Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Dots connected, Plans made (Indigo#14)

Stardate 78196.18
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Pacing along the corridor towards the guest quarters. Vilgi considered how to approach the next commander. Appeal to his honor. Appeal to his sense of duty. Lay out his crew’s discovery and gauge the reaction.

A pair of security officers flanked the doorway, both straightened up on catching sight of their captain, gesturing toward one then the other. “Open up, stay outside. You’ll come in with me.”

Vilgi stepped inside and was confronted by his opposite standing from the lounge chair, feet set apart, hand behind back, chest out, looking straight at him, but in a respectful rather than challenging manner.

“Captain Vilgi Morr, you do me the honor of quarters rather than a cell, and a personal visit. If I may impose I wish to know your intentions?” His opening came across respectful, yet straight to the point. It also had the benefit of allowing Vilgi to cut straight to option three.

“Primus-Navucs Odwurd. You stood down rather than escalating a situation. I have the utmost respect for that.” Vilgi returned the directness with a compliment; his own past experiences had taught him the value of questioning instructions and orders that didn’t make sense. Seeing that in another commander made him want to trust him, electing to take a leap of faith in view of the commander’s attitude. “My intentions are to confront the representatives aboard the station. We have a member of the Makeabish species aboard ship, recovered along with the capsule and artifact. I would like you to meet them and based on your reactions I will decide whether you will be a part of the landing party. Do you agree to these terms?”

“I agree. I look forward to both meetings.” Odwurd responded with a slight bow of the head which came across as genuine enough.

“In that case follow me.” Vilgi stated, turning and making for the door, making a follow gesture to the security officers as he passed.

Coming to a halt outside one of the entrances to primary sickbay, the Bolian Captain directed the security officers to split and place themselves, one on each door. “Now the Makeabish communicate through signing for the most part. Pleased to meet you, goes something like this.” Vilgi went on to demonstrate and did so three times, with the commander mimicking after the third, reasonably satisfied with the effort put forth. He asked directly. “Are you ready, Primus-Navucs?”

“I believe I am Captain. Lead on.” Came the response and a gesture to the doorway.

Sat cross legged on a bio bed the Makeabish named Garollth, signed to ask where they were heading. Isshan was responding when the far door opened.

The Makeabish stopped responding first, his attention caught not so much by the Bolian, but by the Kerack officer striding towards them. He shrunk backwards, head lowering bringing the wide domed top into view, the purpose and efficacy of this camouflage or defensive measure becoming clear. Baird placed a hand on the shoulder, softly, for reassurance. Ishaan quickly signed “Safe area, no harm, we will ensure” and respected it for emphasis and reassurance.

“Lets take this easy and slow.” Vilgi advised, having noted the reactions their appearance and approach had prompted, and moved an arm across the Kerack commanders path. Both officers slowed their pace considerably allowing Garolith to at least lift their head again, coming to a halt a foot from the trio on and around the bio bed.

“You are up, Primus Nacus. If you are willing.” Vilgi stated, shooting a look to the Kerack, a gesture towards the Makeabish, and taking a pace backwards. Having done as much to lessen adverse actions and reactions, now was the time to allow space for true attitudes and intentions to show themselves.

What followed was a slightly clumsy but genuines effort by Primus Nacus Odwurd to sign and connect with the Garollth. “Come from peace. Wish give help. Want friend bond.”

The response came back, it was tentative but also genuine. “Want peace. Want bond. What you Labeled?”

Garollth was noticeably more fluid, as one would expect, but Vilgi felt was deliberately slowing down his signs, a sure indication of him wanting to believe and wanting to give Odwurd an opportunity, and that he wanted a new chapter.

“What did it ask? Something about me, my name perhaps?”Odwurd asked quickly throwing a glance back to the Makeabish.

“It was indeed. To respond, copy the last two gestures he made, then add O to a D, followed by U to R to D.” Bacshi jumped in following a quick indication for Vilgi, he made a habit of leaning on those with more knowledge or experience in areas he lacked, which gave them agency to perform to the best they could and gave the best chance of a goo outcome to a given situation.

Odwurd copied the sigh, directing it towards Garollth, the response was heartening, something Vilgi hoped would be the start of a connection that would form a solid base for bringing the two species and the Dari together.

The positive developments kept on coming, while the Kerack and the Makeabish began a dialogue of sorts, some positive news came from the bridge.

“Bridge to Sickbay, the damping field frequency has been matched, sir, I have commander Merrova for you” Racshaw’s report was brief and to the point as was to be expected. There was a moment of silence, and an unusual  click before a familiar voice came through.

“Merrova to Morr, is this thing on?” The unmistakable and slightly playful tone of the Executive Officer filtered though, with a little distortion.

”Coming through loud and clear, commander, how are you and the ambassador fairing?” Straight into information gathering given the uncertainty of the stability of the comm line.

“Still confined physically, but managing to access the computer network, external sensors have gone dark, but the alert level is up, tracking with the orders the station master has, Racshaw mentioned a breakthrough.” Came her report, straightforward business like, but with a calm that seemed to define her response to the unexpected.

“Indeed we have, a ship captain who wants answers, and a so far cordial meeting between the Makeabish and said Keracek Primus Nacus, I have a plan that is on the bold side.” Vilgi informed her of a new development, the fact he had a plan to capitalize on their gains, he hoped it would not be.

“My kind of plan, what details sir?” Merrova wanted information, and her playful note was back in her voice, always a sign she was ready to go.

“Transport directly into the rep area, confront them with the truth, convince them that working with the Makeabish is the only way forward. Ambassador, we will need your help in convincing them, is that something we can count on?” Vilgi outlined the bones of a plan, leaving plenty of scope for both improvisation and for specialists to operate in while being supported. He made a direct appeal to Ambasador Merrova, aware his role would be a key one. There was a pause.

“What confidence do you have in this, commander-daughter?” The comm only just picked up the whispered question, perhaps an understandable one by the ambassador.

“Of success, fifty-fifty. Of it being the right course hundred percent. To give it the best chance we need you, ambassador-father.” Eviea appealed, just above a whisper, a deliberate choice to show her confidence and her process to those who might be listening.    

“You have my assurance I will do all I can, Captain.” The ambassador stated, after a pause and with a fair amount of tension in his voice, perhaps he was used to having more control over situations, or perhaps it was something else entirely.

The next development came hard on the heels of the impromptu strategy conversation, a report from the bridge would launch all concerned into the next series of events.

“Bridge to Sickbay, Captain we have arrived back in the Indigo Stations control zone. The Station commander has already hailed us and is unhappy with our flippant disregard for established protocol and violation of boundaries, and he, quote. Demands you transport to the station to discuss in person. End quote.” The ship’s second officer seemed to take great delight and a hint of mirth at relaying the reaction and statements of the Commander in question to her Captain.

“Sounds like an open invite to me. Wren inform them, we will be over shortly. Prep for shield rotation to allow for transporter activity. Have Racshaw forward coordinates for the ambassador and commander to Transporter Room Two, have them perform a site to site. Have Transporter Room One lock on too Myself, Commander Baccshi, both security officers, Primus Navcus Odwurd, and Garollth who’s just become the Makeabish Ambasador . Once transport cycles have completed, keep shields raised unless you hear from myself or Commander Merrova.”  

  • Morr

    Commanding Officer

  • Ishaan

    Chief Science Officer