Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Structural Integrity

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With Doctor Brennan off to the Valkyrie, Eshrevi found herself trying to figure out how best to help. She could see injured people and those desperately trying to help them, and she had to distance herself from the turmoil around her and draw in a calming breath. 

She approached one of the locals who looked like they were in charge. “Where can I help?”, she stated simply and calmly, stopping the man in his tracks. Perhaps he hadn’t expected a Starfleet Officer to ask him for orders rather than ordering him around, or perhaps he had simply never seen an Andorian before.

“Our biggest concern is what remains of the building.”, he spoke after a moment of hesitation. Eshrevi glanced at the ruins, her sensitive antennae picking up the groaning of strained metal. “There are people still stuck inside, and we don’t know how long it will hold.” 

“I see.”, Eshrevi stated, once again far too calmly, and turned around, tapping her badge. 

“Sh’shiqil to Kazansky and Dawson.”

Freya has been on the ship just monitoring the situation as that was the best place for her at the time. She had not been told any different so she was doing her best. She heard the call and responded “ Dawson here what do you need Lieutenant?”

Response: Kazansky 

“I need help down here, if you are available?” 

Freya could hear the distress in her voice. “I will beam down momentarily.” The crew had just had a shift change and she was due to take a break, but emergencies changed all that. She made her way to the transporter and beamed down to the surface. She looked to see the Lieutenant ahead of her. She approached waiting to see when Kazansky would arrive.

Eshrevi waited, in her opinion patiently, but was visibly glad when Dawson arrived. “Thank you for coming.”, she said, offering a slight nod of appreciation. “I am not sure when Kazansky will arrive, so I think it is best if we get to work.”

Freya nodded “What do you need? Sorry, it took so long I was about to finish my shift when I got you call.”

With a wave of her hand, she motioned for Dawson to follow her through the crowed of helpers and injured. 

“I think Doctor Brennan is trying to get this coordinated.”, the Andorian remarked because she didn’t have anything better to say. “So hopefully we can increase efficiency.” In her head, she added ‘from zero to maybe five. These people really don’t seem to want to work with us.’ 

Freya didn’t know much medical wise, but she knew help was needed and she would lend a hand where she could. “It seems like we’re doing the best we can with what we have. At least from all that I have observed that seems to be the case. I will be honest I am not super skilled with medical task, but I will help where I can.”

Eshrevi led the way toward the remaining structure that had previously been pointed out to her. It had once been  a large, multi-story building. A bustling hub of activity, judging by its size and the remnants of signage indicating various businesses and offices. Now, it was a shadow of its former self, with significant portions of the building reduced to rubble. Smoke rose from several sections, and the acrid smell of burnt materials lingered in the air.

The explosion had torn through the center of the building, leaving a gaping hole that exposed the skeletal framework. Twisted metal beams jutted out precariously, and chunks of concrete dangled from exposed rebar. Several floors had collapsed partially, creating a precarious and unstable environment. Debris was scattered everywhere, with large slabs of concrete, shattered glass, and remnants of furniture and office equipment strewn about.

Eshrevi’s antennae twitched as she sensed the stress in the strained metal and heard the faint cries of those still trapped. “We need to stabilize this section before we can proceed further,” she stated calmly. “Do you have any expertise that could help us reinforce this area? We need to make it safe enough to get those people out.”

Freya looked around the truth was there was little to no materials she could use to reinforce the area, but then her mind raced to her duty. It didn’t matter what happened to her as long as the people were out of the building. Freya was strong and could get people out, but the fact was it could also be the end of her life. She weighed the good and the bad and sprinted into the structure. 

As she entered her vision was blurred by dust and the smell pierced her nostrils. She pushed it out of her mind and started looking for survivors. She turned on the light on her wrist and could see many people did not make it out nor did it seem many survived, but she heard cries from above. She looked at the stairs and grimaced ‘Well here goes nothing.’‘ She thought as she sprinted up the stairs trying to forget the dangers of the structure. 

“Stop!”, Eshrevi warned, but her warning fell on deaf ears as Freya left to help whoever she had spotted. Oh she would absolutely complain to whoever was the head of the woman’s department – as a former soldier, she did absolutely not appreciate the idea of asking someone for help, only to have them get themselves killed. 

Freya got to the top to see a mother and child in a room with tears in their eyes. She walked in “Let’s get you out of here.” She said grabbing the baby gently and putting the mother over her shoulder. She slowly walked down the stairs and was able to let the two go before she heard the groan of the building. She shouted “Run” And pushed the two near the exit in the nick of time before the building fell her underneath of it. She felt a sharp pain in her leg before she passed out. 

Eshrevi’s eyes widened in a very un-Andorian response to what happened. “We need help!”, she yelled, unsure if anyone could hear her over the sound of straining metal and falling rubble.