USS Sarek (Archive)
Can't Pakled a Horse to Water
While studying gormaganders in the Typhon Expanse, the USS Sarek is besieged by a Pakled clumpship!
Mission Description
Since the earliest days of 2401, the energy readings from spatial anomalies across the Typhon Expanse have increased far beyond all of Starfleet’s sensor logs. Solar winds have whipped up a hurricane of alpha particles, attracting hungry, hungry gormaganders into a feeding frenzy. The crew of the USS Sarek have taken this opportunity to study these endangered beings and to ferry them to a sanctuary.
However, the Sarek soon finds herself positioned between the gormaganders and a pack of hungry, hungry Pakleds. Only Task Force 17’s own USS Reliant can come to rescue!
“Can’t Pakled a Horse to Water” is a crossover mission between USS Sarek and USS Reliant, and stories occur between both ships. The complete story order, with their associated command and links, are as follow: