Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium

Bug Standard

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In view of the time of day, the fact this particular deck, number 323, felt lively and full was perhaps to be expected. Particularly in view of the Colloquium currently ongoing in the promenade areas. Padding across the carpeted floors, behind and with a firm hand on a fully loaded anti grav-sled, Ginsh, a stout Tellarite snorted a little after glancing into a booth with a more artistic leaning, just his luck to be quartered with the ‘creatives’. 

“It’s okay, just wander slower and aimlessly, it’s not like some have equipment to move though this area.” The gruff statement was prompted by frustration and a desire to get his display up and running. Finally sleeping the sled alongside, a display tower in a small booth facing outward, towards the general flow of people. 

Moving quickly around and flicking open both clasps of the container on top of the sled, reaching in carefully, and taking a firm grasp lifted a re-enforced but clear case. lifted it out and up, placing it delicately onto a space on the podium. Lifting the flap on the front for a moment he watched as the bugs scurried around, both on the surface and through their self-made tunnels and chambers, Ginsh was quite proud to have an active insect farm to show off, it being the culmination of weeks of careful planning and preparation. 

His attention now turned to the other aspects of his display, he just hoped and wished the assigned technicians had done their due diligence with the emitters and display setup. He was about to move around the back for one of the control panels, when he looked up, someone was watching. “It’ll be twenty minutes before its ready, you can stand there gawking if you wish but there might be better uses for your time, sir.” He stated briskly before tuning his attention back to the control panel.

Going down the stairs to the ground floor, Elias briskly walked down with moderately paced foot steps, “I didnt quite catch your name, Ensign.”

Looking round from behind the display once more, the Tellarite gave what passes for a smile, as he responded. “It’s hard to catch something that hasn’t been given, Ensign Ginsh, zoologist, science division.“

He looked back to the control panel, keyed in a final set of commands and was rewarded with a holo-display coming to life. That of an enlarged Timelapse of the creature’s life cycle, accurate and well proportioned. 

“The technician’s have done well enough, I am suitably impressed.” Looking back and giving the new officer his full attention. 

“Also I do have the appropriate permissions and clearances to be here. Might i ask your name, Sir?”

”Ahh, Ensign Ginsh. Please please don’t call me sir. I’m not a man of authority or position. Lieutenant Junior Grade Elias Comescu at your service Ensign. Astrophysics subdivision of the science department! Impressive work you have there Ginsh. Might I ask what it’s about?” commented Elias.

“Fair enough, would you be agreeable to first names then?” Ginsh asked directly, now feeling much less defensive getting that bit out of the way before going on to give a run down of his display. 

“This is a sample of the smaller, but no less essential life of our galaxy, the unnoticed workforce.” He paused for a moment. 

“This was styled the ‘Drig Bug’ by the science department of the ship that brought it back. It does have a few unique properties. which i could explain

“Huh, a “drig bug” you say? Well I’ve certainly not heard of it. Well I mean astrophysics, the bunch of us just know the science and math behind almost a lot of things but the essential life? My knowledge only stops till what I’ve learned during high school.“ said Elias.

“Ahh a big picture scientist. But math is as important. I would not have been able to quantify this specimen without it.” Ginsh started honestly, and with genuine recognition.

“Well one interesting observation of this little insect is it nominally has six legs. However, under certain circumstances it will deploy a seventh.” Ginsh enthused about his object of study. “Please come round here, this setup is designed to highlight such, if you would like to see?”

”Hmm, interesting. The seventh leg deployed only under certain circumstances should prove to be interesting indeed.“ said Elias while looking at the time. “Oops, it seems like my time is over, I’m going back to duty. I would love to learn more about it Ginsh! How about we meet at the Golden Apple later on?”

”If you really want to know, sure thing” Ginsh replied, taking a hard look at the man, which probably came across quite cold, electing to believe it was genuine interest set a time based of the man’s likely shift pattern. “About Nineteen hundred then, I will get a table.”