Part of USS Jaxartes: Dark Shadows

Part 5: And It Doesn’t Get Any Better

USS Chapel
9th August 2401 07:55
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The two unidentified vessel had kept just out of range of the phasers carried by the USS Chapel.  As weaponry they weren’t much, but they’d still be capable of causing plenty of damage to the freighter in it ventured to near.  The runabout was another matter.  It had been modified to fight and could take a fair amount of punishment; but for now it was holding back, as if waiting for something to happen.

A minute or two later it did happen.  Without warning the shields of the USS Chapel dropped.  If the crew of the hospital ship hadn’t been on edge prior to that moment they certainly were now. “What the blazes just happened?”  Yell the Commander, jumping up out his seat and looking for someone with answers.

“Level 1 Command Override.” Was the response he got. “I can’t reactivate the shields.”

“Whose code was it?” Was his second question.

The reply was hesitant, not a good think in a dangerous situation like the one they now faced. “Chief Engineer Lyambo, Sir!”

To hear his own brother was potentially responsible for jeopardising the safety of the ship and her crew, was rather a massive shock.  He had only on cause of action though.  Tapping the comm-link on his chair, he gave his instructions.  “Security, detain Chief Engineer Lyambo.”

The shield hadn’t been down more than a few seconds before the Runabout came racing in.  Its target was clearly the Chapel defensive phasers.  There was an exchange of fire, and despite its speed and agility, the small craft received a couple of hits before it put the hospital ships weaponry out of action.  With the phasers safely neutralised the freighter then moved to within transporter range. 

“Transporter activity detected in Cargo Bay 4.”


Ensign Jenna Isaura was the ships Bajoran Security Chief, a roll she’d found herself thrust into after the disaster of Frontier Day.  She’d been the most junior member of the team up until that point.  Two had died that day, neither having being influenced by the Borg, unlike her.  The final guy had committed suicide the following month; unable to cope with what he’d done.

She was standing in Cargo Bay 4; alone, despite insisting to her assistant Jenas that everyone pair up.  Isaura had just witnessed several palettes of medical equipment and supplies get beamed off the ship, leaving a large gap on the floor.  A second equally large pile was removed just as efficiently just over a minute later. 

The Bajoran moved across to a third pile of supplies; correctly anticipating this would be the next thing to be collected by the transporter.  Isaura was whisked away, along with everything within arm’s reach.  Seconds later the USS Chapel’s shields came back online, preventing the removal of anything else.


It was moments before the second load of cargo was stolen that another signal appeared on the USS Chapel’s scanners.  It had appeared almost from nowhere having used the huge mass of Kappa-Terellion VI; the systems only gas giant to mask its approach until the last possible moment.  It was the Bolian who alerted everyone else to this latest twist in proceedings.   “Cardassian Keldon Class cruiser baring 080 mark 047; closing fast.”

There wasn’t any time to react or take any form of evasive action, it was upon them so swiftly and cast a huge dark shadow across the hospital ships upper hull as it raced past dangerously close.  The Keldon cruiser fired what could have been a phased polaron beam; which basically sliced the small freighter in half.  The Chapel didn’t carry sophisticated enough equipment to confirm. But it was clearly an extremely powerful weapon.   The Cardassian vessel was away and targeting the Runabout as it used aft phasers to finish of what remained on the freighter.  Beams fired, the Runabout dodged; once, twice, the third time it ceased to exist.  It a bright flash and fleeting ball of expanding gases and ripped atoms, it was gone.   

By the time the Cardassian’s had swung back round; the USS Chapel had her shields up.  But if that ship was using a phased polaron beam and chose to target them to; they wouldn’t have much longer to live.

“Incoming transmission from the Cruiser.” Announced Delany on communications.

“On screen.”

The face of a middle-aged but fairly fit looking Cardassian appeared on the main view screen. “I am Gul Damas of Militia Two Three.” There was an attempt at a smile from a man that clearly rarely ever smiled. “Glad I could help you deal with those Marquis before they stripped you of your cargo.”

“Who said they were Marquis?” Asked Lyambo flatly.

“Oh, come now captain. Don’t be so naive.” The Gul replied. “Who else would be so bold and foolhardy to attack a Federation vessel in this sector?”

“Did you have to murder them all?” Shouted the Commander angrily. 

Damas learned forward. “Is this the thanks and courtesy I get for saving you?” He scoffed. “Well it’s no skin off my back. As I believe you humans say.  Damas out.”

The image changed to the Keldon Class vessel as it turned and raced away. 


It was roughly four hours after the incident that Commander Charlie Lyambo called a meeting of all senior staff; which included his younger brother, who by this point had been cleared of any charges. But was far from happy; after discovering the potential truth. 

The first issue they had faced was the fact there had been no outbreak of Terellion Fever on the planet, meaning the whole thing had been a hoax to lure them here.  But as to who had sent the original message, they didn’t have an answer.  The same people had most likely arranged something to drag their escort away.

So what did they know about their attackers?  The small freighter was rather a common design; you could find them just about anywhere you looked.  So tracking down its owners and anything else, would be next to impossible.  The civilian style Runabout had been heavy modified; it were never really meant to carry weaponry, yet its designers and manufacturers had built them in such a way that weapons could be easily added.  Had it survived they may have been able to gather enough information to know its history. 

There was a bit of a debate amongst the senior staff as to whether they had been Marquis or not.  Their Commanding Officer felt certain they weren’t.  To him the whole situation didn’t feel right.  It just wasn’t what the old or new Marquis would do, in his opinion.  Yes stealing wasn’t beyond them, but a hospital ship!  It was like they were asking the Federation to side with the Cardassian’s and help round them all up.

Then there was that cruiser, with near perfect timing.  Was it just complete chance, did they know what was about to happen.  Had the Cardassian’s planned the whole thing from start to finish? They’d been ruthlessly thorough in destroying all the evidence to prove or disprove that notion. 

Having had more time to study the dater; it was confirmed the Keldon was carrying a single phased polaron beam, which had been fired at between 50 and 60 percent power.  It was impossible to ascertain if that was the maximum they could manager, or knew anything higher would have been a pointless waste of energy. 

Then finally there was Ensign Jenna Isaura; she was the sticking point of the whole argument.  It was clear from test that she had drugged Dinari, so as to obtain his security codes.  She’d been the one to drop the shields and allow cargo to be removed.  Charlie had been handed a full inventory of everything taken.  It had all been destroyed and Isaura no doubt killed when she’d beamed off with the last load.

Isaura was a sticking point, because she was a Bajoran, and surely a Bajoran would never opt to work with the Cardassian’s; willingly or otherwise?

When the Commander finally closed the meeting, he asked his brother and Lieutenant Beaufort to stay behind.  He started with the Lieutenant. “As one of this ships few ranking officers, I’m going to ask you to step into the role of Chief Security Officer.” Charlie paused just long enough to gauge Max’s expression. “Jenas is smart and a quick learner, but just like the other two I have left. He’s only been on the ship five minutes.” 

“Are you sure about this, Sir?” Beaufort replied. “I’m a fighter pilot at heart and have been covering a few shifts on Helm. But running security?”

“I know it’s a bit of a leap. But I’ve seen the records of your combat skills, both armed and unarmed.” The Commander informed him. “If today has told use anything.  It’s that we need to prepare for anything. I’d like you to be one of those that helps us prepare.” 

“I’m hesitant, partly due to the slight mobility issues.” Max tapped his fake leg. “But I promise to give this job my all.”  He saluted, probably the only one left on board that ever did, turned and left the room.

Once the lieutenant had left, Charlie turned to his brother.  “I don’t know about you but I could do with a stiff drink.  Today has not been a good one.” 

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Dinari tried to smile, but it was hard.  He’d been tricked, betrayed and drugged.  All because he loved the ladies.