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USS Atlantis: Mission 10 : A Blast from the Past

A distress signal from a long lost ship brings the attention of the USS Atlantis to the Breen border and the discovery of a Federation secret best left forgotten.

Mission Description

Moving along the Breen border on her way through the Thomar Expanse, USS Altantis picks up a faint distress signal from the USS Aitu, a ship thought lost with all hands nearly 150 years ago on a routine cargo run. With the distress call coming from perilously close to Breen territory, Atlantis responds cautiously in the hopes of discovering what happened to this missing ship while avoiding conflict with local powers in their own backyard.

About the Mission

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5 January 2023

A Blast from the Past - 12

USS Atlantis: Mission 10 : A Blast from the Past

“Adrestia, this is Atlantis, nice to see you again,” Rrr said, out of nowhere and breaking the quiet of the bridge. Atlantis had been at rest for a couple of days now, the events of the Tholians, Breen and the Aitu well behind them. They’d pulled back enough from the border that there was no [...]

2 January 2023

A Blast from the Past - 11

USS Atlantis: Mission 10 : A Blast from the Past

Shuttlebay 2, housed in Atlantis’ stardrive section, was nominally the larger of the two bays, but always felt smaller to Mac. The width of the hull confined the bay, and the number of craft present always meant the bay was full most of the time, leaving little to no spare room. Especially with [...]

29 December 2022

A Blast from the Past - 10

USS Atlantis: Mission 10 : A Blast from the Past

The impression that the mighty starship Atlantis was attempting to give off was a lone starship, all by herself, in a dark and scary corner of the galaxy. It wouldn’t fool anyone at all, the Sovereign-class line of ships being Starfleet’s premier combatants when called to perform that duty. But [...]

27 December 2022

A Blast from the Past - 9

USS Atlantis: Mission 10 : A Blast from the Past

“What the actual hell?” Blake blurted out as she stormed into the Captain’s Mess, empty aside Mac trying to shovel some breakfast into himself while quickly reviewing a padd. She’d had time to strip out of her EV suit, but little more, hair matted to her head, a sheen of sweat on her skin [...]