S1E1 | Helping Hands

Launching from Avalon Fleet Yards, the USS Paramount is assigned a humanitarian mission but not all is as it seems.

Act One: Launching

USS Paramount (NCC-75570) stationed at Drydock AFY-141; Avalon Fleet Yards, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.25; 08:03

Captain’s Log Stardate 240104.25. It's been two weeks since the events of Frontier Day 2401. Even though I have seen the reports and read the personal accounts of what happened that day I still can not seem to wrap my head around how it happened. How were the changelings able to get into the highest echelons of Starfleet undetected? It is quite puzzling, to be honest. Nevertheless, the threat is… over. But I can not get this underlying feeling, what if that is not the last time we see Changelings. Nevertheless, we must move forward into the future. The Admiralty has seen fit to transfer me and my crew to the newly refitted USS Paramount. My crew and I have been getting comfortable with this Cali-class ship and preparing it for its maiden voyage.

"Computer, end log," Nitus said as she stood up from the table. The computer chimed in response. She walked over to the window at the aft end of the conference room.

‘We have to go back out there,’ she thought to herself. ‘We have to go back into the abyss,’ she thought to herself as she stood there looking out of the window as shuttles and other ships moved about the fleet yard.

‘It’s hard to imagine what happened only a few weeks ago,’ she said to herself. 

‘I’m scared of what could happen while out there but I’m also ready. We weren’t here when the Borg launched their signal,’ she said as she looked back on the events she had only heard about from reports.

‘I’m both happy and upset at that fact. We weren’t here so that kept our younger crewmembers safe but weren’t able to save anyone,’ Her thoughts were soon interrupted when the door behind her opened.

She turned to see who it was and saw her senior staff walking in.

As they walked in they all laughed at a joke Nitus didn't have the context to. Once they noticed her standing there they all hushed their conversations and simply smiled and nodded at her.

After everyone had walked in and sat down at random places around the table. Nitus noticed something, the first officer wasn’t there with them.

Nitus looked around the room and then looked at the other officers, “Where’s T’Soni?”

The officers looked around, and just as Zahir was about to answer her question T’Soni walked in.

As T’Soni walked in she saw everyone already there and then her eyes fell upon Nitus. 

"Apologies, Commander. I thought you were in your ready room," T'Soni said to Nitus as she walked to the chair closest to her seat and sat down at the table.

"That's quite alright, Number One," Nitus said to her, smiling as she sat down in her own seat. "If you couldn't already tell we have been reassigned to a new ship," she said jokingly.

A few chuckles could be heard around the table.

“Along with that we have been assigned a few new people to our senior staff,” she said to them as she picked up a PADD.

“We have Lieutenant Junior Grade Alessa Reno our new chief counselor, Lieutenant Mason Hill our new chief of operations, Lieutenant Junior Grade Laura Jackson our new chief science officer, and Ensign Tiala Lovar our new chief communications officer,” she said aloud as she read their names from the PADD. 

She sat the PADD down and looked around the table trying to pinpoint where they were.

After finding them she smiled and said, “Welcome aboard. If you ever need anything ask me or T’Soni.”

She heard four ‘yes ma’am’ come from them. After that she redirected her attention picking up a different PADD from the small pile that was in front of her.

“Ms. Davidson, I know you have some misgivings about the safety of the ship due to what happened on Frontier Day. I share your misgivings and I want you to reinspect the ship and reset all of our systems,” Nitus said to her as she looked at the PADD detailing all the projects Zahir wanted approval on.

“Yes, Commander. May I also use Arva to reinspect every room… just in case?” she asked her as she looked at Arva.

Nitus nodded in agreement, “You may.” Arva looked at Nitus in confusion.

“Do I get a say?” Arva asked them, looking around the table.

“No!” they said in unison as the rest of them laughed at him.

Nitus smiled at him before turning to look at Cada. “Doctor, we have a new shipment of medical supplies. It will be here in 30 to 40 minutes,” she said to him as she looked between the PADD and him.

“It's around 60 crates full of supplies,” Nitus said as she sat down the PADD and looked at him

“Good, I just came from sickbay, and there were barely enough supplies to help a Defiant,” he said to her as he looked at the PADD he had.

A whistle interrupted their conversation as someone spoke over the intercom. “Commander, we are being hailed by Commodore Py’Tellan.”

"Put it in through here, Ensign," Nitus said, clearing her throat, looking around the table at the other officers with confused and worried expressions most notably Zahir.

"Commodore, nice to talk to you again," Nitus said to her. ‘I hope we aren’t being sent out there this early,’ she thought to herself.

“Likewise, Commander,” The Tyrellian said to her. “I have a mission for you,” she said as Nitus shook her head in disbelief. “I know what you're going to say, I know you aren’t exactly ready for a mission but this will be a quick one.”

Nitus rolled her eyes at what she said before responding, “Yes, Commodore. What is it?”

“We haven't been able to reach all of our colonies since what happened two weeks ago. Task Force command wants you to resupply the Deblin colony on the southern edge of Federation space,” she said to her as Nitus looked around the table.

“Yes, Commodore. We'll be underway within the hour,” Nitus said as she looked at Zahir.

“Godspeed, Commander. Py’Tellan, out,” she said as the transmission ended.

“Commander, I know you had know choice but to agree but we will not be ready to go in an hour. You said it yourself, there may be unforeseen issues,” Zahir said as she swaddled the line between being in line and out of line.

“I understand and acknowledge your feelings, Zahir, but this is out of our hands,” Nitus responded to Zahir as she looked to her with sympathy.

“Commander, all of the crew isn't even in the system let alone on the ship,” Mason spoke in a soft tone as he joined the ongoing discussion.

“Be that as it may, Mr. Hill,” she said as she looked up at him, “We will have to work with what we have and get the job done,” Nitus said, raising her voice slightly.

This caused all of the senior staff to hush the inner thoughts.

Nitus then audioably inhaled as she closed her eyes, and tried to calm her nerves. She then exhaled sharply before looking up at the other officers.

“Prepare your departments,” she said as she began to gather her belongings from the table, “We are to depart in an hour,” she said as she stood along with everyone else.

She then swiftly walked out of the room before they could respond.

“Yes, Commander,” they all said in unison as the door closed.

Nitus walked out of her ready room carrying a PADD as she read up on the Deblin colony.

“Is the crew accounted for?” she asked T’Soni as she stood in front of the captain's chair.

“Yes, Commander.”

“Good,” she said before turning her attention from her PADD to Tiala, “Ms. Lovar, contact yard control.”

Tiala tapped at her console, before nodding to Nitus signaling to her that the channel was open.

“Control, this is Paramount requesting permission to depart,” she said as her and T'Soni exchanged PADDs. 

“Paramount, this is Control permission to departure granted. Godspeed Paramount,” they replied before ending the transmission.

“Enzo, clear us of all moorings. Set course one quarter impulse power,” she said to him as she reviewed the ships onboard personnel and systems. “Yes, Ma’am,” he replied. The ship disconnected from the drydock and began drifting away from it.

“Set a course for the Deblin colony, warp factor five,” she said looking at the PADD in her hands, as Enzo tapped at his console waiting for the order.

“Number One,” she said looking at T’Soni, “Take us out,” she said, smiling slightly.

“Yes, Commander,” she said, ‘What should I say?’ she asked herself, ‘I know.’

“Take flight,” she said confidently, Enzo smiled at her simple wording.

“Yes, Commander,” Enzo said smiling as the ship took off at warp five leaving the fleet yard behind and heading to the colony.

“Number One,” Nitus started, “I might have to steal that,” she said smiling as the bridge echoed with soft laughter. 

Act Two: The Meeting

Invincible & Reliant; Unknown
Stardate: 240104.25, 09:10

Her sight was clouded by the bright green glow of the old Imperial transports, and her ears filled with the hum of the beam.

As her vision cleared and the hum in her ears descended she looked around at the familiar looking transporter room. She stepped off of the transporter pad and she was greeted by a young Romulan male. By the look one his face he seemed to be smiling at her.

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” she said simply to him as she walked past him and into the hallway. He followed her out of the room and started walking behind her.

She turned a corner and he would follow, she turned another corner and he would follow. Then she stopped suddenly and turned to face him.

“Stop following me!” she said, nearly screaming at him.

He shook his head as he responded, “I’m sorry I can not,” he said in a montone, while continuing to smile.

“And why not?” she asked him puzzled.

“Lord Eldus has assigned me to you as your assistant, right-hand man, or bodyguard whichever you prefer,” he responded to her as he slightly bowed his head to her.

She scoffed at him before turning around and continuing her journey to Eldus’ office. As she opened the door she couldn’t hear anything coming from inside.

Once she stood in front of the doors she prepared herself for what awaited her on the other side.

“Soja!” A feminine voice screamed out to her. Soja turned around to see who it was and saw her sister briskly moving towards her.

“Do you know why he has summoned us to his ship?” Tara asked her in an anxious tone. 

“No, I assumed you knew,” she responded to her question.

“I’m being kept out of the loop.”

Soja’s mouth dropped open as the doors opened to a smiling older Romulan male.

“Just the two women I was looking for,” a smiling Eldus said, “Come on in.”

They followed him as he walked into the room as they entered. They looked around at the dim light room and spotted a holotable showcasing a star system.

“I think I’ve finally located it,” Eldus said as he walked over the table. 

“Located what?” Soja asked him.

“Something that our mother had kept hidden from us,” he said, “I’ve tracked it down to a Federation colony known as Deblin.”

“A Federation colony?” Tara asked concerned.

“Is there a problem?” Eldus asked her with an ‘unbothered’ expression on his face.

“No, brother,” she responded, sharing a worried look with Soja.

[20 mins later – Soja’s Ship Bridge]

She walked on to the bridge as soon as the officers realized who it was they all rushed to her. Surronding her as soon as the doors closed behind her.

“What happened,” one of them asked as they stood up from the command chair.

“We are to travel to the galactic south and attack a Federation Colony,” she said looking at each of them. Everyone started mumbling and talking amongst themselves in hushed tones.

“What for?” someone asked over the mumbling and hushed conversations.

“Something that our mother kept hidden from us. Eldus believes it will restore the Empire and he wants to recover it.”

“Will it restore the empire?” one of them asked her.

“I doubt it,” she said as she began to walk towards the command chair. The bridge then fell into a deep silence as everyone were left alone to their own thoughts. Pondering what might be there next move

“What’s are next move, Captain?” someone asked from the back of the bridge.

“I have a plan but its risky and if we aren’t careful we could all end up on the business end of a phaser,” she said looking at everyone. She wanted to make sure they would stand by her for the next step in their plan.

As she looked out into the crowd she saw the majority of them nodding their head in acknowledgement of the risk they were undertaking by pursuing this course of action.

“So here’s the plan,” she started speaking. 

Act Three: Rescue

USS Paramount (NCC-755570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240105.25, 22:49

Captain’s Log Supplemental. It's been a little under 24 hours since we left the Avalon system. Who knew the galactic south was so far away? The ship and its crew are handling well. With everything that's happened in the past few weeks, I'm a bit surprised at this.

“Commander Nitus report to the bridge immediately,” the internal communications array called out to her. The half-Romulan stood from her desk and made the short venture to the bridge.

“Report,” Nitus said urgently as she walked to the command center.

“Commander, we've detected several shuttles and runabouts leaving the Deblin colony,” Arva said as he looked between Nitus and his console.

‘The Deblin colony,’ she thought to herself. ‘What could have happened to them that they are retreating.’

“Do we have their trajectory?” Nitus asked Arva.

“Yes, ma'am. We can be there in less than 20 minutes if we go at maximum warp,” Enzo said, turning his chair to face her.

“We have to go help them. We must find out what's happened,” Nitus whispered to the half-Vulcan standing beside her.

“You're right, Commander. If they are fleeing from the place of our mission it is only logical for us to find out what's happened,” T'Soni said in agreement with Nitus before turning to Enzo.

“Commander, if I may?” Alessa spoke up causing everyone to shift their focus from Enzo to her.

“Yes, counselor,” Nitus said.

“I think I speak for everyone when I say we need to go get those people,” she said as everyone on the bridge simply nodded in agreement, “If they are fleeing from where we have been assigned by command then it would only be right for us to investigate what caused them to flee. For all we know there could be an attack on the colony.” 

“I agree with Alessa, Commander,” Arva said with his Betazoid colleague, “We can't go into a potentially hostile environment without at least some background information.”

Nitus nodded in acknowledgment of all of their points, she then looked to T’Soni.

“Waiting on you, Commander,” T’Soni said simply looking at Nitus.

“Enzo, lay in an intercept course,” Nitus said to him, “Alert shuttle bay 1 and security were about to have some company.”

“Intercept course laid in,” Enzo said as he waited for the word from his Commander.

“Hit it,” Nitus said simply as they warped off into the void. ‘Here goes nothing,’ she said to herself as she sat down.

[12 minutes later]

The Paramount dropped out of warp directly in front of a trio of shuttles and two runabouts.

Its engines hum as it smoothly transitions from warp to real space. The sudden appearance casts a shadow over the smaller vessels, their pilots having been taken by surprise quickly adjust course to avoid collision.

“Report,” Nitus says as she walks onto the bridge from the turbolift. The viewscreen changes to display the shuttle and the runabouts just in front of the ship.

“They all seem to have taken damage. The runabouts appear to have been hit with… plasma… weaponry,” Arva says as the rest of the bridge falls into silence.

“Hail them,” Nitus says as she walks over to the science station.

“Channel open.”

“This is Commander Nitus of the USS Paramount, do you require any assistance?”

The comms come to life with a large amount of static as a voice comes through distorted, “Yes… commander…we...” the voice spoke before going out. 

“Did we lose comms?” Nitus asks Tiala.

“Their comm array seems to have taken damage,” Arva says as Nitus walks back over to her chair.

Nitus stood in front of her chair looking out of the viewport, T'Soni walked up to stand up beside her.

“We should bring them aboard Commander,” she said in a hushed tone looking out of the viewport alongside Nitus.

“I know but there is a risk, Number One.”

“There will always be a risk, Commander.”

“Lock tractor beam and bring them aboard. Number One, Mr. Zolath, Ms. Reno follow me, Mr. D’Antonio you have the conn,” Nitus said as she turned and walked to a turbolift with the rest of them following close behind.

The doors to the shuttlebay open and they walk into the room. The three shuttles and the runabout occupants had already disembarked.

Nitus followed by the rest of the group walks over to the refugees.

“Hello,” Nitus said as she stopped in front of the group, “I'm Commander Nitus, this is my executive officer Lieutenant Commander T’Soni, chief of security Lieutenant Zolath, and chief counselor Lieutenant Reno.”

“Greetings, Commander. And thank you for the rescue,” one of them said as he stepped forward, who appeared to be the senior of the group.

“My name is Josh Francis,” he said as he turned to introduce the others but Nitus interrupted him.

“I'm sorry it's protocol for you to be questioned before we can continue. I hope you understand,” Nitus said, looking sad.

“Of course,” the elder gentleman said as he looked around nervously at the shuttlebay.

“If you will please follow Lieutenant Zolath.”

“Right this way,” Arva said as he turned and led them out of the shuttlebay.

The group of refugees gathered their belongings off of the floor and left the bay.

Nitus turned to face Alessa, “Did you pick up anything?” she asked her Betazoid subordinate.

“Yes, some felt calm as if they were unaffected by their situation. Some felt shocked, which would be expected, but Josh had a sense of guilt as if he had been lying,” she said as she looked at Nitus trying to remember anything else that she could.

“So nothing good,” Nitus jokes.

“It would appear so.”

“Keep an eye on them for me, Alessa.”

“Yes, Commander. Of course.”

“They're hiding something, and until we can figure out what it is. No one on board is safe,” she said to her as she turned and walked out of the shuttlebay.

Act Four: Catastrophe

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.25, 23:06

The Paramount soared through space like a hot rod cruising down the highway. All around the ship crewmembers whispered among themselves. Discussing their new guest, What happened to them? What are they doing here?

The senior staff meet in the conference room to discuss their guest. They went back and forth among themselves.

“I think they should be put in the brig,” Arva spoke loudly, silencing the bickering happening among them.

“Why’s that?” Nitus inquired.

“None of their stories make sense,” Arva said as he picked up a PADD from the table. He looked over the transcript of one of the interviews between him and one of the survivors. 

“How so?” T’Soni questioned him. Although she knew that the skilled Bajorian officer who was the ship's chief of tactical & security had evidence to back his statement. 

“One of them says they think they were attacked by the Gorn. Another says the Klingon’s one even suggested the Romulans,” Arva said in disbelief as he looked around the room at his fellow officers, “They are hiding something and until we can figure it out I recommend they be kept in the brig and ar the minimum have a security officer trail them,” he said to them. 

‘They all seem… off,’ Arva thought to himself as he looked over the transcripts of the interviews, ‘Some of them were nervous, which would be expected when your home is attacked but a small number of them seemed way too calm,’ he thought to himself.

“I disagree,” Laura said aloud, bringing everyone out of their thoughts as he started speaking.

“Why's that?” Nitus asked her curiously.

“I don't think we should jump to conclusions on what's happened until we get there and see it with our own eyes,” she said to them.

“I agree,” Zahir said.

“I agree with Arva,” Mason said, “We don't know what's happened to the Deblin colony or the rest of the colonists. For all we know they could be the perpetrators.”

Then a sudden flash illuminated the void behind the ship. The once smooth and steady journey transformed into a chaotic dance of unpredictability, sent shivers through the vessel's structure. The crew grasped onto consoles as the ship convulsed, a turbulent ballet induced by an unknown disruptive force.

The delicate equilibrium of the warp field, finely tuned for interstellar travel, now teetered on the edge of destabilization. Alarms blared, emergency lights flickered, and the ship's artificial gravity momentarily lost its hold as the crew went flying into not only each other but the walls around them as well.

The ship's fate hung in the balance as the crew scrambled to execute emergency protocols. The unsettling sensation of being pulled out of warp was not a mere hiccup but a deliberate attack on the Paramount and its crew.

Act Five: Aftermath

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate 240104.25; 22:45

As the crew recovered from the sudden drop out of warp, Commander Nitus stood and walked out of the observation lounge and to the bridge. As she stepped onto the bridge wires were hanging from the ceiling and EPS modules across the bridge were damaged or had exploded.

nitus looked around the damaged bridge, ‘Who could have done this?’ she asked herself as she made her way to the command area the rest of the bridge crew stood from the floor, and made their way back to their stations. Though deep down she knew she was responsible for the situation her crew found themselves in.

“Damage report,” she said looking to the young officer who had just retaken his seat at the helm station.

“Extensive damage across the ship, Commander, the port nacelle is not reading. It is as if it's not online,” Enzo said as he looked at the information on the console in front of him.

“Whatever did this was not an accident,” Arva said as he assisted some injured crew members.

“I know,” Nitus said in a hushed tone so only she could hear it. ‘And we must figure out who or what did it.’

[Several Hours Later]

Security Officer's Log, Stardate 240104.26. With permission from Commander Nitus, I have assigned each of the ‘refugees’ with a Security officer to keep an eye on them. I must find more evidence to point to foul play before I can seek permission to conduct a more direct interrogation. The ship is crippled and it is my responsiblity to find out who is responsible fore puttinf us in this condition.

Arva stood from his desk, coffee in hand, and walked over to the sofa that sat in the corner. Just as he picked up the PADD from the coffee table the door chimed.

“Come,” he said as one of his deputies walked in, “Mr. Withers, what can I do for you,” he said, not looking up from the PADD.

“Permission to speak freely, Sir,” Samuel asked him.

Arva looked up at him and simply nodded his head.

“Why aren't the refugees,” he said, holding his tongue to keep from saying something that might have gotten him into trouble, “being questioned again. We both know one of them had something to do with the blast that knocked out one of our nacelles.”

“We more evidence that one of them was responsible before I seek the commander's approval.”

“How do we do that if we can interrogate them?” he asked as he sat down on the other end of the sofa.

Arva sat still as he aimlessly looked at the PADD he held in his hands. His face suddenly lit with an idea.

“I need you to pull up the locations of each of the refugees during the time before and after the blast, the records on the last person to access the nacelle maintenance shaft then meet me in the secondary ops room.”

“Yes, Sir,” Samuel said as he stood from his seat and walked out of the room.

“Zolath to Davidson.”

“Davidson here,” she said her voice resonating from the combadge.

“Zahir, can you meet me in the secondary ops room?” he asked her as he stood from his seat and made his way over to his desk.

“I'm on my way, Davidson out.”

‘This should get us what we need to get the Commander’s approval and find out what's going on,' Arva thought to himself as he began to search the ship's computers for any information that could assist him.

Arva walked into the secondary ops room carrying two PADDs looking at each of the logs they displayed carefully.

“Sam, have you found anything of substance,” he asked him as the Bajoran set the other PADD down on a table in the corner.

“I have, Sir. I've discovered that five minutes before the blast went off three of the refugees went off the grid and then reappeared a minute before,” he said responding to his question.


As Arva was about to ask another question but was interrupted by the doors opening revealing Zahir who was carrying a PADD of her own.

“What can I do for you, Lieutenant?" she asked him as she continued to look at her PADD.

“Have you figured out what the blast was and what caused it?”

“I have,” she said as she looked up from her PADD and walked to the holotable in the center of the room, “It was an electrostatic discharge. Using a M27 EMP charge, one that could easily be purchased from the black market. The device was placed in a location that made it impossible for internal sensors to detect.”

‘Interesting,’ Arva thought to himself.

“Sir, the last record for someone accessing the maintenance shaft was during the rime the three refugees went off the grid,” Samuel interjected.

“We need to find out if there are any security cameras that might have recorded when while they went off the grid.”

“I might be able to help, Arva,” Zahir said as she stepped forward.

“How so?” Arva asked.

“I have a friend in Starfleet Intelligence who owes me. I can ask them if they have any information on where, who, and how many M27s were purchased in the last week,” she said, looking between the pair of security officers.

“That would be great, Zahir. It would help not only narrow down who the perpetrators are but also learn if there are any more potential dangers and could also track down if there are any groups that may have something to do with this,” Arva said as he picked up one of the PADDs and turned to Samuel as Zahir nodded to them both walking out of the room.

“Sam, assemble a small team. I want you to find out where each of the suspects were before and after the EMP detonation.”

“Yes, Sir,” he said as he turned to look at one of the wall consoles before walking out of the room.

Arva turned his attention to the main display looking over the three refugees that Sam had identified.

Arva sat in his office waiting for Nitus to send him his next orders. After receiving information from Zahir's intelligence friend, they found out that two of the three suspects had some affiliation with a pirate group known as the ‘Crimson Fleet’. They gave all of the findings to Nitus for review.

“So what now?” Samuel asked Arva, he was getting agitated sitting here knowing that two people on board had an affiliation with a pirate group.

“We wair,” Arva answered him. Just as he was about to say something else the door chimed.

“Enter,” Arva said as he looked at Samuel confused and uncertain about who could be at the door. The door slid open and in walked the one person they were hoping for, Nitus.

“Commander,” they said in unison as they stood up.

“Just the two gentlemen I was looking for,” Nitus said as she walked in and headed for the replicator ordering chamomile tea hot with two sugars.

“Have you reached a decision, ma'am?” Arva inquired he was eager to find out the verdict.

“Yes, I have, with all of the evidence that you've presented to me. I have no other choice but to permit you to question the refugees again, but a counselor has to be present when you do so. Understood?" Nitus asked her.

“Find out what's happened to the colony and what we are to face next,” she said, pausing as she moved to the door before turning her head back to them, “Do it quickly,” she said to them before she turned and walked out of them from the door closing behind her.

Both men looked at each other as they pondered what to do next.

“Sam,” Arva started as he looked at the human officer standing next to him, “have all of the refugees escorted to the lobby. We wouldn't want them to grow suspicious and do something that could endanger the rest of the crew,” he said as he walked over to his desk and picked up a PADD that had each of the refugee's names on it, and handed it to Samuel.

“Yes, Sir,” he said to her as he walked out of the room.

“Sam..” Arva called out to him. Samuel turned his attention from the PADD to Arva, “Do it quickly,” he said to Samuel as he nodded to him and then walked out.

‘Finally,’ Arva thought to himself, ‘We’re going to get answers.'

Act Six: Discovery

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.25, 23:02

The Betazoid officer walked into the interrogation room following behind her Bajoran colleague.

“I'm Lieutenant Zolath, this is Lieutenant Reno,” Arva said as the two of them sat down and began the interrogation.

“Do you know why you are here?” he asked the man who sat across from them. Alessa reaches out to him trying to feel for any strong emotions. But felt none. It was as if he was calm void of any overwhelming emotion. She noted his calm demeanor, relaxed posture, and steady breathing.

This discovery perplexed her. She couldn't figure out how he was remaining calm after fleeing from his home and the ship that rescued him had just experienced a catastrophic emergency. ‘This is strange she said to herself,’ the voices of Arva and the man fading out as she zoned out.

Though physically remaining in the room her consciousness drifted from her body into the next interrogation. As soon as she reached the next individual she could feel the overwhelming emotions emitting from the suspect. She felt the shock and numbness that she expected from all of them. She could feel the internal struggle as they tried to grabble at the events that transpired.

As she traveled through the rooms and sensed each one she discovered that the majority of the refugees had the same emotional state they all felt numb and in shock.

When she returned to her body however she could feel a stark difference. The tension in the room was so thick you could nearly see. Arva was pacing in front of the door grilling the man giving him barely any time to answer the question properly before moving on.

She could feel the heat and the agitation coming from Arva. These emotions reflected in his body language the way he walked the way his voice got louder and quieter at random intervals. She could also feel the calm and comsped emotions coming from the man. The main's calm and composed demeanor was a direct contrast to Arva's unrestful state.

She would however feel the iteration coming from the man. It was as if Arva was annoying him with his heated tone and probing questions, but the man remained cool.

Alessa tried to reach into the man's brain to try and find something and as soon as she did she was hit with an overwhelming emotional rollercoaster. She could feel the anxiety that was laden under the surface. With each accusation a surge of adrenaline went through his body she could feel the fear. The fear that he was going to get caught.

For what she did not know.

‘I’ve been in tougher spots before,' he thought to himself, ‘This is something else.’ Alessa heard his inner thoughts she hoped by listening she could gain some traction and find out what happened.

‘It's as if someone is trying to get inside my head,' he thought, ‘but who? I’m not going to cave to them. Nothing they do will compare to what Lord Eldus would do if he found out I failed.'

Eldus she thought to herself that name sounds oddly finial.

‘The emp detonated all we have to do is wait until we get the signal from his grace then we can leave this blasted ship,’ he thought to himself.

Alessa gasped out loud this caught both Arva's and the suspect's attention. In one swift motion, she stood from the chair and walked out of the room. Arva followed close behind eager to find out why she had left the room in such a hurry. 

“What is?” he asked her. She wasn't aware but he had only been stalling so that she would find the answers they desperately needed.

“We need to speak with the Commander. NOW!” she stated looking at Arva. 

Act Seven: Bottoms Up

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26, 01:03

Captain's Log Stardate 240104.26. In light of the information given to me by Lieutenants Reno and Zolath, I have decided to confine the refugees in their quarters and to place the three main suspects in the brig until we can contact Starfleet. With the communications array down and the warp core out of commission… we are stranded with no way to call home.

Nitus ended the recording as she stood and walked over to the replicator ordering a cup of chamomile tea. Grabbing the cup she walked over to the sofa on the far side of the room. Just as she sat down the door chimes.

“Enter,” she says as her XO and chief counselor walk in, “Number One, what can I do for you?” she asks the half-Vulcan. She figured whatever it could be, it must be important for two of her most trusted advisors and closest friends to be here.

“Lieutenant Reno has something she would like to say to you that she didn't disclose to you before,” T'Soni said to her. Uncertain of what it could be, Nitus engaged in a silent engagement with Alessa but it was hard to gauge her because she was avoiding eye contact. So she resolved to simply nod at her.

“Commander,” she said, looking to the ground. It was as if she was ashamed to have not told Nitus beforehand when she had the opportunity. “When I was hearing the man's thoughts he said a name that threw me off,” she said looking around the room, “I did some digging and it turns out he is working for a Romulan.”

‘A Romulan!’ Nitus thought to herself she couldn't believe this. If it was the Republic or RFS who had done, this, that would be the end of diplomatic relations between the countries for the foreseeable future.

“There's more, Commander,” Alessa said a note of sadness evident in her tone. She walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Nitus. “He said the name Lord…,” she paused, unsure of if she should continue. Her heart pounding, Alessa knew she had to say it. The name weighed heavily on her. With a deep breath, she gathered her courage knowing that silence would only prolong the inevitable pain, “Eldus,” she said as she looked at Nitus trying to see her reaction.

She gasped after hearing a name she had not heard of in quite some time. If she was being completely honest she thought she wouldn't hear for the rest of her life. Her breathing became labored and her heart sank like a stone thrown into a bottomless sea. She wanted to deny it but deep down, she knew she couldn't escape the truth.

“Number One,” Nitus said looking at the floor, “Leave us.”

T'Soni nodded to her and left the room. As soon as the door shut Nitus stood from the sofa. She walked over to the desk and pulled out a drawer revealing a bottle of scotch. Grabbing the bottle she grabbed two glasses and walked black over to the sofa.

Setting the glasses on the coffee table she poured her and Alessa some. “Are you sure?” Nitus asked her, handing her the glass. For the life of her, she could not believe what she had heard.

“Yes, Ma'am. I am,” Alessa responded cautiously. She didn't want to disrupt an already fragile relationship between her commander and her brother.

Nitus sat in silence as she finished her glass of scotch before pouring some more. She tried to make sense of what she had been told. However, she struggled to grasp how the person who caused her so much grief and misery for not being fully Romulan and had fought for the well-being of the Empire risked his life for it on some occasions. He practically lived and breathed its ideas could just leave and become a pirate.

“I want you to take me through it,' she said, first looking at the floor before slowly looking up at Alessa, ”Tell me what you felt from the start of the interrogation until the end."

Alessa gulped, “That could take hours, Commander.”

“It's a good thing I got this bottle then.”

Zahir walked into the main workspace of the engineering room. At the primary console station stood Lieutenant Kevil Ch'kavor, the deputy chief engineer.

Kevil noticed that someone was approaching him and looked up. “Ma'am,” he said, looking up at her while straightening his stance.

“Kevil, have you been able to restore anything?” she asked him. Zahir wanted to give the commander good news. The discovery that one of the ‘refugees’ is somehow involved with the presumed attack on the Deblin colony had been brought aboard and had crippled the ship has put everyone on edge.

“No, Ma'am," he responded, “The EMP is making it difficult to access warp and impulse systems,” he said as the lights flickered, “As you can tell.” Zahir exhaled sharply. She was exhausted having spent hours going through every system trying to find some way to restore something anything at the very least communications or impulse even but to no success.

The situation was becoming increasingly frustrating for her. “Ma'am, if I may?” Kevil said, brining her out of her thoughts.

“What is it Lieutenant?” she responded.

“Why not just go into the maintenance shaft to where the EMP was placed and start there with the repairs?” he asked her. Kevil had spent just as much time as Zahir trying to figure out how to restore the main power.

“Because we don't know what state the shift is in. There could be an electric field and once a lifeform goes inside it could fry them alive,” she responded.

“What about if we put on an EXO suit?” Kevil questioned.

Zahir thought about the proposal to herself. The EXO suits were designed to diffuse any electric charge that the suit may encounter to leave as little hirt to its wearer.

“That could work,” she said to him a smile creeping across her face. “Great idea Kevil. Assemble a small team and get to work,” Zahir was thrilled that they were finally going to give the commander some good news.

Act Eight: Resuming

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26, 01:30

Nitus stepped onto the bridge from her ready room with Alessa following close behind her. They made their way over to the command center. The turbolift doors at the rear of the bridge opened and Zahir followed by Kevil stepped onto the bridge. “Commander,” Zahir said to her as she walked over to the command area.

“Ms. Davidson, have you restored impulse?” Nitus asked her to most senior engineering officers as she stepped into the center of the command area looking at them both.

“Yes, ma'am. We have,” Zahir said, sharing a smile with Kevil. “We've been able to restore warp capability although long-range communications haven't been repaired. We need more time for that,” Kevil said to her as he finished. “Although I would caution you overdoing it, Commander. I would recommend warp seven at the maximum. We don't know if there are any lasting effects from the EMP,” Zahir told her with a worried expression.

“Excellent work, Zahir and you as well Lieutenant,” Nitus said as she sat down, “Would one of you mind staying on the bridge?” Nitus asked them as she picked up the PADD that T'Soni was handing her.

“Yes, Commander,” they both said as they walked back to the turbolift they had entered from. “You're staying, Kevil. I can handle main engineering on my own,” Zahir said to him as see took the PADD he had been holding from him. SHe was proud of hm for coming up with such an innovative solution to their problem. Kevil simply nodded at her as he walked over to the engineering console and relieved the ensign who had been seated there.

“Arva drop a distress buoy and put us on yellow alert. Enzo continue on course for the Deblin colony warp facter seven,” Nitus said to them as she dispatched her orders. It was a huge risk going to the location where a highly suspected attack is underway, but it is one she is willing to take to. Her only hope is that her crew is up for the mission they maybe undertaken.

Act Nine: Holding Back

Reliant, Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant; USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant; Invincible, Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26, 01:58

In high orbit of the planet Deblin III, the Reliant sat amongst a flotilla of pirate ships. The crew aboard the Reliant watched in horror as the other ships in the flotilla fired their weapons at the planet decimating its surface. Killing an unknown amount of people on the planet.

Soja sat on the bridge mortified at the events unfolding right in front of her. Each weapon blast felt like a dagger piercing her heart. It was as if she could hear the screams coming from the planet itself. She couldn't believe the person who neutered her, cared for her, and protected her could have done something like this. Soja knew her brother had changed but this… this was genocide.

“Ma'am,” an officer called out to her, bringing her out of her thoughts, “We have detected an incoming ship,” the officer said as his fingers danced across the screen trying to detect what the ship was affiliated with.

“It's Federation, ma'am," the officer said as Soja turned her head towards the officer in surprise.

[USS Paramount (NCC-75570)]

The Paramount drops out of warp inside an asteroid field on the edge of the system.

“We've arrived, Commander,” Enzo told Nitus as she walked over to the commander center. “What is happening?” she asked him, looking out of the viewscreen as she spotted the ships in orbit of the third planet. She presumed that it was where the colony was located.

Just then the screen magnified and the wave of gasps could be heard from around the bridge. They watched in horror at the sight of the flotilla above the planet firing its plasma weaponry in rapid succession.

As Nitus looked at the events laid in front of her heavy weight settled in her chest. A suffocating mix of horror, disbelief, and profound sorrow. Each blast from the ships that hung over the planet like vultures was like a dagger being wedged in her back tearing apart the fabric of her beliefs and shattering her sense of security.

She couldn't comprehend how the person she once looked up to, was her brother. Somehow she had come to admire for their courage and their beliefs could become the perpetrator of such unimaginable suffering.

“Take us close,” she said to Enzo, her voice quivering as she spoke. Barely speaking above a whisper, it tinged with sorrow and disbelief. Her voice craked like fragile ice under the weight of her emotions, struggling to convey the depths of her pain and confusion.

Her once steady voice and stature was now trembling with the weight of the unimaginable truth unfolding before her.

Enzo simply nodded to her acknowledging her order, he shared a brief look at T'Soni. A glance that spoe volumes without them having to even open their mouths.

His fingers danced across the screen as he inputted the controls moving the Paramount closer to the third planet.

“My lord,” an officer said as he turned to face the Romulan male who occupied the center chair, “A Federation ship has entered the system, Sir.”

Eldus leaned forward looking at the viewscreen, "Magnify, he said. The screen zoomed in and the Paramount appeared moving closer to the the ships.

“Lie in an intercept course, Lieutenant and have out escorts follow us in.”

The officer at the helm station inserted their new destination into the controls as the Invincible seceded its weapon fitting and moved from Deblin III's orbit heading straight for the Paramount.

Act Ten: Living

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26; 02:01

“Ma'am it appears the lead ship is coming straight for us,” Arva said urgently as he landed over his console looking at his commander.

Nitus hadn't said, moved, or done anything since she gave her orders to Enzo. She was in shock. The death that her brother would cause for people who had done nothing was something she couldn't understand. She was in shock. She could never believe that Eldus would betray his values. She struggled to comprehend why he would choose to hurt innocent people that people hadn't even been near Romulan space.

“Ma'am?” Arva called out to her. He sounded as if he was miles away from her. When the muffled and distorted sound of his voice reached her ears, she was still barely grappling with the conflicting emotions that whirled in her heart. She tried to make sense of her brother's actions but couldn't she wanted to stop him, confront him, or distance herself from him.

“Yes,” Nitus said her voice quivering as she spoke. Everyone could hear the emotions in her throat that were trying to come out as she spoke that single word.

“The main she of the flotilla is bearing down on us,” Arva said again as he looked to T'Soni with a concerned expression.

Nitus stood there as she processed his words. “Take us to red alert, Mr. Arva,” she said as she cleared her throat and walked back to the command area, “Quietly load torpedoes and arm phasers, but don't raise the shield just yet. I want us to appear as a carrot, but have a stick ready right behind,” she said to him as she sat down in the center chair.

“Yes, ma'am,” Arva responded. He was worried for his commander. She might have to fight her brother. It was something he wouldn't wish on anyone. Fighting against your own family has to be one of the hardest things to do in the universe.

Nitus was pushing her feelings to the side despite wanting to talk with her brother in hopes of better understanding his motives. She was in command and she had to think about the wellness of her crew, not just her family.

“Ms. Lovar, when the ships get in range open a channel,” she said as she put her emotions to the side and gave her orders to the crew.

“Yes, Ma'am.”

Sitting in silence she thought over how this might play out. The least likely scenario is that after finding out that it's his sister Eldus he has just encountered he will cease his attack on the planet and explain himself to her and to Starfleet. However, she knew her half-brother well enough that this would never happen. The most likely scenario is him destroying the Paramount and then laying waste to the rest of the system. Nitus knew she would have to confront him one day; she just thought she would have gold on her uniform when that day came. Fate had a weird way of playing out. Does it not?

“Commander, what are you planning?” T'Soni asked in a hushed tone. She was worried both as a friend and her subordinate. The threat that was approaching them was something that she was completely unprepared for. Nitus talked little about her family but from what she knew she and her brother weren't on the best of terms.

She turned to look at T'Soni she could see the concern etched across her friend's face. She knew she hadn't been the steadfast force she had been in the past but it was different. The threat that she was now facing is unknown to her. She had only one goal for her and her crew, “To live, Number One.”

Act Eleven: Ultimatum

Invincible, Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26; 02:11

“Hail them,” Eldus said to the officer stationed at communication. The officer scrambled to fulfill his leader's orders.

“This is Commander Nitus of the Federation starship Paramount. You are to ease your assault on this system and surrender.” Eldus was shocked, he expted to the voice of a young human male not the voice of his younger half-sister. They haven't spoken since she left Romulus all those years ago. Hearing her voice again was strange. His resolve wavered conflict with his heart and his head. His heart wanted to hug her and catch up on what had transpired between the two during their time away but his mind was reminded of how everyone treated his family after she was born. Eldus couldn't forget how their family was deprived of their status because of that ‘half-breed’.

She was the reason he was here and not leading an Imperial Fleet, she was the reason his father, was hon, she was the reason his sisters became outcasts, she was the reason his mother his closest supporter was dead. She was the reason that everything bad had happened to him and now was her time to pay for her actions.

He nodded to the officer at the communications station to bring on visuals. “You kid yourself, sister.” He could see the stunned reaction across her face as she looked at him. He also noticed another expression but he could not put his finger on it.

“Eldus, please,” her head dropped as she pleaded with him. “Tell your ships to cease their attack and I'll let you go without incident.”

“You're in no place to be making demands out of me, half-breed,” he said as he leaned forward in his chair, “I could have my armada destroy your ship with a single volley of torpedoes.” Eldus knew that threatening a Federation ship would not be good for him in the long run cause it would most certainly put his group on their radar and that wouldn't be good for business, but he didn't care. He had come here to retrieve his mother's artifact he was willing to get it by any means necessary.

“Eldus,” Nitus said her voice cracking as she said his name, "just leave. These people have done nothing to you.

“LIAR! he screamed at her as he jolted out of his chair, ”They stole it. I know they did. They have it and they are lying." He started to act suspiciously as if something was bothering him from the looks of it, in reality, it was all in his head.

“What- what do they have? Maybe if you tell me what you're looking for I could get them to give it to you,” she said to him trying to diffuse the situation without setting him off but it was far too late for that.

Eldus cursed himself for revealing that he had been searching for something. He slipped up something he had never done in the past twenty years. “You have 15 minutes to repair your warp systems then you will leave this system or meet your fate,” he said as he ended the transmission before she could even utter a response. Now it was a game of wait and see.

Act Twelve: Response

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Deblin System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.26; 02:24

Captain's Log Supplemental. I have instructed Lieutenant Commander Davidson to conduct what ever repair she can do within the fiften minutes window we where given. I have also decided to convene the senior staff so that they could help me decided out next course of action. One will ensure we live to fight another day the other would lead us to an early death or and hnoorbale death depending on how you look at it.

“We must retreat,” said the chief science officer, Laura Jackson. "That ship is not a normal warbird. If initial scans are accurate its weapons are both stronger and more numerous than any other Romulan ship on record.

“I say we should stay,” countered the chief medical officer, Cada Blix. “We were sent to resupply the Deblin colony, which is exactly what we must do. Even if that means we put ourselves in harm's way. That is the duty we have as Starfleet officers.”

“I'm inclined to agree with the Doctor,” Enzo said as he added to the conversation. “If we can't stand up for this colony then we don't deserve to wear these uniforms.”

“A rare sight indeed, Enzo agreeing with me,” Cada said smiling at the young man.

“Don't make me take it back,” he said as he looked at the Trill officer.

Nitus sat quietly at the head of the table as the rest of them stated who they agreed with and their reasons for doing so. She however was split on the choices. Not wanting to fight her brother and not wanting to leave the colonies to meet their end.

“I believe we should stay for the same reason as Dr. Blix stated. We have been given a mission and we must see it through,” T'Soni stated as the second to last to pick the vote.

“The decision rests with the Commander,” Zahir stated as they all looked at Nitus. Who was zoned out looking out at the stars and the ships that were surrounding them. “Ma'am?” Zahir said, speaking a little louder trying to grab Nitus' attention.

“Hmm,” she said as she focused back on what was in front of her.

“What's your decision,” T'Soni asked her with a concerned expression that could barely be recognized with her usual Vulcan self covering it up.

“We stay,” she said, “We were given a mission and we must see it though. Ms. Davidson give us everything you have to engines and shields we have to hope Command got our distress signal and help is on the way so we need to survive until then. Mr. D'Antonio you're going to need to do some history-making piloting. Mr. Zolath ensure all security and tactical teams are ready. I don't know if Eldus will try to board but I want all airlocks on lockdown."

Nitus stood from the table walking over to the window before turning back to the group. “Prepare all stations for battle but don't put us on red alert just yet. I want to at least give him a chance to change his mind,” she said as she walked back towards the bridge.

Stepping back onto the bridge, Nitus headed straight for the center chair. To say she was nervous was an understatement, she had been thinking of how this moment would play out for years. She could have imagined how this would turn out. She never thought it would be like this. As they all made their way to their stations they each carried with them their own emotion reflecting how the event before them was about to transpire. Alessa was the most anxious of all of them. She wondered if Nitus could even have the strength to order an attack on her own brother. She was sympathetic to her in that regard because if it had been her sister it would never have been a debate on what her next move would have been.

T'Soni and Arva however were more concerned with the ship though they were concerned for their commander they were more so worried for the safety of the crew as this battle was all but lost in their eyes.

Nitus felt nervous she didn't want to fight her brother, someone who knew her thinking and how she operated. This engagement could go to ways long and drawn out or short and quick. She was hoping for the former option. “Open a channel,” she said looking at Tiala. She sat in her chair as she braced for what was to come next.

“Channel open.”

“This is Commander Nitus of the Federation starship Paramount you are to leave this system immediately or we will use force to remove you."