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Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Sausalito: A Probe of Our Own

Investigating the Borg

Mission Description

The Sausalito has been tasked with investigating a Borg probe has been sighted near Federation space.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

9 December 2023

Do Not Disturb - Pt 4

USS Sausalito: A Probe of Our Own

“Sir. We’ve dropped out of warp just outside the probes scanner range.” said Helm as the Sausalito same to a stop. “On screen.” ordered the Captain. The image of the surrounding space vanished and was replaced by the Borg probe and the planet Coppelius. “And what are our scanners [...]

23 November 2023

Do Not Disturb - Pt 3

USS Sausalito: A Probe of Our Own

[Briefing Room] “I still don’t think we’re the right ship for this job, Sir.” said the XO. “If they expected us to engage,” began Alen, “I’d agree, Number One. But we’re going to keep our distance and observe only. I think the Sausalito can handle that.” “It’s not our ship [...]

7 November 2023

Do Not Disturb - Pt 2

USS Sausalito: A Probe of Our Own

[Bridge] “Helm. Set course for the Ghulion system. Warp six.” ordered Krolo as took his place in the command chair. “And drop us out just at the edge of the system.” “Aye, Captain.” came the flight officers reply. Alen looked over and noticed the look from his XO. He lifted a single [...]

6 November 2023

Do Not Disturb - Pt 1

USS Sausalito: A Probe of Our Own

[Ready Room – USS Sausalito] “That’s it, Commander. Observe and report.” “But it’s just a probe, Sir. It could easily be destroyed or at the very least, taken in for study.” replied Alen. “You know the Borg, Mister Krolo. So long as we leave them alone and they don’t consider you [...]