Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Indigo Diplomacy (Family of all things)

Reception Room, Indigo Station
Stardate 78196.17
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The end of the line, she stepped across and smiled, addressing the representative. “Greetings Ambasador Thern’ddan Merrova, Father.” Placing her hand to the center of her chest and then extending the same hand, leaving it palm up in a traditional manner for their species.

Which was reciprocated by the elder, the hand on heart, then extended and placed palm down on the raised palm as he offered “Greeting Commander Eviea’tOst Merrova, Daughter. Your presence here is agreeable to me, as I hope mine is to yourself.” 

Eviea made to interlock their fingers for a brief moment before withdrawing her hand to her side offering a simple one word response. “Perhaps.” 

Decades of unresolved resentment rose in her consciousness and threatened to come to the fore in this moment, perhaps a younger less seasoned and less principles self would have given vent to these feeling, but aware of the impact it could have on a developing peace,  aware of her surroundings, aware of the crew whom she felt a degree of protection towards, she refrained and shifted her focus to the task at hand and the opportunity for them and the people they were seeking to aid. “However, the prospects of discovery of something thought lost, and the potential to help forge a lasting coexistence between these species are something we as a crew are committed to.”    

The elder Betelgusain offered a smile, practiced but genuine, his preparations for this meeting had assumed it would be a difficult encounter, with the additional layer of the familial bond however thin that bond appeared, his daughter, estranged by her choice but still his daughter. “A short word regarding both potentials, if you would.” He gestured away from the line into a space. 

Vonny nodded agreeably, glancing to one side, fixing Vilgi with a look and sweeping a hand across her face. An unspoken signal and prearranged signal between the two that Contact was made and she would attempt to garner further information. She watched her Captain turning to track down the station commander, also with a view to garnering more information.

Stepping away into a space between a group of delegates and a refreshment table, Sethern took an extra step plucked to glasses for the clear beverage on offer and stepped back. An unspoken cue that a line was no longer needed, it broke up, the persons who formed it a few moments ago now dispersed into either pairings or amalgamated into one of the cliques spread around the room. 

“You are properly informed as to your being here?” Sethern began.

“As to our tasking, yes, the retrieval is well within our capabilities.” Eviea responded, carefully setting up  for a deeper question.

“In spite of the planetary conditions?” The elder pushed, wanting as few complications as they moved forward.

“In spite of the conditions. We have a number of measures that will negate or allow us to work though, and contingencies for unexpected effects.” The younger said with a note of pride, all of the preparations had come from one of her crews cooperative brainstorming sessions on the matter. 

She glanced away for a moment, looking for one or more of said crew, she could see one, Rackshaw had been taken to one side by a Dari representative, responsible for Cultural matters if she recalled correctly, she held an item, and held it with a delicacy, and shielded it form view that implied its precious nature that later conversations might reveal. Catching the eye of Marvan, their security for the moment, who along with Charnack had embedded themselves with practiced ease in a small group, he caught hers and made two descret  motions, the first indicating he had eyes on both Racsahw and Vilgi.

“They do themselves, your Captain and yourself credit.” Came the compliment, but it was delivered flatly enough that Vonny had the smallest of feeling things might be about to change.       

“The significance was made clear, the importance was made clear, the reason was not. Anything you have gleaned during your dealing would be appreciated?” Eviea pressed, knowing this was an acceptable point to do so.

“The artifact has joint connections for both peoples, it seems to point to a time when an amicable if not cordial relationship existed, the precise source of the artifact is as yet unclear.” The elder diplomat expounded, delivering what he knew, or at least as much as he dared for the moment, Vonny suspected, then she picked up on a tell, something she remembered from late childhood, one that usually preceded a bombshell request and one that could not be readily refused.

“The respective consuls have made a request that one of their vessels be used for the retrieval, a jointly constructed and operated vessel I would add, Symbol of cooperation they call it. It’s a little more primitive than you used to, smaller only fit for four, so two of them and two of ours or yours. Should be a fine gesture, and not to much trouble of course for practiced professionals such as yourselves.” He tipped the glass back, taking another mouthful,

The urge to rant about how much work had gone into planning the retrieval, how presumptuous it was to agree without consultation, which she suspected he had, was large enough for her to swallow a deep gulp of drink herself forcing the reaction away, Eviea lowered her glass with a smile, eyed her father the ambassador, his manner of expression was reserved she felt, with almost no new information being imparted, until the bombshell request. “Very good. I am sure plenty in the party will jump at the chance to experience this culture’s technological level first hand. Also  the retrieval and visual examination might clear up some questions.” She commented honestly, tipping and draining her remainder of her glass before asking. “Mother is well?”

“Indeed and a consul at present, we hope to be reunited in short order.” That father responded, noticing the Bolian Captain return to the main room, and with a look that told that he also knew of the last minute change. 

“How nice for you both. Give her my best, i’m sure you’ll be well suited to the posting.” Eviea responded, wishing for all the galaxy Vilgi would return sharpish. Than followed the hand motion of her father over her shoulder to the Bolian Captain, next to him the Kearac placed at the corridor opening, who stiffened and prepared to leave in advance of the Starfleet team.

“Etiquette has been satisfied, I trust, then we should depart.” Eviea satiated. The response was an initiation of the gesture of their culture, hearts were touched palms were extended, they were met, and pulled away from. Eviea tapped her communicator, “time to exit stage.” following which three persons extracted themselves from conversations, glasses and plates were placed on tables and trays, and movements were made towards the corridor from where they came.

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer