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USS Amundsen: With So Little To Be Sure Of

Trapped on the planet Beol, the crew of the Amundsen must band together to survive

Mission Description



With the severely damaged Amundsen hidden from the Breen in an ion storm, the crew has no choice but to hunker down and survive in a seemingly abandoned colony that had been attacked by the Breen. With the Federation falling into chaos due to the attack on Frontier Day, help will not come quickly. Paranoia and questions run rampant as the crew is cut off from the rest of the Federation.  The crew has no choice but to trust and rely on each other as they focus on solving the mysteries of Beol and try to find the source of the interference preventing a signal from leaving the system. That is the only hope they have that someone, somewhere, will come to their rescue.

But even on this isolated world, cut off the the rest of the Federation and the Borg signal, the horrors of Fronter Day will touch them and leave scars that will last a lifetime.

About the Mission

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22 January 2024

Part 5 - Salvation

USS Amundsen: With So Little To Be Sure Of

For eight hours building after building had been forcibly broken into. The computer program, having complete control of the security systems, did its best to stop them but there was only so much it could do as the crew started phaser blasting open doors. By hour five the engineering building, which [...]

22 January 2024

Part 4 - Frontier Day

USS Amundsen: With So Little To Be Sure Of

Chief Science Officer's log. Commander Demar and I will be spending most of the morning in the computer core attempting to boot the core up. I worked until nearly 0100 in the morning to come up with our own computer virus that would counteract the T'Kon virus or at least partition it in some remote [...]

22 January 2024

Part 3 - Dies Irae

USS Amundsen: With So Little To Be Sure Of

Chief Flight Control Officer’s log, supplemental. Lieutenant Nemiah and I are close to solving the issues we ran into when we booted the systems back up on the Norge. We’ve seen no evidence that the T’Kon virus, or whatever it actually is, made its way onto the Runabout but when we tried to [...]

31 October 2023

Part 2 - Monsters In The Dark

USS Amundsen: With So Little To Be Sure Of

Chief Science Officer's log, supplimental. It's been nearly a week since I uncovered the non-native code in the computer core. Well, I guess virus is a more apt description than code. The Captain made the decision to keep the information among the core command staff until more answers were found. [...]