SS Viridian Expanse: Swimming with Sharks

When Keren is asked to locate the daughter of a longtime contact, the crew of the Expanse gets caught up in an all too familiar world of shifting loyalties and cutthroat intrigue.

Mission Description

When Keren is asked to locate the daughter of a longtime contact, the crew of the Expanse gets caught up in an all too familiar world of shifting loyalties and cutthroat intrigue.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

17 September 2022

#1 - Blood in the Rocky Waters

SS Viridian Expanse: Swimming with Sharks

Viridian Expanse, Captain’s Cabin It had been a couple months since the twin crises on Psi Valorum and Rator and Keren had finally gotten things back together. Couple of quick and quiet cargo runs to fairly boring colonies and one run of not quite legal pharmaceuticals to a Federation outpost and [...]