Part of Starbase 415: The Daily Life

Welcome back, Friend

July 2401
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In his office, Maxwell sat there in his chair as he swiped through reports after reports. It had been a couple of months since they had rescued the Tholian Ambassador and as far as they are aware, the Tholians do not seek war. So far, at least. He had taken the station’s former Captain, Gerald Hunt, plan into action. Both Hazard teams had undergone intensive training, training that prepared them for harsh environments at an extended length of time. To boil it down, both team alpha and bravo were on a barely habitable, barely breathable ice planet, well within Federation space but on the edge of the border with the Tholians. They had the necessary shelter and supplies to conduct their mission, which officially, is merely a scientific one. This planet had very unique giant ice worms that bore through the planet but strangely enough, they excrete slush like material that essentially restores the path they had taken. Basically, there were no sinkholes or cave ins of the sort. So while they conducted their research, unofficially, they were passively watching the Tholian border.

Well. Their month long mission had come to end about a few days ago and were on their way back to the starbase with one of the runabouts, the Hammar Lacus, and will be given a week of shore leave to rest. From the report they had sent while en route, is the reason Maxwell believed that the Tholians do not seek war for what has happened to the Ambassador. Of course, he pretty much figured that since the Tholian Ambassador had indeed returned to the station a day ago. But, Maxwell had to be certain. Any buildup of starships is usually a sign, a sign to be cautious about, one he would report to Fourth Fleet Command immediately. But since there was no such build up, just standard border patrol on Tholians side, then there was no worry at all.

Maxwell slowly rose up from his seat and began to stretch with a groan of relief. He had been in that chair since five o clock this morning. Barely slept at all. One would think that the concern of a Tholian attack would be the reason for his lack of sleep but it was not. He was certain that it was not going to happen. Having a stack of evidence proving that it won’t happen just felt more reassuring. No. Something else had him toss and turn in his bed when he had attempted to sleep last night. He was even tempted to go to sickbay and ask the night doctor to give him something to help him sleep but then he told himself to not act like a silly weak old man. He wasn’t that old. Although he sure felt like it. Nevertheless, he has survived sleepless nights before. Some through training. Some accidental. Some intentional for various reasons.

He had begun to make his way to the replicator for something strong, perhaps the strongest that he can find. On his way, he heard the chime come from the door. Someone had seek entrance to his office. Best he let them in but…he decided to make them wait. Patience was virtue, after all and he was thirsty. “Computer. Strongest coffee you can make that the human body is allowed to have in a single day.”

‘It is advisable to only take the quantity of caffeine in small amounts throughout the day. Per regulations, I am not authorized to give you a daily dose in one request.` Said the computerized voice emanating from the replicator. The door chime rang again.

Maxwell sighed as he could not believe he was being denied by a computer. Certainly he could authorize it. “Upon my authorization,” He spoke his command code and then a denied tone came from the replicator.

‘Unable to comply. This would be a health violation and such violation would need the authorization of Chief Medical.’ Replied the voice from the replicator. Again the door chimed.

Maxwell rolled his eyes. “Lord, I must be tired if I am to be arguing with a replicator. Let alone requesting for something I know would be insane to drink. Fine. Give me the strongest coffee you are allowed to give me at this time.” Then an ‘acknowledged’ tone came from the replicator and Maxwell watched as a cup on top of a saucer was replicated. The door chimed once again, and a second time in succession. They had become impatient.

Maxwell took the cup in one hand and the saucer in the other. It was a small cup and as he brought it to his nose to do a sniff test, the smell was intense. Espresso. Likely a double shot, if not a triple. “Come.” He had finally given the permission for both the individual and the computer, computer that would open the door for the individual so that they may enter without any further delay.

Maxwell turned towards the door as he brought the cup to his lips and took a sip. The taste was very tart and very strong. It was definitely a triple. He watched as Commander Ward approached him.

“Did I wake you, Captain?” Ward asked.

He shook his head as he made his way back to his desk, only to stand before it and lean back against it. He finished off the small amount of liquid that was left in the cup before he placed the saucer down on top of the desk with the cup on top of the saucer. “Not at all, Commander. I was simply trying to enjoy my coffee in peace.” He smirked.

Ward rolled her eyes. “I hoped it was good, sure don’t seem a whole lot with the size of that cup.”

Maxwell chuckled. “It is not the size that matters, it is what it provides that does.”

“Ri-i-ight. Anyway. An encoded message was received. Apparently your eyes only.”

Maxwell gleamed as he knew exactly what it is that she referred to. He quickly made his way around his desk and leaned over it as he brought the message up onto the holo display. He entered his authorization code and the message was then unscrambled. It was two simple words.

“’We’re Here.’? That all it says? What is so important in that that it had to be encoded?” Ward asked as she was able to read it from the opposite side of the desk, as the holo display was obviously transparent and two simple words in reverse to her eyes were as it were, simple to read.

Maxwell chuckled again as he typed a message and sent it right away. Then he stood up straight and began to head for the door while he ushered her to follow. “Oh it is quite important. You remember that the Gemini had to be sent back, correct?” He looked over his shoulder and saw that she was right behind him as they stepped onto Ops.

“She was sent back because she needed to be retrofitted for diplomatic missions. That’s what you said. That is what you said.” Ward told him, loud enough that it got everyone’s attention.

He was fine with that, as he had intended to do the very same. He looked around and saw a few familiar faces. Not all senior staff were in Ops but that was fine. He saw Bates, Rowe and Tagg and that was fine, as he is certain Beck and the others will find out very soon. “I want a view of the fourth planet big and large for everyone to see, just slightly above us please.” He ordered and he saw from the corner of his eye that Rowe worked to implement his request while he stared at the open space where the display would go.

Soon, a holo display appeared, a rather large one at that, and they could see the fourth planet of the Nereus system. Although, he may had been a little vague on his request because the display showed the whole planet from one side. But someone had keen eyes, as Maxwell heard Tagg speak out.

“There’s something coming. Right there!” Tagg pointed and from the corner of Maxwell’s eyes, he saw Rowe began to work to enlarge the object. They all watched as the object was magnified not once, not twice, but three times so that they got an entire display screen full of the object.

“No. Fragging way.” The outburst came from Zane Bates as he clapped his hands together, hard and loud. “Are you serious?!”

Maxwell had a smile on his face since he read the message, but Zane’s outburst had made that smile grow until the smile reached ear to ear. Metaphorically.

Yes!! I get to fly her again!” Tagg shouted, which made Maxwell turn his head to look at him, just in time to catch the Ferengi fist pump. “Uh. Sorry, sir.”

Maxwell then laughed as he turned his gaze back to the object. It was no ordinary object, that’s for sure.

“How did you do it?” Ward had asked.

Maxwell could not help but laugh again. “I didn’t. Not necessarily, anyway. Command knew the importance of our diplomatic relations with the Talarians and, most importantly, the Tholians. They knew, that even though this station provides ample resources for diplomats, and that we had the beautiful New Atlantic runabouts, they knew it was simply not enough. So. The Gemini was merely temporary. At the time, Command needed to know that this station was not compromised or lost, so I was given the Gemini to get here fast. But in truth. She was going to be here, all along.” He explained as he pointed at the ship, his ship, the Sovereign. He continued, “She was not available at the time when Command needed me to investigate the station, as she was still undergoing a major refit. While they removed that damned formation thing out of her systems, they also made sure that she had the latest tech that they could slap onto her. Not only that, they completely retrofitted deck four to a proper diplomatic wing. While we are capable of adjusting the environment on the entire ship, deck four has been specially modified to handle Tholians. Unfortunately, this means that the Junior Officer lounge on deck four is now strictly for diplomats, and if we have Tholians on board, we will have to wear our EV suits. This gives the Tholians a chance to roam freely of their own, in an environment suited to them. Starfleet is doing everything they can to make it so that the Tholians feel more at home, and what better way to do it, than to do it on the most significant workhorse class of the fleet? Better yet, thee class of the fleet. The Sovereign itself!”

“I cannot wait to inspect those environmental controls,” said Rowe, which led to Maxwell to turn his gaze to her.

“I’ve read the file from your former Captain, don’t go tinkering around without permission. Alright?” He smirked, as his intentions was to tease but he knew that would boil her blood a little, as he could already see a tint of red on her cheeks while she turned her gaze away from him, back to the display. Very much where Maxwell’s own gaze would return to.

“So how much of a change in roster will there be?” Ward asked.

Maxwell answered that question with one simple command. “Hail the Sovereign.” And then the display was replaced with the face of Commander Arthur Graves, who had been the First Officer of the Sovereign earlier when Maxwell was in command. And still is. “Nice to see you again, Commander. I how’s the girl treating you?” He saw a slight grin on Graves’ face.

“Command had someone take the Sovereign out on a bit of a maiden voyage to ensure the upgrades were working appropriately. When she was returned to Avalon Fleet Yards, there were some tweaks here and there, from what Commander Walker told me.”

That made Maxwell smile again. “Walker worked on the Sovereign?” He saw the nod that Graves made.

“Indeed he did. Him and his team, of course. They were nearly wrapped up in repairing the fleet when, apparently, the urgency of getting the Sovereign back underway was given.”

“Well so far, no one’s starting throwing rocks yet.” Poor metaphor for a sense of humor in regards to what everyone on the station had thought would happen. But Maxwell said it and now he will have to live with it. “It is unfortunate that we could not get over to where all the crazy Maquis was going on. I for one cannot believe that they are back, but another part of me figured they would return. With all the crap that’s been happening.”

“You think that we will need to deploy the Sovereign more so than you believed?”

Maxwell nodded his head. “I do.” He then turned to look at Ward. “You will remain First Officer of the station, in fact you will most likely take temporary command more often than you think. I will be on the Sovereign most of the time and I may need some of our very best to join as well.”

Ward shook her head with a smirk on her face. “I figured as much, just as long as you don’t keep them away for too long. The station still needs them, as much as you, Captain.”

Maxwell chuckled. “Oh of course! Sovereign will be docked here, or floating around near by, to give room to transports of course. But when Command calls, or if one of our neighbors calls, we’ll come answering with the Sovereign.” Maxwell then turned to look back at Graves on the display. “Bring her home, Commander. And everyone on board are welcome to explore the establishments on the station! I don’t think we will be needing her that soon.”

“Understood, Captain. Sovereign out.”

The display returned to the view of the Sovereign approaching the station, and all Maxwell could do was stare and smile. “Welcome back, Friend.”