Part of Starbase Bravo: Bravo Without Borders

A Strange Request

Sector Kilo | Deck 501
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Stepping out of the turbolift he began walking down the corridors of sector kilo towards the science lab he had been assigned. ‘It would seem I will be working with Commander Nuni,’ he thought to himself as he read the PADD, ‘Working with the head of investigations will help gather more intelligence.’ Gideon that having the Bajoran officer work with him would allow him greater access to the sensor array and maybe even the security reports from the border.

In the science lab, Irric settled into a shadowed nook, his posture relaxed but his gaze keenly fixed on the entrance. The hum of activity around him faded into the background as he observed the comings and goings of the lab personnel. Every now and then, his eyes flicked to his PADD, a subtle sign of his anticipation.

Lieutenant Johnson was due any moment now. Irric could have easily summoned him with a quick call, but he preferred a more hands-on approach. By observing the people he was about to work with, he could gain valuable insights beyond what any report could offer. It was a habit born of years of experience, a way to gauge personalities and assess potential collaborators before diving into a project. So he waited, content to watch and learn before making his move.

Gideon turned the corner and walked into the science lab. ‘Where is he?’ he thought to himself as he walked around the room to see the small group of people already in the lab. As he surveyed the room he spotted the distinctive nose ridges of the Bajoran officer in a dimly lit corner.

He narrowed his sights in on the Bajoran, crossing the distance in quickly.

“Commander Nuni, nice to meet you, sir,” he said to him as he stretched his hand out.

Irric’s eyes widened imperceptibly, a subtle acknowledgment of both surprise and admiration as he observed Lieutenant Johnson’s keen perception. Before Irric could even register his presence, the Lieutenant had already identified him. With a swift but composed gesture, Irric extended his hand, feeling the warmth of respect in his firm handshake with Lieutenant Johnson.

“Doctor Johnson,” Irric’s voice resonated with genuine respect tinged with intrigue, “your reputation certainly precedes you.” A flicker of a smile danced across his features, reflecting his admiration for the Lieutenant’s perceptiveness. “Shall we bypass the formalities and delve straight into the heart of the matter?”

“Yes, sir,” Gideon said, “As head of investigations you are responsible for ensuring the safety of the station’s occupant. Correct?” 

Irric nodded, affirming, “It falls within the scope of my responsibilities.”

“So you would have access to the sensor array and reports from ships nearby, correct?” he asked him. Johnson was beating around the bush something his father hated. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to ask him if he could see all of the reports and ask for permission to use securities systems to help in his investigation so he thought this would be his best method.

Faint lines creased Irric’s brow as he leaned in slightly, his gaze fixed on Gideon with a hint of curiosity. “As you’re likely aware,” he mused, his words measured, “I do indeed.” A faint quirk tugged at the corner of his lips, betraying a hint of amusement. “Didn’t we decide to skip the formalities, Lieutenant?”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir,” he said as he walked towards one of the displays, “Sir, I ask for permission to access the reports from the ships that have been near both the Romulan and Klingon borders,” he asked him. He wasn’t sure of how to get the question out without being upfront about it so this is how it went.

“That’s quite a significant request, Mr. Johnson,” Irric remarked, already discreetly preparing on his PADD. “Normally, such permissions require a minimum of two weeks’ notice. If you don’t mind my curiosity, what exactly do you intend to do with those reports?”

“The ships have been closer to the Romulan-Klingon border than Bravo,” he started, “I hoped that I could compile the sensor readings of each other ships overlay them with what the starbase, and hopefully be able to detect whether or not the Klingon have crossed into Romulan space and where they have gone if they have,” he said to him looking at the console he had been standing next too.

“I know it’s a long shot, Sir but I believe it will work,” he said to him anxious. His hand had been shaking a habit he had when he was nervous.

Irric’s brows furrowed in concentration as he manipulated the holographic interface of his PADD, his fingers moving with practiced precision. Suddenly, a cheerful chirp broke the silence, signaling an incoming message on Johnson’s device. Irric glanced up, his eyes locking with Johnson’s.

“You’ve got access for 24 hours starting now, Lieutenant,” Irric declared, his voice carrying an undercurrent of expectation. “Make the most of it. Report to me the moment you get any results.”

“Yes, Sir,” he said trying to hide the smile that was creeping in. “Thank you, Commander. I will inform you of anything I find immediately,” he said, focusing on the console in front of him. His fingers danced across the keyboard as he brought all the sensor readings and reports from the past three days. He meticly scoured through the data trying to find something. Commander Nuni had given him twenty-four-hour access to the reports and now all he had to do was connect the dots. If there are any dots to connect that is.