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USS Seattle: Even Better Than The Real Thing


Mission Description

Playful gods bedevil the USS Seattle.

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24 October 2023

Free to fly the crimson sky

USS Seattle: Even Better Than The Real Thing

[USS Seattle – Holodeck 1]   In holodeck 1 they had also realized that they could no longer raised the computer but given that they were in nineteenth century earth they did not feel any rush other than the pair of them made up the strategic operations department (the full department) they [...]

21 October 2023

Gonna blow right through ya like a breeze

USS Seattle: Even Better Than The Real Thing

[Captain’s Ready Room]    Captain Nathanial Hawthorne felt better after a shower and change into a uniform. He figured that he would likely feel even better after a cup of coffee and so was hand grinding some beans in his fussy method that was a lot more involved than simply demanding [...]

20 October 2023

Give Me One Last Chance To Slide Off The Surface Of Things

USS Seattle: Even Better Than The Real Thing

[Bridge]   There had been no scenario gamed out about what happened if the USS Seattle lost the majority of its senior staff. Thus despite being the highest ranking the Chief Operations Officer Lieutenant Commander Tashai was willing to let the Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Wushborn Debud [...]

18 October 2023

Th’kaotross, Kan Th’kaotross

USS Seattle: Even Better Than The Real Thing

[? – Holodeck 2]   “This is illogical,” Pr’Nor observed, “studies have been conducted in the effectiveness of torture and have shown it to be a useless way of obtaining information.” Tied back-to-back on a pair of chairs Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Winfield was not sold. Whether [...]