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USS Lakota: Episode 2: The Eridanus Enigma

Eridanus, known for its strategic importance and valuable resources, has long been a symbol of stability and cooperation in the region. However, it has inexplicably fallen silent, raising concerns within Starfleet.

Mission Description

Somewhere deep in the former Demilitarized Zone, along the tumultuous Federation border with the Cardassian Union, lies the enigmatic planet Eridanus. Eridanus, known for its strategic importance and valuable resources, has long been a symbol of stability and cooperation in the region. Here, Cardassians and Humans alike have learned to live in harmony. However, now, it has inexplicably fallen silent, raising alarming concerns within Starfleet.

With no communication or data transmission from the planet for days, the Federation fears the worst—an attack from any of the factions in the region, a prospect that could ignite a powder keg of conflict along the already tense border.

Lakota, still reeling from recent changes, is ordered to investigate.

Mission one in the Eridanus Trilogy.

About the Mission

USS Lakota
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