Part of Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

USS Hathaway (Archive)

Episode 18: Fractured Loyalties

Amidst the chaos of Frontier Day, Hathaway becomes a battleground, torn apart by civil war and betrayal, the crew members face a grave question that echoes through their minds: Will resistance against this insidious force be futile?

Mission Description

With Commander sh’Elas resting in the comfort of sickbay, the true nature of her traumatic past comes to light, unveiling a history of darkness and personal struggles. Meanwhile, Hathaway is en route to Starbase Bravo, aiming to raise the alarm about a potential danger lurking within the upcoming Frontier Day celebrations planned by Admiral Shelby.

However, several lightyears away from their intended destination, the ship experiences a catastrophic engine failure, forcing it to drop out of warp. Stranded and cut off from external communication, the crew can only watch helplessly as Admiral Shelby’s speech begins and the drama unfolds. While they watch in horror, a strange and mysterious signal is intercepted by Hathaway’s transceiver array. Within seconds, the youngest members of the crew undergo a terrifying and all-too-familiar transformation, revealing a deadly threat lurking within their midst.

As the ship becomes a battleground, torn apart by civil war and betrayal, the crew members face a grave question that echoes through their minds: Will resistance against this insidious force be futile?

About the Mission

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End Date

10 August 2023

From One Frontier to Another

USS Hathaway: Episode 18: Fractured Loyalties

The Hathaway’s bridge was a scene of controlled chaos as Captain Nazir, still nursing her injured shoulder, made her way to the command chair. Her team of survivors from the messhall had encountered no resistance as they navigated the corridors, finding to their amazement that all across the ship [...]

10 August 2023

Redemption and Reservations

USS Hathaway: Episode 18: Fractured Loyalties

The messhall had become a battleground, with the survivors of the Hathaway fighting for their lives against their assimilated crewmates. The clang of metal against metal echoed throughout the room as chairs and tables were stacked up to form makeshift barricades, reinforcing the protection against [...]

2 August 2023

Hope Among Friends

USS Hathaway: Episode 18: Fractured Loyalties

A deathly silence had long since replaced the familiar hum of the small Runabouts engines. Noli, alone in the cockpit, had steeled herself for the inevitable. Almost an hour earlier her assimilated counterpart, who had been ‘secured’ in the aft section of the ship, had woken and begun causing [...]

31 July 2023

Torment's End

USS Hathaway: Episode 18: Fractured Loyalties

Running through the dimly lit corridors, Commander Felix Bachmann’s heart threatened to pound its way out of his chest. He was accompanied by two security officers, Lieutenant Daniels and Chief Dornigan, their footsteps echoing with urgency. “We need to find a safe place to regroup,” [...]