Part of USS Pioneer: Neolithic Auctions

Have you noticed it’s getting warmer? (Pt. 3)

Valkoran Base - Northern Romulan Border
Late 2401
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Previously on USS Pioneer

Our team have infiltrated Valkoran Base under the guise of smugglers to investigate intelligence suggesting that a sample of the Neo-Phage the team previously encountered on Zercan 2 (a virus that regresses intelligent beings to vicious primordial versions of themselves) is up for sale to the highest bidder. On their arrival they find the auction about to begin and after sneaking in to surreptitiously watch, they are revealed as Starfleet officers and now subjects of station administrator Grittles demonstration of the weaponised virus. The team attempt to stop the release of the gas but and the station is filled with the virus, and after unsuccessful attempts to replicate the antidote in the medical bay, they find themselves alone, fixed under the gaze of a dozen watchful eyes. 

Part 1 – What’s the next step?

We rejoined our team in the med bay, where Charlie’s symptoms as a twice infected person are beginning to settle. This has left the team with only a single dosage of the control protein they have adapted into an antidote. After some discussion several objectives are identified; 

  1. Replicate additional doses of the ‘antidote’. Whilst access to general replicator systems has been locked out, Charlie believes he could override the lock out at the main replicator control systems. 
  2. Disperse the antidote across the station, either in gaseous form similar to the virus vector or through another means. (Daniel/Darren also offers an alternative in the use of cycling transporters similar to those used by Dr. Crusher following the Frontier Day incident.) 
  3. Seize control of, or otherwise neutralise the base as a threat to allow exfiltration either via Pioneer or the Little Penny.
  4. If possible, disable Grittle & the House Ghalan assets and secure any samples of the weaponised virus. Though this is unlikely as the team is will be outnumbered and outgunned, even if Pioneer was in play. 

The team decide that the first port of call has to be replicating and producing more of the antidote to administer to those left aboard the station. As a result of Torta’s advance library research they are aware that the Klingon replicator systems aboard this base are an aftermarket bolt on as these era of stations were not fitted with them initially. After investigating the station computer they find it to be located in the second of the stations three out board modules. Having taken the opportunity to refresh and heal any wounds in the med bay they set out with Torta taking the lead. 

Part 2 – Towards the Replicators

After passing through the central rotunda the team makes their way towards the outboard module, along the boom arm there are signs of physical damage and combat as well as an increasing number of orange crystal formations embedded into the bulkheads. As they pass down the barely illuminated corridor they can see the damaged Vor’Cha cruiser, the IKS Cho’ang, holding position not far from the station, they appear to be in a clear position to fire on the station should they need to. Torta attempts to give the cruiser the middle finger through the boom arms window. Not understanding the human convention, he uses the wrong finger (critical fail from RaWolfe), presenting an extended index finger through the portal towards the ship. (Aboard the cruiser a lowly Bekk sees the action whilst monitoring sensor feeds but laughs at Torta’s mistake). 

As the team approach the replicator control systems the infestation of orange crystals increases in density. They arrive at a partially damaged bulkhead door, locked in place by the orange crystal formations, there is a small gap that must be squeezed through to continue. The team managed to squeeze through the gap, dispatching Daniel/Darren (now called Mr. D because no one could remember his actual name) to scout one direction whilst Torat and Charlie went another. The two officers find the replicator control room, itself covered in large orange glowing crystals, each of them with a dark opaque core, they thrum and pulse in sequence. After implementing a local bypass on the replicator systems they realise the sample must be loaded into a tray in the next room, which sensors indicate has a faulty environmental system and is operating in a dangerously high temperature. Through the window they can see a large cluster of crystals that appear to be emanating the overwhelming heat. Torta believes he will be unable to physically stand the heat and volunteers Charlie to enter the room quickly, load the sample and exit. 

As Torta opens the door, Charlie rushes in and attempts to load the sample into the unit, unaware that behind him from the crystal cluster a terrifying arachnoid creature is emerging, a large crest of crystals surrounding its head and body whilst it’s 6 spindly legs creak across the deck plates. 

Part 3 – Fight with the Neo-Tholian

Torta manages to call out before the Neo-Tholian strikes Charlie and combat begins. From the doorway Torta takes several pot shots, whilst locked in melee range Charlie opts to attempt to use the machinery as cover and strike at close range with his phaser. After a few rounds where both sides manage to inflict some minor wounds, Charlie is struck hard and injured, falling prone to the floor at the mercy of the Neo-Tholian. Noticing a large cluster of crystals in the ceiling of the room, Charlie unloads his phaser into the delicate stalactite, causing it to split and crash to the ground, injuring the Neo-Tholian and forcing it to break away from it’s barrage of melee strikes. Charlie takes the opportunity to retreat behind a large nearby replicator unit.

Seeing an opportunity Torta fires his phaser into the cluster of crystals that the creature emerged from on the outer bulkhead, causing the crystals to fracture and the bulkhead to explode, venting the section into open space. On the other side of the door, Torta is secured by the airlock doors, Charlie is saved only by his position behind the cover of the unit; the Neo-Tholian is not so lucky and is ejected into surrounding space, it’s orange crystalline body flailing wildly as the sudden drop in temperature causes it to crack and shatter. Just as the last of the air is leaving the room the emergency forcefields engage and atmosphere floods back into the compartment, Charlie is able to place the antidote securely into the receptacle and begin the replication. 

As the two officers collect themselves; Charlie still reeling from his close call and Torta attempting to secure the room, Mr. D rushes in having heard the explosive decompression carrying a number of disruptor pistols he secured from a nearby locker. The team take a minute to recuperate, applying some first aid from a nearby emergency med pack before departing for environmental controls. 

Part 4 – Environmental Controls

The team returns to the central rotunda, the orange crystals now dim and cracked and cross to the third outboard module, remembering that the main shuttle bay was in the first module. This area is less damaged but show signs of a running disruptor fight, scorch marks covering the walls and floors. Torta, noticing the Grittle’s D’Kora class through the window attempts to give this vessel the middle finger, after confirming with Charlie which finger to use, he offers the gesture through the portal. Aboard the vessel, a young Ferengi intern notices on his scanners but does not understand the meaning. 

As they approach environmental controls they begin to hear the sound of conflict, repeated disruptor fire as well as a number of small explosions. They take the moment to prepare themselves to storm the room, expecting armed resistance when the weapons fire abruptly ceases. They enter the room tentatively, Mr. D on overwatch with his scavenged rifle to find a pair of Reman troopers and an unidentified Breen officer clearing up a number of infected Klingon bodies. Believing the Breen to be Cerberus they attempt to make themselves known but the officer leaves the room after a tense confrontation, the two Remans remain. The younger female officer Asrak, introduces herself along with her colleague Veytol, they were here to provide security for the Tal Shiar Commander as a representative of the Romulan Free State. When the gas was released she abandoned them to the gas to see what effect it would have. Torta enquires why they haven’t been effected, Asrak doesn’t know as her medical and science skills are basic at best but does know that their physiology is more robust than many races and perhaps that has shielded them somewhat. Mr. D notes that Klingons are also known to have robust physiology but that hasn’t protected them. 

The team explain their plans to the duo and after some convincing they are allowed to deploy the antidote into the environmental systems, deploying the gas throughout the station. 

As the trio and their newfound allies consider their next move Grittle taunts them over the stations’ comm system; the base is surrounded and they have instructions to destroy any vessel that attempts to leave the station. 

They may be ‘cured’ but the team is still trapped and Grittle still holds the samples.