Part of USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Indigo Arrival

Indigo System
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Seated across a couch in a small ready room a seasoned Bolian officer inclined his head upwards at the familiar chirp that preceded an incoming voice message. In truth he was neither on watch nor did he have any pressing tasks to complete, but he had taken it upon himself to adjust his usual pattern of work and rest so that he would be fresh and ready for the timing of their arrival, staying close by also seemed prudent. As such he was leafing through a work of James Joyce, the novel Ulysses, which a human captain and old friend of his had insisted he read for the nth time.

“Command to the bridge, were on approach to the Indigo System and Station Indigo-Four-One.” Came the voice of one of the younger officers assigned to supervise the bridge for this particular watch. 

“Understood Marvan, I will be across shortly.” The PADD went on to the table that was positioned against the right of the couch, but by his head given the angle he currently sat and he was on his feet and walking out onto the bridge in short order.

Walking briskly past the pair of andorian’s at the forward stations, giving an instruction on his way to the center chair. “Helm be sure to observe the control boundary, maintain a position outside until contact is made.” The Vulcan watch officer, standing long enough to throw a glance to the turbolift doors checking for XO’s arrival and settle into the next seat, for a short while at least..

“Permission to adjust course and speed accordingly?” Came the question, a natural one given the person asking it.

“Adjust  at your discretion. Hail the orbital station on the specified channel.” Vilgi ordered coming to a halt a pace away from his chair, he turned and elected to remain standing, ahead of the diplomatic exchange that he was expecting next. It also gave his soon to arrive XO an easier point to reach.

The words had barely left his lips when the operations officer reported. “We are being hailed, sir, audio only at present.” A gesture from the Bolian captain was all that was needed and shortly a disembodied and slightly reedy voice filled the space.

“Orbital Station Indigo-Four-One to the vessel on approach identified as the USS Rubidoux, can you confirm you are the said vessel?”

“This is the USS Rubidoux, we are now transmitting our starfleet identification bust for you to compare. I, Vilgi Morr designated commander of this vessel, am also transmitting my identification burst, as agreed. If this meets with your satisfaction I request both visual communication and to approach the station.” He rattled off, having committed to memory the order and protocol that needed to be followed. 

The station was built and kept as neutral ground for and by a pair of species that were currently observing a cease fire after many decades of interplanetary conflict. It’s construction looked a little primitive, massive solar panels attached to each pole, a larger central section, two smaller sections above and below, all connected by a vertical central pillar. Due to said cease fire access was both very limited, strictly controlled, with a very definite protocol involved, one which the federation and starfleet would stick to as a measure of good faith.

“Identification has been received, checking now, standby.” Came the curt and brief response

During this exchange the turbo lift doors opened and Eviae Merova, paced gracefully yet swiftly across and round to the command area, at the same time the Vulcan watch officer stood from her chair and moved back to the rear console crossing paths with Eviae. Who took a place just behind and off Vilgis right shoulder, who turned, offered her a smile and gestures for her to step up level, to him her nerves were obvious, the hands in front on atop the other, palms towards body, fingers of the topmost one tapping lightly against the lower. 

“Checks complete and cleared, you have persimmon to approach the station and planet.” At this point the blank screen flicked to display the image of a Dari officer charged with traffic control for this rotation. Who continued the permissions and advisories in the same tone, it was one that was perfunctory and betrayed his boredom. “Clearance to enter the atmosphere granted in line with established flight plan and search grid. Uninformed and unnecessary deviations will be taken exception too, you are warned.” 

“Duly noted.” Vilgi responded simply, and diplomatically.

“Captain, a reception has begun on the station, yours and your first officer’s presence is requested, with others you deem necessary, prior to commencement of the recovery operation. The request is from, I believe your own diplomatic lead. Your party may number five total and we look forward to welcoming you as guests.”

Vilgi nodded and glanced across at Eviae, who was being very guarded with her expressions for now.  Rubidoux Acknowledges. The vessel will come alongside and the party will beam over shortly. Morr out.” 

  • Morr

    Commanding Officer

  • Eviea

    Executive Officer