Part of Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

USS Babylon: In Leviathan’s Wake

While the Lost Fleet attacks, the Babylon must save a rare creature caught in the crossfire.

Mission Description

“A large, powerful spaceborne creature has been reported attacking and destroying Dominion ships before fleeing. Pursued by the Dominion, Starfleet fear this rare lifeform will be killed, or harnessed against them by their enemies. The USS Babylon has been dispatched to rescue the creature.”

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

26 October 2023

Crawl to the Finish Line

USS Babylon: In Leviathan's Wake

“Zamora? How did you get down here so quickly?” Anand stopped staring quizzically at Zamora’s back long enough to nod at the cluster of engineers he’d just finished thanking one by one, preceded by a speech about how their tenacity and quick thinking had probably saved the lives of everyone [...]

30 June 2023

The Runaway

USS Babylon: In Leviathan's Wake

“Well I didn’t even get a chance to say yes,” said Anand, looking around at the interior of Gomthree after their abrupt transport. He noted with some concern that the room they were in didn’t seem to have any exits. “Ah, I’m sorry, that might be my fault,” said Ixabi, nervously [...]

23 June 2023


USS Babylon: In Leviathan's Wake

“The probe is picking up what appears to be a Jem’Hadar fighter,” said Szarka, her voice calm and detached. “Wait, make that fighters, plural.” “Where?” asked Anand. He tried not to count the number of times he clenched and unclenched his hands while he waited for the answer. Finally, [...]

17 June 2023

Hello, Is It Gomthree You're Looking For?

USS Babylon: In Leviathan's Wake

“There,” said Anand as he sealed up the probe casing with a snkt. “The last lowly drone calibrated.” Szarka approached as Anand and one of the technicians gave the drone a gentle nudge and sent it sliding along its track into the dispatch bay. “Good work, you two.” The technician took a [...]