Part of Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

USS Nestus: Lost Memories

As part of the fourth fleet's response to the re-emerged Dominion threat Nestus & Theta Squad have been dispatched to the Deneb Sector to investigate reports of a worrying new weapon combining the might of hte Dominion with the ruthlessness of the Breen.

Mission Description

As part of the fourth fleet’s response to the re-emerged Dominion threat Nestus & Theta Squad have been dispatched to the Deneb Sector to investigate reports of a worrying new weapon combining the might of hte Dominion with the ruthlessness of the Breen.

The crew of Nestus find themselves struggling with their own memories of a dark period in galactic history as a renewed threat looms over a fragile Federation.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

16 June 2023

An Ocean of Memories (pt. 9)

USS Nestus: Lost Memories

The bright yellow orb of 40 Eridani beat down unrelentingly on T’Sal’s bare-back whilst the orange tinged sky rolled on eternally into the distance. The tall Vulcan took a final step onto the overhang. Hovering at the edge, his chest swelled, drawing in a portion of the thin, dry air that would [...]

14 June 2023

Empty Threats (pt.8)

USS Nestus: Lost Memories

The wait at the massive blast doors had felt like an eternity, crouched down behind a large crate Maine had listened to the breaths of the four team members as they quietly whistled through the empty corridor. The sighs and frustrated mumbles of Hermira the only interruption in the otherwise silent [...]

14 June 2023

Absent Footfalls (pt.7)

USS Nestus: Lost Memories

Breen Base The piercing siren rang through the corridors, screeching around corners and through bulkheads it sliced through the gloom of the Breen base. The high pitched tone pursued the small squad through the dim, green alleyways and gulley’s as they attempted to evade the security forces now [...]

6 June 2023

Beneath the suns (pt. 6)

USS Nestus: Lost Memories

The dark green hull plates creaked with a deep groan as they struggled against the titanic tides of gravity that wrestled for control of the small space station. Balanced between the two young and energetic stars at the heart of the Oromal cluster, the secret Breen base was held in a perpetual [...]