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Part of USS Jaxartes: Arrival

USS Jaxartes: Arrival

Arriving at the Starfleet Academy on Mellstoxx III

Mission Description

Jason Devron is a man with no past, this is the start of his future…

About the Mission

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End Date

10 January 2023

A meeting with the Commodore

USS Jaxartes: Arrival

Five shuttlecraft swept downward from the USS Chaffee towards Mellstoxx III, banking slightly to port before entering the planets upper atmosphere one at a time.   The planet was covered in a thick blanket of cloud so very little detail would have been visible had any of the passengers [...]

8 January 2023

Time to go

USS Jaxartes: Arrival

Normally crew quarters like the one Jason was in would usually have two people sharing.  But right now at least Jason had this one too himself and had folded the top bunk up against the bulkhead wall to give himself a little more space.  His fellow cadet and roommate for the journey from [...]

8 January 2023

Mellstoxx III: Arrival

USS Jaxartes: Arrival

Arrival Part I As the Apollo class transport vessel Chaffee dropped out of Warp above the planet Mellstoxx III after its long journey from Earth, one young man in particular had a lot on his mind. Jason Devron sat on the edge of his bed, wearing just his pale blue shorts and t-shirt he’d slept [...]