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USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

USS Gilroy has been Ordered to make there way to the Delta Quadrant and conduct Second Contact with some of the worlds previously meet but the USS Voyager and any other vessels following the Blood Dilithium incident last year

Mission Description

The Crew of the USS Gilroy has been Ordered to go to the Delta Quadrant to do a resupply drop-off at Markonian Outpost there and continue second contact with worlds that the USS Voyager and other federation ships have made contact with since their time here.

About the Mission

USS Gilroy
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4 June 2024

Delta Quadrant's Second Contact Part 6

USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Stardate 240101.28 The USS Gilroy is travelling to Brunali as part of its few-month mission in the delta quadrant completing a selection of second-contact missions with races that the USS Voyager had come in contact with on their long 7-year mission to get home when they got stranded here by the [...]

28 January 2024

Delta Quadrant's Second Contact Part 5

USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Stardate: 240110.22 “First Officer Log, the crew of the Gilroy have spent a week at the Starfleet Segment/sector of the Markonian Outpost debriefing the outpost senior officers about the latest mission to the Borg outpost, handing over a copy of all the Borg database and technology that we had [...]

24 October 2023

Delta Quadrant’s Second Contact Part 4

USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Stardate: 240110.21  A short time passed and the Gilroy finally arrived around the homeworld of the Shivolian. The ensign put the ship into a standard orbit around the planet, following a standard Starfleet orbital routine. “Captain, I placed us into a standard orbit,” said the [...]

19 October 2023

Delta Quadrant's Second Contact Part 3

USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Stardate: 240110.07 After 24 hours, everyone on the crew had managed to get some time off the ship. Even the senior crew got a 6-hour break before starting their mission in the Delta Quadrant. We start off our day in the conference room where the senior staff meet to discuss their mission and what [...]