Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Daedalus

Zero Survivors

With the rising number of Borg signatures echoing out across Federation space and beyond the crew of Daedalus have been tasked with investigating a particularly unusual signal.

Mission Description

At the coreward edge of Federation space lies the Talvath cluster, a mysterious region of space that is relatively unexplored by Starfleet or their neighbours, the newly dominant Romulan Free State. Beyond the new resting place of The Artifact, beyond safety of Starbase 17 and beyond the normal reach of Starfleet, the cluster is now the target of investigation by the Fourth Fleet as USS Daedalus investigates a rogue Borg signal out where the blue stops on the galactic map.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

9 December 2023

Epilogue: A Litany of Names (pt.19)

USS Daedalus (Archive): Zero Survivors

I have been called many things since my heart first beat for the hunt.  First it was ‘Son’, as my mother ran her fingers across my cheeks and crests, anointing me with the fresh warm blood of a corpulent Khyani. I still hear her soft songs in the dark as she anointed me son and successor. [...]

7 December 2023

Whispers of the Future (pt. 18)

USS Daedalus (Archive): Zero Survivors

–Acting First Officer Bahir’s Personal Log. Stardate 78413.2– Our solemn work continues at the site of the Borg Sphere’s wreckage. In the last three days we have collected a significant amount of debris Starfleet may find useful but we are no closer to finding a cause for the explosion. Nor [...]

5 December 2023

Small Mercies (pt. 17)

USS Daedalus (Archive): Zero Survivors

A snowfall of pinprick stars flurried past the wide windows of the briefing room, beyond them the viridian backdrop of a distant nebula hung suspended oil-like in the inky water of deep space. On the large wall screen Captain Varen looked out from his office aboard Starbase 72, his black rimmed [...]

2 December 2023

Unchosen Pathways (pt. 16)

USS Daedalus (Archive): Zero Survivors

Long flashes of yellow and blue raced beneath the crystal surface of the long pond that snaked through the glass walled office. Beyond the expansive windows the thundering rain continued to fall across misty hillsides that fell away into the crooked valley, its thrumming impacts on the glass [...]