in. Who, in turn, gave a slight nod. “I’ve called you here because I am concerned.”, she started. “I tried to get in touch with Captain Jurev, but it seems he has never actually made it home as he had indicated in his request to retire. In addition, I can’t get a hold of Lieutenant Commander Löwe, who left with him but was due to return today.”

Glances were exchanged between the crew, and Saffiya exhaled. At least they didn’t call her crazy right away. 

Vitor had no idea who the Captain was talking about.

The Captain continued: “With the last know location, I am worried that something might have happened, and that they were unable to call for help when needed. I know both have served on this ship alongside you for quite some time, and I was wondering if either of you has heard anything from them, and if perhaps my worries are unfounded.” 

Keller spoke up. “I have not heard anything, no.” 

Vitor straighten himself in the seat.

“What was their last location? And are we aware of their destination?”

Saffiya gave a nod. “Captain Jurev wanted to return home. We…”, she nodded at Hina. “Ran scans looking for the signature of the shuttle they took.” She waited for her friend to explain the rest.

“However those scans came up inconclusive… almost like the shuttle disappeared.” Hina finished, brining up the results of the scans.

Vitor raised an eyebrow. “How were they getting there?”

“Through an otherwise normal region of space. Nothing out of the ordinary. Should have been an easy trip.”

“Is there any other ship close by?”

“None that we know of. I might be overly worried, as I said, but I am rather too cautious than not cautious enough. We will set course for the shuttle’s last known location, and prepare teams for a search and rescue effort.”

The crew nodded – a grim nod of determination that let Saffiya know that she was right. Something was up, and her crew had already know. Now it was about winning their trust.