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USS Edinburgh: Mission 3 – Take These Broken Wings

Losing fifty crew has left our command team and the remaining crew in a unique and heartbreaking place.

Mission Description

They’ve come home with the butcher’s bill, and now they must bury the bodies that died in sacrifice to save an entire planet.  The crew – command, officers, and crewmembers are given a mandatory 30 days off.  After such a loss how will this still very new crew reconcile what they gained with the dead they’re carrying home?  Will everyone return to the ship?

About the Mission

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End Date

7 October 2022

Commander and Captain

USS Edinburgh: Mission 3 - Take These Broken Wings

“I am glad I am the one that gets to do this, Commander.” Harris stood in the ready room on the USS Edinburgh, at attention.  Captain Geronimo Fontana stood across from him, a quiet smile on his lips as he spoke, “You have persevered under circumstances that were beyond your [...]

7 October 2022

Finding the Lost

USS Edinburgh: Mission 3 - Take These Broken Wings

“That’s where it ends, Commander,”  Sadie Fowler gestured to the screens in front of her as she recounted what she had found. Harris sat at the station next to her, eyes reading through the report several times.  ‘There’s nothing in this system.  Just a moon, an asteroid [...]

5 October 2022

Into the Woods

USS Edinburgh: Mission 3 - Take These Broken Wings

“I think I have something.”  Sadie Fowler turned in her chair at the science station, her eyes weary from reading the various amounts of scans and reports the science teams were collecting and sorting. Ambrose glanced up from the consoles in his chair, “Something good, I hope.” [...]

19 September 2022

Lost and Found

USS Edinburgh: Mission 3 - Take These Broken Wings

“We’re nearing Dozaria Prime, commander.”  Ensign Prentice nervously dropped them out of warp and kept his hands ready in case something terrible awaited them. Harris leaned forward, “Report.” Sadie frowned at her science station, “I’m…sir, I’m not detecting life signs on the [...]