Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Assent , Decent (Indigo#4)

Indigo Station - Sherwing - Indigo 4
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Vilgi strode back towards the receiving pad at the head of his party of officers, all of a sudden the decor was less impressive, the engineer he was was starting to see the beams and the cross-braces that their hosts were trying to mask. It felt like an appropriate measure of what had just transpired, the planning, the eagerness of his officers, the potential risk to life on an unfamiliar spacecraft, never mind the security risk. The first indication he was perhaps silent for too long was a comment from his XO. 

“Got to love a good old blindside, the ambassador at his finest” Eviea spat out, although fortunately low enough that Vilgi could cover, kicking himself for not being a little more present 

“We are still guests Commander, those comments are not helpful.” He reminded her, with a glance of his shoulder and a kindly smile, hoping to soften the darkening expression growing on her.

“Aye, apologies sir.” Eviea responded quickly, making an effort to soften her expression.

“Ajunckt Mothal if you could determine and then relay the spatial coordinates for the cargo bay of the stations lander craft? That would be much appreciated.” Vilgi requested their designated guide and he strongly suspected the designated security guard, it was almost a compliment that respective governments had chosen not to be quite so overt with such measures. Entering the room from which they first came aboard the station, The biolian stepped up onto the raised pad and concluded the visit with the remark. “My selected officers will be ready within the half hour.”



Twenty five minutes later Eviea Merova in EVA gear save the headpiece, accepted an anti-grab clamp from a second officer, also in EVA gear but sporting teal coloring across the midsection. A look of mischief accompanied the question “Ready for a trip back through space technology?” 

“Actually yes, they have quantum transportation technology, but not fully mastered EM field technology, no tractors or force fields, but their Fusion Drive technology is more advanced that expected, so it’ll be interesting to see things first hand.” Was the answer, one that it would be expected for Ishaan to give, known for their keen interest in actual observation when possible, stepping up besides the Betelgeuse commander, offered the affirmation. “Ready when you are.”

“The craft is fully pressurized while in dock, for appearances we wait until casting off to fully suit up. They separate the compartments as a matter of procedure so we keep an open but private comm line, anything you’re not happy with let me know.” Eviea gave her last few advisories to Ishaan the last one she felt needed to be said, given the separation factor already mentioned. Turning to the duty operator gave the familiar command. “Energise.”

“Station control this is Sherwing pilot, Advise intent for station departure and planetary entry and descent as per agreement.”

“Station control receives and logs.”

A mid-sized aguilar and snub-nosed vessel sits motionless for the moment, latches unlock, housings rotate, collars slide back, the docking module twitch and rotates away. Jets of gas erupt from the nose and down one side of the vessel, pushing it away and downward, just before the rear cowling move and twist and a eruption of propellant spews out, small at first, then increasing in intensity, the vessel slides forward in response, angled away from the orbital and towards the dark and slight formidable planetary body nearby.

Small jets spurt sporadically along the length, the vessel responds readily with positioning and heading being gently and subtly altered. The station is no longer in view, the planet and the gaseous cloud that sits behind, but for a certain angle could seem to partially envelop and flow away from.

Inside the control area for the craft, the trio of consoles had some form of information being relayed on screens, despite the associated risks of the task at hand, a relaxed attitude permeated the cockpit area “Adjusting attitude and angle for atmospheric entry, confirm thermosphere temperature ranges.” Came the request for the Dari pilot at the navigation and control station

Eviea responded, having assumed the role of co-pilot, but after a pause as the layout of the console and display was still quite new to her. “Current gaseous temperature ranges are between 1450 and 1600 degrees.” 

“Bringing Hull Polarization and Dissipation field to full intensity.” The pilot called into the general speakers, one hand on the flight control the other using his own dedicated controls to make the needed adjustments, Eviea judged that this was a person who liked to be in control as much as possible, but also added a request to the aft compartment to take care of one of the few things he could not. “Technical, please have uninterrupted power flow to the damping field.”

“Approaching optimal entry angle, heat build up will be as low as possible. Final approach line ten seconds from mark…..Mark.” Eviea announced a little more confidently, gaining familiarity with the systems as she watched and observed the changes as they happened, she had the feeling only a serious error would force an abort now.

“All stations secure for planetary entry.” The pilot announced over a general communications link, and watched as the status and confirmation boards turned green rather quickly.

The vessel approached the planet at an angle that while in empty space seemed unnatural and unnecessary. Until the snub nose began to show the beginnings of heat, the wispy yellow at first then a more solid shade then the same intensity of a sun burst. It morphed into an orange that gave an impression of warmth that was equaled only by its intensity.

 A solid and warming red, took its place in the center which graduated out into the orange with the yellows now confining to and clinging onto the edges. At the central point the red turned a deeper hue, sporadically black, prompting an rach of electrical energy to flash forward, further highlighting the red that spread across the curving edges than away from the vessel, graduating back into the oranges and then the yellows as it formed a visible wake as the vessel plowed onward and downward.

“We’re about to cross into the mesosphere.” The pilot stated a smile starting to play about his features.

“The amount of soot and radiogenic particles in this layer, is as expected, density and friction will increase dramatically, there is also a fair amount of electrical activity” Ishaan relayed into the comm, Eviea assumed that information coming from an interpretation of the the craft sensor displays, cross referenced with the Chief Science Officers own tricorder readings, given his habit for being thorough and precise.

“Dampening systems will reach tolerance and cut back, that will precipitate jolts at times be ready, the polarization field will absorb the worst of the electrical discharges” The voice of the Kerarac Technical crew member was softer but determined one, as they advised the vessel occupants of preventative measures being taken. 

“A challenge, a challenge, I accept readily on your behalf. What a time to be in the present.” The pilot called out into the comm, his jovial attitude expected by his shipmates now, when it came to piloting concerns, or more accurately concerns they might have.

The heated wake the vessel had generated continued to partially envelop and follow as it plunged onward, it cut into the darkened masses for soot and vapor and radiogenic partials that swirled around this particular layer above the planet. Some times their masses coalesced into cloudlike formations, other times they passed each other by, generating vest and sudden bursts of electrical energy that arced between two points, other times they hung in place, trapped and held by motions around them. 

The introduction of a vessel sweeping and cutting through curved up the surroundings, causing spontaneous and unpredictable interactions around and behind as the void left was refilled once more. Electrical activity increased dramatically, with a number of heavy bolts arcing across, sometimes catching the vessel glancing  and sometimes completely enveloping the vessel in a ball of electrical energy. It bucked and twisted and shimmed as it plowed steadily through the dense cloud layer.

 Finally breaking through and emerging below, as parting gift a bolt of lightning arced not just downward from the cloud layer but upward from ground, catching the Sherwing in stream of electrical fury, the vessel twisted and gave one finally shimmy, before it was released, the energy dissipated, and the Sherwing was left to glide onward.

“I think a critical systems check would be an idea.” Eviea commented, loud enough for everyone to hear, her reason was twofold, to make sure the Sherwing was in fact able to function and to focus attention away from the rough ride and onto the next portion of their tasking. 

“Nav, pilot and engine control systems are responsive.” Came a cool report from her left, she had a distinct sense the pilot considered her to be interfering .

“Dampening and structural systems have had minor problems with burnt or fused relays, but were around most and the secondaries have kicked in.” The technical officer relayed from the aft compartment. 

“Internal and External Radiation monitors are up as well, External is way outside the safety range, Internal is acceptable for now.” Ishaan managed to sound cheery and upbeat, a quality that had a remarkable soothing effect in these sort of situations.

“Excellent, In that case let’s get started.” Eviea stated positively, her standing position on the shoulder of the pilot afforded her the first proper view of the environment through the forward viewing ports, at the moment all that could be seen was the swirling heavy mass of clouds they had just come through. Looking like a blanket, tucking them in, keeping them safe from the maelstrom of electrical discharges from above.

  • Morr

    Commanding Officer

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer