Part of Starbase Bravo: Bravo Without Borders

A Non-Confrontation

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Having sought out a quiet spot high on a section of promenade that overlooked the rest. Ginsh watched on as daily events unfolded, His eyes roving for one particular group. Security. Like the guards of the insect world, unseen and quiet for the most part, the gold uniform should stick out, make them obvious, but it only did so when they acted decisively, obviously. It brought to mind the minicary of various species, Sesiidae Ver’tar or Bolaris, Denob Tipulidae of Denobula.

Thoughts of whether he had perhaps acted in line with this particular trait, in the manner he acted after Paolo’s assertion had caught him of guard were nagging at him, was he in fact a mimic without being aware. A friend in name but, so infused with ideals and principles of starfleet that, when the situation called for it he would act counter to the friendship and align with said ideals. Or was that an act of a friend to call out behavior that was counter to the oaths they both took. Or would it be the act of a friend to do both, call out but also warn of impending consequences. 

Perhaps that was why he had chosen this particular spot, knowing his pal would walk by on the way to and from his assigned duty post. Catching sight of the olive-skinned male striding forward, he was moved at pace, as he often did, as ever made it look effortless, calm and unhurried. Ginsh moved quickly along the walkway, throwing up a hand at least twice before Paolo caught sight and caught on, watching the human male slowing, Ginsh considered what he was about to say, how to start, which was quickly rendered unneeded.

“Ginsh, you’re a bit out of position for this time of day.” Paolo greeted in a cheery air, a good sign nothing had happened yet. “What gives?”

“It’s true, I need to talk to you briefly, and with a little discretion.” Ginsh admitted, jerking a thumb over his shoulder into the small alcove to his right, one that faced the railing and the vantage point, another reason for choosing this particular area. 

“Sure thing, sure thing, but let’s keep it quick, my Lieutenants like promptness.” He admitted, a slight evidence of gritted teeth on the end remark, poaching backwards out of the general traffic flow, into the alcove, with Ginsh following with measured pace.

“Well they are a consideration in what I want to talk about. Also our conversation in Brew the other day, i fear…..” He began to know full well some of what he was saying was coming out stiff and formal, his mouth was now dry with nerves, he trailed off. But not because of nerves but his pal raising both hands and making a stop motion, even turning his head slightly.

“Ginsh, I’ve got nothing more to say on that matter. I believe what I believe, no one, not you, not a lieutenant, is going to convince me otherwise.” He said firmly, his head turned back to face, or more accurately looked down on the tellarite, his eyes had a coldness to back up the words. His pause and the questioning look followed, as if he was drawing the point without much having to be said. “You said they were a consideration? Do other know what was said between us?”

Ginsh nodded, then went on to explain. “A Councilor, for my review, and I ended up working with them preparing supplies to send.” He paused  observing a noticeable wrinkle for his Pal’s face at that remark. “Then your Lieutenant,  surname Johnson, at her prompting and my own niggling sensibilities.”

“I see.” His reply was simple, delivered with a shrug, noncommittal and hinting at disappointment, but nowhere near the strong reaction he readied himself for.“

You’re not disappointed?” Ginsh pushed for an acknowledgement.

“Not really, you acted on your own sensibilities, somewhat shaped by our superiors, but I from your reaction and your defence it was not beyond reason you might say something.” Paolo responded still keeping a level tone, almost resigned to the fact he was going to be caught out, but unapologetic at holding the views he did.

“Based on what Lieutenant Gidion was talking about, you’re going to get pulled in for discipline.” Ginsh went on, still not much of a change in his pal’s demeanor. “Say it was a prank, say I misunderstood, I will back that, probably get sanctioned for wasting time or some such but at least it’ll be us both and not just yourself.” 

“Ginsh. Ginsh. my friend , this is why I’m not mad or raging. You’re just being you. I’m just being me. They are just being them.” He flashed a smile and directed a friendly punch into the Tellarites shoulder. “Maybe i’ll see you, maybe i won’t, we all play our parts my brother.” Paolo stepped past, the smile dropping, but no scowl or hate or rage, just neutral. 

Perhaps that was how he’d existed so long, thrived even, to go unnoticed among the masses of new cadets and graduates and officers was a greater form of mimicry. Ginsh turned and watched him walk away, there was the swift tap of the insignia, a comm call, perhaps that was it. 

Feeling a little relieved, if not at ease with the resolution that had occurred, Ginsh too walked, only in the opposite direction, another metaphor if one were looking for such things.