Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium


Science Lab 14
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Gazing for a moment at the large holo-display, that was both in front of and above both  him and the pedestal-style circular control console that had been Starfleet standard for decades if not centuries now. The adaptation of the existing fixtures and hardware to accommodate the ever progressive advances, was also impressive. 

The light and space  available was extremely conducive to long hours, critical and sometimes lateral thinking. Through the semi-opaque holo was the massive wall display, at present configured in a grid format, with either live or enhanced sensor images of the varied study specimens. 

These specimens were carefully stored along and in the opposite bulkhead, which unlock the neat display presented a complete miss mash of containment units, the size varied from mere twenty centimeter squared up to one which was a full meter and a half square, then there was the fact some had a solid front, while some an observable plate. The rear of each of them were connected to a reflector fed feeding system, and the vast majority were extractable with only two exceptions. 

Four benches were set aside specifically to hold the extracted contaminant units, they had built in sensor interfaces and the ability to attach a wide choice of testing rigs. 

Something that was purely aesthetic and possibly not entirely practical was they soft carpet that adorned the deckplate. Ginsh found himself wondering not for the first time, if this had been replaced on multiple occasions since the stations commissioning 

 For a moment Ginsh found himself reflecting on the encounter that had given him the first hints that Starfleet was the outlet he had yet to consider he needed.

A scientist’s logic would lean towards the no such thing as fate or luck or whatever one chose to call it. But if that meating with that particular enlisted technician had not happened. It is more than likely that he would be back on Tellar Prime, perhaps trying for his doctorate.

This reflection was brought to halt by another tech, one of the Bravo’s residents. “Ginsh, you young fart. Early bird catches the worm or bug. Is that the specimen the Perseverance brought back from Ardri… Aradr….I give up up, that planetoid on the edges of the Paulson Nebula.” A human female, with teal coloring to her uniform, hailed the Tellarite, with her usual cheery tone, as she approached the display. 

“Always an alarming manner Petty Officer, but yes this is the very one, specimen-443-ah, or Drig Bug.” He shot her a look and a head shake at the smile beginning to form on her features. “Not me. I am not stooping to such tags. Now observations if you will.”  

“Well definitely insect, six legs, and an exo-type. I’m actually just here for my mug.” She commented glancing around the well maintained and tidy lab. 

“Seven, it has seven legs, however one is only seen deployed occasionally. I would like to determine what prompts those occasions.” Ginsh corrected, and allowed himself to expound on his planned study objective, pointing to the object and leaning in to an inquiry. “On the side below the display, you are assigned elsewhere today?” There was a note of disappointment in his voice.

“Aww you tidy up, but not in a mean way. Thanks sweet.” The petty officer slipped into informal mode as she knew she could around certain ones, Ginsh being one of those. “Yep, I got put to assist Lt Feerite. Geology, and we be smashing rocks today.” She ended with a grin, strolling to the side, lifting her mug and making for the door. “Dont work too hard now Ginsh.”

“Petty Officer Diluuca how many times. It is not work if you find enjoyment, and I do find enjoyment.” He advised forcefully but with a hint of good nature, in truth he was a little disappointed not to have an able and dedicated and easy going technician.

Trying to pull his attention back to his specimen, he found his focus was the thought track that had been interrupted, or at least a continuation of that. If university led to a field trip: and a field trip led to starfleet: and starfleet led to starbase bravo, the thought of what Starbase Bravo would lead too was worth considering. His current posting did allow for a great amount of focused and dedicated research to be done, and when all was said and done that was what left Ginsh with the feeling of most satisfaction. But the thoughts of a ship and actually finding the specimens, capturing them live, perhaps for the first time was a thought and a possibility, a ship meant smaller department, it would have to be the right people he thought, or perhaps it wouldn’t and the research and assignment would make them compatible bring out hidden qualities, shake thing up, stimulate things.

That was it, observation would only go so far, he had to affect a change to the ‘Drig Bug’, and since his thoughts were on shaking. He left the console and moved to another section of the lab space where the diagnostic equipment was located. “Rocker plate, do we have a rocker plate?” He said softly to himself just as an Andorian male, teal uniformed and displaying enlisted entered laboratory fourteen.