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Part of USS Denver: Mission 4: Can’t Come Home Again

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can’t Come Home Again Part: 3

The Exciting Conclusion

Mission Description

With Dominus’ and Bellitor’s plot exposed can the Denver crew stop them before its too late?

About the Mission

USS Denver
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

29 April 2023

Scars of War

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 3

“Denver, two to beam directly to medical, code blue.” Doctor Lorsa was making rounds for the inevitable casualties that would sure to come.  The hail from Seong drove that point home.  “Okay people here we go!” The Bajoran doctor shouted. A transporter beam materialized and the [...]

13 April 2023

Back to Basics

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 3

Near the Nalam Cabin – 15:30 After a quick swim in the brisk stream by her cabin, Riandri lay in a hammock near her cabin, letting the sun warm up her skin as she stared at the sky through the leaves of the large birch trees the hammock was strung up between. Her thoughts were a jumble after the [...]

13 April 2023

Cutting Their Losses

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 3

The shuttle was concealed within the confines of some long ago abandoned building.  The roof had long ago caved in, and the concrete walls were cracked and windows stood empty to the elements. Whatever the ancient Americans had used this building for Bellitor didn’t know. Glancing over her [...]

7 April 2023

In The Air

USS Denver: Mission 4: Can't Come Home Again Part: 3

Ensign Sh’iv rolled her fighter to the right and looked down below.  The farm house was quiet.   The barn sat dark and silent like a bulwark against time.  The house was dark as well.  By all appearances it appeared abandoned.   Intelligence said otherwise. The Starfleet [...]