Part of Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

USS Endeavour

The Best Way Out

The fallout from the Battle of Izar, and the fate of those officers responsible, is decided at Avalon as Frontier Day looms.

Mission Description

‘He says the best way out is always through.
And I agree to that, or in so far
As that I can see no way out but through.’
– ‘A Servant to Servants,’ Robert Frost

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

13 June 2024

The Best Way Out - 3

USS Endeavour: The Best Way Out

‘What really matters,’ said Alexander Beckett as he stood in his office on the Caliburn, the burning hulks of Avalon Fleet Yards in the aftermath of Frontier Day visible through the window, ‘is that I was right.’ Rourke shifted his feet. ‘You said Dahlgren was the Changeling. Not [...]

25 August 2023

The Best Way Out - 2

USS Endeavour: The Best Way Out

‘See, that’s the difference between you and me, Matt. I didn’t drink the Beckett kool-aid.’ Eli Gault shoved food around his plate like they hadn’t had to fight tooth and nail to get a table for lunch in Brahms Station’s promenade. ‘He’s not got a plan. He’s posturing.’ ‘I [...]

17 July 2023

The Best Way Out - 1

USS Endeavour: The Best Way Out

‘The squadron did not reinforce Gul Malek’s strike force because my orders were that we would not reinforce Gul Malek’s strike force.’ Lionel Jericho’s curt voice rolled across the auditorium. ‘For the purposes of this inquiry, does it have to be anything more than that?’ Vice Admiral [...]