Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Misjudgment and Murder (Indigo#15)

Indigo Station
Stardate 78196.18
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In preparation for the arrival of the representatives. The small group had dispersed somewhat, the station commander remained behind his desk, the ship commander also but standing to the right hand side.  In a right corner, level with the commander’s desk, Captain Morr stood shoulder to shoulder with Baccshi, on the immediate left of the Makeabish representative, a member of the Rubidoux security on the opposite shoulder, for a bit of reassurance. UFP ambassador Merrova stood forward of the commander’s desk on the left hand side facing the entrance, ready to greet the two parties of the two species representatives.

Captain Morr surveyed the room, the pair behind the desk were clearly unsure of how this sudden reveal was going to play out. The Makeabish to his immediate left seemed confident in their positioning and seemed eager for this to happen. The ambassador was an altogether different proposition; there seemed to be a shift in his stance since he’d been forced to spend time with Eviea, his daughter and Vilgi’s first officer. Whatever had gone had had an effect on them both, but at this moment was too soon to tell if this would be a positive or a negative, going into a negotiation with that was not ideal, but then all negotiations were a patchwork of unknowns.

Two side entrances opened up and in stalked two delegations, both in a trio. The fact that both cultures had a value for the trio was perhaps a point in their favor, also Vilgi was beginning to consider that perhaps the meaning went deeper, perhaps the Makeabish were the missing piece for these peoples. The Dari came from the left. The Kerakec from the right. The Ajunkct headed each party, both recognisable from the reception that seemed so long ago now. In each party one of the aides was more cultural or administrative, carrying a tablet-style device in the right hand. The other was clearly military with a rifle slung obviously over one shoulder, a lingering mutual distrust and mutual force display.

The Dari Ajunckt addressed the station commander directly. “The irregularity of this summoning is immense. I demand a reason be forthcoming.” His manner and tone showed a great amount of frustration at having to attend.

The Kerakec Ajunckt on the other hand had other concerns. “What is that doing here?” Extending a pointed finger at the Makeabish.

“If you would allow me. I will address both points.” Ambassador Sethren Merrova began, standing almost suicidally out in the open. There was a split second when Vilgi Morr felt the need to prepare for the worst, the manner of the entrance, the tone and bluntness of the comments that followed, all spoke to an unfriendly room. He gestured to the security ensign, who put a hand to his phaser discreetly.

“I will take care of that for you Ajunckt.” Othcel stated, having stepped to the corner of the station commanders desk. From a concealed position he drew a weapon and aimed at the Makeabish, Vigil had a moment of disquiet at having misjudging the officer so badly. This was cut short by a phaser bast from the security ensign. “Draw!” He called, reaching for his own type one, trusting that Baccshi would do the same, he dropped to a crouch. Eyes darting to the ambassador still exposed in the middle of the room.

Two more shots rang out. Another moment and the Ambassador was still standing, but his gaze  turned to the Makeabish, the surprised look was the first thing he saw, then the two blast marks, one to the shoulder, one to the chest. He fell backwards.

“At arms.” The Kerakec Ajunkt barked, grabbing Vilgis’ attention.

Both he and the Dari counterpart took a calm, measured step backwards. Their military escorts stepped up weapons at the hip. Two beams lanced out striking the Station Commander and the fallen Ship Commander. The look of surprise was unmistakable. The impact points began to burn, the cascade effect took over, soon all that remained were a burn mark on the desk and the carpet.

From his side the security ensign moved quickly, instinctive. two paces and leap onto the desk. Then a lunge at Ambassador Merrova, a tackle to the ground. landing in a crouch with his body over the ambassador’s, phaser trained on the nearest soldier.

“Hold.” Came the command from the Kerakec. Both soldiers pointed their weapons to the dealing and paced backwards. A glance at the faces revealed a stony look, a stark contrast to the murder just committed.

“You may stand. We will take no further military action.” Added the Dari Ajunkt, the joint part of the events that had transpired now becoming evident.

Vilgi stood motioning for the security to follow his lead.  A quick glance around, frayed nerves, perhaps a bruise on the ambassador. Glanching to Baccshi who crouched over the fallen Makeabish passing a tricorder over. A shaken head was all the notice he needed.

“I demand an explanation for this atrocity!” Vilgi began, his face cold and neutral, but got no further.

“You no longer have the agency to demand. We no longer need Federation involvement in our affairs.” The Dari stated bluntly, the lip curled as he continued “Your curiosity. Your compassion. Weaken your resolve to the point it is ineffective.” He sneered as the Ambassador stood, with the security officer taking a step across him.

“The power of the Raptor is something we will be embracing going forward.” Added the Kerakec representative, with a voice that oozed haughtiness and sense of superiority.

“The Free State is anything but, an illusion of words at best.” Ambassador Merrova warned perhaps a last ditch attempt to make them see sense or perhaps was resigned to an outcome and was just letting them know the door could still be open, it was unclear at this point.

“Please ambassador, nothing so antiquated, nothing so restrictive.” The voice of the Kerakec was ladened with malic and scorn.

Vilgi was now sure that their welcome was all but worn out, and given the losses already suffered, prudence required a withdraw. The gamble was needed, but now it was lost it was time to leave with dignity.

“Starfleet condemns the actions you have taken. We advise against your subsequent alliance.” The Bolian took a stand, if the ambassador thought it an overstep so be it. Despite a turbulent mix of feelings from shock to anger, to frustration, and regret, the resolve to see good come of events enabled him to push himself to act with purpose. No one else would die needlessly.

“We will withdraw and expect to do so unmolested.” Vilgi stated calmly. Around him the officers of his away team began readying themselves for a transporter beam. The Dari and Kerack parties stood, the soldiers impassive, the aides attentive to their Ajunkt’s, the Ajunkt’s themselves an air of pride and overconfidence.

“Morr to Merrova. Six for return transport. Beam us to Sickbay. I’ll explain once we’re aboard.”

“Acknowledged. Stand by.” The concern she felt translating very well across the line.

“Lieutenant Baird is aware and ready. Energizing.” The second notification came a half minute later. After a pause all five were consumed by a curtain of energetic particles, a few seconds later they were no longer in the room.

On board the Rubidoux, Baccshi found himself whole again, in the open space in the main sickbay area. It only now occurred to him why Sickbays were designed with open areas, for this eventuality. Lieutenant Baird stood before them, medkit in hand, a nursing officer off to one side, and further away a pair of medical technicians. A demonstration of protocol being followed to the letter.

“Who’s hurt? Why is the Makeabish only partially materialized?” The first question was standard, the doctor probably asked out of habit. The second question caused Baccshi to look down and across. The seldom seen sight of a looping transporter beam filled the space where the corpse of the newly befriended Makeabish should have been.

Baccshi to Bridge,  Gartholth our Makeabish charge is yet to fully appear. What’s the problem with the transporter?” The scientist quested quickly, throwing a glance to his Captain who merely gave a nod of accent. Referring to Gartholth as being present was a defensive reaction, a little bit of denial that recent events had come to pass, to be truthful part of him was hoping the act of being  transported would show it up as unreal, a fabrication, perhaps a clever trick by his resourceful captain.

“There’s a different element in the makeup of the Makeabish that is interacting with the SIF and bouncing the transporter beam, like an inhibitor. I can lower the strength of the integrity field and log in auxiliary power to the transporter systems.” Wren’s voice came through clearly, if she had questions, they were being kept to a minimum. Her focus as expected was the immediate problem and troubleshooting a solution.

A low mournful tone came through Baccshi’s comm line, and by the reaction and glance he received his captain Morr’s also. Flipping his tricorder open, the last action was a translation, so that is the function it activated first. After a few moments, a translation of the tone came across the screen. Two words. ‘Request Release.’

“He might want to go. To be at peace. I think we owe him that, sir.” Baccshi interpreted softly, a little quiver in his voice.

“We owe him to pull all the stops out to keep him alive.” Morr stated, his voice hard, his face screwed up with frustration and threatening to tip over to rage. Rather than giving in though Baccshi stood by the interpretation, and his understanding of it, knowing this would put him in direct opposition to his captain.

“Sir, I respectfully disagree, he is already lost to us. Honoring his dying wishes is all we can do right now.” Baccshi responded, his voice clear and undeterred, but respectful and full of kindness. After a life spent hiding and fearing what others might have in mind for him, Baccshi truly felt that continuing to have moments of self-determination was important. His captain on the other hand seemed consumed by the idea of saving the Makeabish, maybe as a positive to come from events on the station or perhaps it was something deeper.

“Commander, I thought better of you. It’s bad enough he was gunned down in cold blood on the verge of a peace. Now you want to give up.” Vilgi barked at the science chief, for the first time he’d been aboard the Roo , Baccshi saw the side of a commander few wanted to see. The side that was reserved for those who had disappointed or violated a code of conduct. All this did however was further entrench Baccshi, he was about to affirm his position at considerable risk, considering the level of authority a Captain possessed, when an ally spoke up.

“Captain, he wants out. That might be because of pain. Because of hopelessness. Because of some effect of their physiology we have no grasp of. But I keep coming back too. ‘First do no harm.” Lieutenant Baird stated calmly, yet forcefully. Punctuating the words of the oath with a pause. “I can’t state for sure that the active beam is not causing pain. My recommendation as ranking medical officer is to discontinue the transport. Sir” The medic stated, sincerely and with heavy does of understanding.

Faced with a pair of officers telling him the same thing, Baccshi watched as the captain’s gaze flicked from one to the other and back, repeating this pattern several times. Then his face softened, he looked off into the middle distance, then settled on Baccshi.

“You’d better be right, Commander..” The Captain warned.

“Bridge to Sickbay. We’re still not getting through, I’m going to shunt more power from the core.” Merrova called down, still working the problem. 

“Morr to Bridge. Cease transporter operations. Let him go.” All the Captain had  to say. A few moments later the beam faded from the ship, the Makeabish was gone, now it felt real, now he wanted to weep for the being who hoped for the best and was unjustly rewarded.

A sweet and peaceful tone sounded through his comm. Bringin the device up there were simple words displayed, but powerful enough to soften the blow. ‘My Thanks. Will Remember.’ 

  • Morr

    Commanding Officer

  • Ishaan

    Chief Science Officer