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USS Endeavour: Drink the Wild Air

Well-earned shore leave gives the crew of the Endeavour a break - if they remember how to relax, and how to face past challenges during present quiet.

Mission Description

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea,
Drink the wild air’s salubrity.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson, Merlin’s Song

About the Mission

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20 October 2022

Drink the Wild Air - 8

USS Endeavour: Drink the Wild Air

The ATV thundered along dirt tracks and between trees, winding its way up the wooded slopes towards their destination. Yet if it were to screech past someone – not that anyone was in sight for kilometres around – it was likely not the engine they would hear, or the thudding of the [...]

16 October 2022

Drink the Wild Air - 7

USS Endeavour: Drink the Wild Air

‘I thought we were going to the old town tonight!’ Rourke decided he wouldn’t describe his daughter’s voice as a whine. She wouldn’t thank him for it, but there was a definite edge of petulance as she stared across the hotel room. He lifted his hands. ‘I said we might. But I really need [...]

14 October 2022

Drink the Wild Air - 6

USS Endeavour: Drink the Wild Air

‘It’s more than a test of skill.’ Cortez closed one eye to focus. ‘It’s a test of patience. Consciousness. Focus.’ ‘Arguably, those are all a part of skill,’ said Kharth, and effortlessly flicked the raspberry into the empty cocktail glass on the table between their two sun [...]

10 October 2022

Drink the Wild Air - 5

USS Endeavour: Drink the Wild Air

They hit the town of Borean as the sun was hitting dirt and scattering gold across dusty land and sandstone buildings. Though this gold could not reach the town’s streets and walkways, shadows were pushed back by the kaleidoscope of colours from lanterns on the walls, lights rigged across and [...]