Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Indigo Diplomacy (Reception Line)

Rubidoux, Bridge/Reception Room, Indigo Station
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“Looks like a party needs to be attended, and that’s with a very small ‘p’. This might be an opportunity to gather additional information, I suspect that is the reason you an I were requested and that dear old dad is using your connection, time to give diplomacy a run out.” Vilgi confided in his first officer, knowing full well this would be an ask of her, but also knowing going through with it would stand her in good stead in the future.

She sighed, and expressed her concerns freely. “ Of all the people to have to play the diplomat against, it had to be him. This is going to be very uncomfortable.” 

“It often is, but you command now kid, come with territory. I only intend for us to stay as long as necessary. Anyway, time to make preparations.” 

“Alpha bridge relief, report to stations.” Vigil stated, after stepping back and tapping the comm protocol on his chair arm.

He turned fully now and addressed the bridge crew. “Okay I’m attending as is the XO. Racshaw, Charnak, both of you should come to give the folks some reassurance regarding our commitment to preserve and handle the technical side of things.” He began, pointing forward to the Andoran’s occupying the two forward stations 

Given the party is this command heavy you’ll need someone for security, to satisfy protocol and peace of mind for the Chief.” Marvan interjected, his manner of address and speech was measured as they had come to expect, their was a defiant feeling of him merely sticking to rule rather than trying to get one up on the rest of the bridge crew. 

“You know…” Vilgi started as he swiveled to face the voice from behind. “I couldn’t agree more, Mavern, you are and were always going to be a member of the party.”

About this time, the turbolift doors opened once more, from both sides, and spilled a group of officers onto the deck, junior officers from the left and a pair of human male officers, mid-thirties, both sporting gold division colors and lieutenant commander pips. Vilgi addressed them specifically as he gave his parting instructions. “Excellent timing, I’m taking the beta shift as my away party. The bridge and the ship are yours, watch our backs Commander.”

He turned and walked around towards said turbolift, crossing paths with the arriving pair, he paused and added. “ Also I want to spread the load during the search, so while we’re over there have the sensor feeds split between the bridge stations and available science lab stations. Also have a nosey at the station will you, discreetly of course.” Then continue on, leading his small party into the turbolift and on to the transporter room.



The four person away team materialized on the receiving bay of the orbital station. The bay was almost semi-circular, with the outer edges in a gleaming white, and curving shotly away, while bhehind them there were five yellow-gold panels divided by thing matt black lines with the lines seeming to feed the overhead panel which was also matt black,  the base was a bright, warm orange, while each member stood on perfectly circular silver disk. 

They were greeted by a native Dari operator, who turned from the large wall mounted interface panel to greet the arrivals with a very broad,  not entirely natural looking smile plastered across the countenance of a upside-down rounded triangular head, Eviea assumed this was a product of nerves and orders to be as welcoming as possible. “ I am Ajunckt Mothal , please allow me to escort you to the reception, my representatives are looking forward to welcoming you officially.”

They strode to the door, throwing both hands behind and clasping them behind the back, then stopped, half turned, the neatness of the presentation of the gray-blue uniform was clear enough, the pants seemed to dissapre beneath the three-quater length tailed jacket, complete with high collar, still with a broad smile. “Please follow me.”

Filing off the the raised area, and on to the silver deck, the away team followed with Vilgi taking a lead. They passed through the doors they found the corridor carpeted, the predominate color was a rich navy blue, with an angular, interwoven geometric pattern, in a yellow-gold, that stretched onward and seemed designed to draw a person along, a sense heightened by the divergent offshoots that terminated at each door along the corridor.

The noise of conversation grew as they rounded a corner, and the design drew them in to the expansive space given over to a reception at this point in time, The usual small cliques of persons carefully grouped, between tables of small bites and glasses of beverages, the official reception line was set apart and almost impossible to avoid on entering, “Okay, smile and converse, the short line should play to our favor when it comes to observing etiquette and enabling a prompt departure.” Morr said carefully in a low voice, head turned toward the members of his small party. Eviea flashed a wink and smile in response, covering her own nerves. Given who the Federation ambassador was, a prompt departure felt like a necessity for herself.

“My esteemed colleague, from the Attache of the Kearac Assembly, will guide you through the line.” The person who came into view also wore an eager expression, although that was not the first thing noticeable about this particular species, the bulbous and almost perfectly circular head, clashed with the wide straight line of the shoulders, the long thin bodies that was only partially masked by the current fashion of clothing that managed to give the impression of looseness and rigidity thanks to the straight lines of the upper tunic, the red-turning violet coloring making it stand out all the more.

 Now they stood side by side the contrasting color choices were more pronounced. “I am properly called Gethel, I will introduce you to the first, then each will introduce the next in line. Part of our mutual cooperation.” Came the confident continuation, delivered solely to Vilgi in an acknowledgement of his position as leader of the visiting party, almost ignoring the Dari Ajunkt save for a dig at this misremembered order of events, his manner of delivery and poise lent to unspoken experience. 

“First I have the opportunity to introduce you to Withath Dari Consul of Cultural Enrichment, one of the key advocates for the cultural interchange program right on the heels of the ceasefire.” Gethel expounded, leaving Eviea a little puzzled as to his exact intentions, was it genuine enthusiasm for the path to peace or perhaps taking the opportunity to embed himself in memories and gain prestige once proceedings were established.

 “I think our Kearac fellow attendee is overselling my hand but I am keen for the benefits to be shared by all, and keen the artifacts recovery should be a moment for solidarity between our worlds.” She stated softly but warmly as they shook hands. 

“Honored to have a small part in this endeavor Consul, perhaps as relations advance you might find the full significance of the artifact.”  Vilgi followed up, his own comments measured, inwardly pleased to find someone who seemed not just outwardly but through and through pleased with the negotiations progress and direction. 

“My counterpart who I have the pleasure of working with to this endeavor , Kearac Ajunkt for Culture and Civic programs….”  It was at this point moving from one to the other Eviea felt a shoulder against hers as Racshaw leaned forward seemed to want to make a comment, sensing this was going to be made regardless, The XO leaned in to the Andorian scientist trying to preserve a little discretion, in spite of their placement. “There seems to be a marked difference between the genuine and the positioners, don’t you think it felt like the previous Adjunt wanted say something more?” 

“Well when we break from this line why not seek them out, maybe ask a question or two, but be discreet, we’re on our diplomatic best behavior don’t forget.” Eviea suggested in a low voice, keen for the young officer to have the freedom to follow up on things of import, but also mindful of the delicate position they were in.

  • Morr

    Commanding Officer

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer