Avalon II was a beautiful sight to behold from the lush green and blue hue that was radiating from orbit. Tilana had been standing at one of the windows of the promenade of Brahms Station. Taking in the beauty while she waited to hear the fate of the Gagarin, which had to be towed due to the events that transpired during Frontier Day on Earth. The crew has begun to take advantage of the station’s facilities, to get their mind off things. However, Avalon didn’t seem to fair much better as they too had their issues with the Jupiter signal.

The younger members of the crew from all three ships were being identified as having the Borg nanites were being sent through the transporter to remove them. Some were scared and unsure, while others gladly volunteered to go through it, all thanks to Dr. Crusher for finding the solution on how to remove them from their DNA. What bothered Tilana the most was the fact they haven’t been able to locate Commander Aarven after the one who had been on the ship was a Changeling. She hoped she was still alive, not knowing what happened to one of her crew put a strain on her.

She continued to stand there looking out the window, unsure how long she had been standing there as time seemed to have stood still. Thoughts raced through her mind, second-guessing herself in the command seat. “The view is beautiful,” came a voice from beside her.

Looking over to where the familiar voice of Aleish had come from, “it is.” Said Aleish as she took a moment to look at the view from where she was standing before turning back to Tilana. “You alright?”

Standing there silent for a moment working her tongue between her cheeks before blowing out air. “Is anyone alright?” Tilana asked turning around and leaning against the window to look at Aleish, “after all we have been through between the war with the displaced Lost Fleet. Now the catastrophe that happened with Frontier Day at Earth and elsewhere.”

Letting out a loud sigh, “to top it all off I have yet to hear anything on the status of the state of the Gagarin.” Tilana added before looking out of the window again, looking towards where the orbital dry docks were located to see the Gagarin barely. Short ways away she noticed the Inquiry class ship who happened to be finishing up repairs, though from here she couldn’t tell the ship’s name.

“Wish I had answers,” Aleish replied letting out a sigh. “I am just in the dark as you are sir.”

She had opened her mouth to say something when her combadge went off, “Captain Tilana report to my ready room.” The voice of Azras Dex came through, which caused Tilana to raise an eyebrow while looking at Aleish who just shrugged.

“On my way.”

“I wonder if that will be the news we are looking for?”

“Could be,” Tilana had replied. “Want to meet up for dinner afterward? I hear there is a really good restaurant here on Avalon.”

“I will be down for that.”

“Great I’ll catch you in a while,” Tilana said before they both parted ways.

Azras Dex was standing by the window of her ready room, holding a cup of coffee between her hands when her door chime went off. “Come.” She didn’t even turn around to see who it was as she knew. “Please join me.”

Tilana walked up to where the captain was and looked out of the window as well. “You wanted to see me, sir?”

“Indeed I did,” Azras said before letting out a slowed breath. “I have news on the status of the Gagarin,” looking at her for a brief moment she worked her jaw for a moment. Tilana looked as if her heart was about to sink into her stomach as she said that.

“How bad?”

“The Gagarin is going to be out of commission for quite some time.”

Eyes had gone wide, “that bad.”

“You and the crew are being reassigned to a different ship,” Azras said as she tapped her commbadge which seemed to have sent a signal for someone. She looked out the window towards where the Triumph was located.

“Well then,” was all that she could think of as the shock of things being thrown out from under her as quickly as it came. “What ship are we getting?”

“Look out the window.”

Tilana walked closer and looked out in time to see a ship power up and began to move out of one of the orbital dry docks. It looked like the Inquiry she had noticed earlier and raised an eyebrow as it began to move closer to Brahms Station to dock. As it got closer she could see the name, “Triumph.”

“She just finished repairs and she’s yours,” said Azras with a smile.

“Wait isn’t that the same Triumph that was involved in the liberation of Izar?”

Azras nodded, “it is.”

Tilana opened her mouth but closed it as she just shook her head, it was none of her business what happened to the previous captain and crew. Changes happen all the time and she wasn’t going to get into the affairs of others. Then thoughts ran through her mind as things were now processing, after all, they had gone through on the Gagarin they will now have to adjust and adapt to a whole new ship. An Inquiry class to boot, is larger and more tactical than the Gagarin is.

They both continued watching the ship approach the station and slowly maneuvering next to the Saratoga and docking. “She is a beauty if I don’t say so myself,” said Azras admiring the ship.

Working her jaw as she stared at the ship, “indeed.” Tilana said as she walked away from the window and sat down in one of the chairs she had in front of her desk.

Azras could tell that something was bothering her, she’s seen that look before. Walking over to where she was instead of sitting behind her desk she took a seat next to her. She sat there for a moment working her jaw slightly as she thought, “out with it.”

Looking up at Azras she raised an eyebrow, “out with what?” 

“There is something that is bothering you, so out with it.”

“Written all over my face isn’t it?”

“Pretty much,” said Azras crossing her left leg over the right.

Chewing on her cheek for a moment before taking a deep breath letting it escape her lips. “I am second guessing myself and my ability to command a ship, most importantly whether or not to remain with Starfleet.”

Sitting there for a moment, “where has this come from?”

Throwing her hand in the air unsure if she felt frustrated that Azras didn’t know or if she was trying to get it out of her and talk through it. She didn’t know her well enough to know, “with facing the Dominion again to the death of Captain Derohl now the catastrophe that happened on Frontier Day.” Tilana began before blowing out her cheeks again, “to not knowing where Commander Aarven is if she is still alive or dead.” Said Tilana as her shoulders dropped as she looked down to the floor. “Now being assigned a new command, it’s a lot to take in.”

Placing a hand on her shoulder as if to try and be supportive, she knew how she was feeling as she too had that feeling a time or two in her lifetimes. “I know things look bleak right now, things are going to be hard for a while not just for you or your crew but Starfleet as a whole.” 

“That’s an understatement.”

“We will get through this together, you are a good commanding officer and if I didn’t think so I wouldn’t have fought so hard to promote you instead of letting Command have their way and send someone new in,” said Azras as she looked at her. “We were just handed a rough hand some more than others, we will come out stronger in the end.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Now onto your last problem,” said Azras as reached for her desk tapping a button. “Now the person who is about to enter this room, will not know you or the crew,” Azras explained as she stood up.

Raising an eyebrow as she saw the door open to reveal Lieutenant Commander Aarven Ashatia. “The one who was on the Gagarin was an impostor the whole time,” Azras leaned into Tilana to explain.

“Reporting as ordered,” said Aarven with a flat expression more of irritation at being summoned when she would rather be in the engine room of the Triumph.

“Commander this is Captain Tilana-” Azras started before being cut off.

Waving a hand of dismissal as if this was a waste of time, “yeah I already know and I already know the whole thing that happened with the impostor me.”

Azras clenched her jaw at her complete disregard, “watch your tone, Commander. I will not have that blatant disrespect,” said Azras as she looked at Aarven.

“Are we done?”

Azras was about to speak before Tilana raised a hand, “you are dismissed.” Tilana replied as she saw Aarven turn to leave, “we will have a discussion later onboard the Triumph.”

Aarven didn’t respond and continued to walk out of the door for which she came, “I’ll handle her.”

“Very well.”

“I think I liked her imposter better,” said Tilana which caused Azras to give her a look. “What she had a better attitude,” she replied with a shrug of her shoulders before they both let out a chuckle.

“Hope you can get that under control.”

“After reading her service record, a whole bunch of black marks due to her attitude and disregard for authority one can only hope.”

Azras stood there for a moment with a tongue in her cheek before blowing out air, “I’ll let you inform the crew of their new assignment and get settled in. We will be here for a few more days to finish the purging of the younger members,” said Azras as she walked around her desk to sit down. “Enjoy some rest, you all need it.”

“Aye sir,” came Tilana’s reply before she exited her ready room stopping at the door as it shut. She nodded to those who were on the bridge as she made her way toward the turbolift to head to the transporter room where she would beam directly over to the Triumph.