Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Stumble, Steady, Contact

Shuttlebay 3
Stardate 78196.18
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Stood over the opening in the capsule, looking down at the being clutching the artifact, her own shadow obscuring some of it’s features. Eviea suddenly became aware that it was in fact cowering deeper into the corner of the seat like fitting, if it had been able to find an opening she was fairly sure it would have crawled inside. Seeing the fear growing across the alien features. She backed away slowly, taking a step, and motioning to the medic. “We’re scaring it, Baird,  back away a bit!.”

She took a step towards Lieutenant Baird motioning for Charnack, and Isshan to come closer. Her smile beamed, for now all thoughts were of the new life that had just been a gift dropped in front of them, and how best to find out as much about and hopefully interact with them.  “Look I know it’ll make the information gathering tricky at first, but we need to give them space, until someone gives me proof, we assume sentience, and follow standard protocols for the stage we’re at.”

“Full physiological work up, at a distance at first obviously, we might be able to find out enough to make them more comfortable, if it is a them.” Isshan began, having to take a few deep breaths to calm himself, he was on the verge of shaking with excitement with the discovery, Eviea knew enough that having Baird there as an anchor would be valuable, both human officers exchanging knowing looks. He continues “ Then there’s tolerances to external stimuli and conditions, potential diet. Communicating with them is going to be a whole other issue.”

“Agreed. Get you best linguist down her, preferably someone from Four who’s had a chance to look over the symbols data that we’ve already sent through.” Eviea picked up and gave instructions, beginning to get an order of priorities in her head, empirical data for a species profile, a linguistic database or the beginnings of one for communication, then make contact and explain the intent of the crew, proceed from there. “We still need to work out why or how or when the capsule was repaired, that’s a piece, Charnack, I’ll pull you another engineer from Nine, I want direct comparisons, theories about discrepancies.”

“Commander the Artifact? Isn’t that our focus, shouldn’t we retrieve it?” The Andorian almost protested, his face looking unsure about the sudden shift in direction, particularly when their objective was within reach but being held hostage effectively.

“It Is. However we were asked to retrieve it for third parties, and the state we found it in was not the state the parties described, we need to ask why.” Eviea started with a degree of firmness, not expecting full understanding but trusting her tone implied she expected full cooperation, she was about to address the new life when the comm rang out.

“Racshaw to Commander Merrova, I request to speak to you as soon as possible, I have something significant to share. I am located in Lab Six”

“Acknowledged Racshaw. I will be with you shortly.” Eviea stated, a quick, perfunctory, habitual tap to close the line followed.

“Commander Bakshi, run this until I get back.” Eviea stated, tearing herself away from the point of discovery, comforted only by the fact Racshaw would not have contacted if it wasn’t significant. Still wearing the EVA pant section, she turned on a heel and her graceful frame strolled across the expansive shuttlebay towards the nearest exit, her expression, body language and mood were all beaming with discovery as she left.




The arrival of additional help following the departure of the XO, signaled a little bit of divide, as both teams went about there specific tasks. The vast space of the shuttle bay allows them to simultaneously work close by, have space to work and discuss quietly in their teams, and also keep an eye on the capsule.

The staff linguist, a civilian by the name of Erin Booker, with a full doctorate, therefore liked Dr Booker when she was being addressed or referred to, frequently went back and forth between the capsule and a solo workstation workstation, in frequently she would come and interrupt Charnak and Lieutenant Lai, three times she asked them if any more script had been discovered or uncovered.

Becoming increasingly frustrated with both the interruptions, the lack of engagement with whatever was in the capsule, the constant flitting by the aforementioned Dr Booker. Then to cap it all off he looked up as Baird passed by, apparently in the direction of either the exit or the replicator. A short escaped his mouth and nose, he left suddenly, suddenly enough for his counterpart not to notice.

Stalking over to the capsule, he stopped by it, leaned over and looked in. The being was still there still cradling the artifact. Charnack thrust his hand into the opening and gestured firmly for the being to hand the artifact over. To his mind the gesture was unequivocal in its intent, maybe a bit forceful , perhaps  threatening, but needs must.


He pushed both hands and part of his arms into the opening. Made a grabbing motion and then withdrew both hands.

Still Nothing.

His frustration rising. His temper threatened to boil over. He reached into the capsule. This time pushing his upper torso into that space. Looping one hand then forearm around the artifact. He braced the other hand against the edge and began to pull. Meering stronger resistance than expected he readjusted the other hand now on the artifact. He pulled again, resistance still there, he brought a foot up placing it on the capsule itself and braced. In the moment before the next attempt he caught a glance of the being. Only the eye though. He glimpsed real terror and fear. Too committed to let go. He pulled.

There was an ear splitting screech emanating from the being inside the capsule and then came a roar that he did not full expect.

“Lieutennat th’Sartha. What do you think you are doing. Desist immediately.” The firm voice of the chief science officer, prompting an instant response, Charnack let and almost instantly fell backwards. Grabbing onto the capsule, one hand finding the edge of the access hatch, the other hand a bulge in the surface. He slid towads it, steadied himself and then bobbed up right, almost coming to a parade stance.

The officer in question was pacing back towards them. A clear bowl in hand filled with green things, which as he got closer turned out to be shelled pistachios. “You need to brush up on first contact etiquette, not trying to take something from someone when you don’t fully understand the significance would be a start.”

“But the artifact does not belong to them.” He protested.

“According to who? Our hosts, who have left out the planet is inhabited?, whose leaders have convinced the rank and file nothing could possibly live in that world? Forgive me if I don’t take their word for it.” Ishaan questioned in rapid succession, increasingly adamant in his position, which seemed to follow the evidence where it leads, which now he was beginning to calm down made sense. From behind him Lieutenant Baird approached, with an emergency bed roll tucked under his arm.

“Excellent Lieutenant, make the new environment a little more appealing. Now basic needs of any self aware creature, shelter and food. It has shelter, but it will need food. Thanks to the data supplied by Baird, namely the digestive system we can extrapolate something they might eat. Which might be enough to coax them out.” Rescuing the capsule, Ishaan promptly lined three nuts on the capsule outer shell, before tapping gently on the lower shell. “Baird lay the roll with one end touching here and extending away.”

The science officer then proceeded to lob two pistachios into the capsule.

Paused then lobbed a few more in, seeing the simplicity yet effectiveness of the approach taken by the science chief, the Andorian made a mental note to try and be more objective in his approach.

After a further pause paced to the opening and peered in. Smiling, Ishaan turned and looked in Charnacks direction, and beckoned him to approach with one hand, taking out two more nuts with the other.. Relishing the opportunity to make amends, the Andorian stepped up, presenting an open and cupped palm, and cradled the nuts deposited.

“Easy does it now Lieutenant. Time to earn a bit of trust back. Just drop them in for now.” Ishaan counseled in a low voice and a decidedly softer tone to a few minutes before.

Charnack peered over once more, cupped hand still outstretched, his eye met the aliens, there was a moment of recognition and fear. Pulling his head back ever so delicately, while moving the outstretched hand over the opening. A quarter wrist rotation. Then withdrew the hand. Gingerly positioning himself over the opening. The alien reached out for the dropped nuts. For a split second looked up. There was a moment of fear that began to fade away. He pulled back.

For a short while Charnack and Ishaan alternated dropping nuts into the capsule. Then Ishaan motioned for them to stop. Instead he reached forward and placed one just on the lip of the opening and stepped away.

“Hopefully we’ve got trust, if we step back and give a bit of space we’ll see.” The science chief said quietly, but with a glimmer of a smile spreading across his tanned features, explaining the next part of the process to the Andorian operations officer. Who was in turn much more content with progress now he knew the direction and at least some of the reasoning behind said direction.

Minutes slipped by until a purple-gray hand poked the opening then disappeared. It reappeared a few moments later seeking further sustenance, finding some it disappeared once more. It reappeared again this time a whole appendage reaching out, before the capped head emerged, it paused as gaze caught the trio of officers looking intently in its direction, a moment of hesitation came and went, Before the being looked over the side of the capsule. On the bed roll a trail of pistachios lead to a small cluster of the nuts and a mug of water. The alien leaver itself over the side, tucking and folding its body, moving the lower half though and out of the capsule, lowering itself onto the mat.

It paused, looked at each face in turn and then it’s expression changed, into what Charnack took for a glowing smile. It extended an open hand toward the Andorian brought the other to meet it clasped both and then brought the clasped hands to its chest. Charnack stunned at first, did his best to imitate. A brief shrill sound came from the being, before it repeated the process with Ishaan and then Baird.

“Rudimentary, but I think we’re communicating. Well done Lieutenant.” Baird said warmly to Charnack, he sensed the genuineness of the comments, and nodded vigorously while smiling. 

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer

  • Charnack

    Helm (Beta Shift)/Enginering officer