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Part of Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

USS Arcturus: Non Nobis

Sent to resettle refugees from Romulan space on Gamma Sagittarii III, the Arcturus finds itself caught between competing foreign and domestic interests.

Mission Description

Sent to resettle refugees from Romulan space on Gamma Sagittarii III, the Arcturus finds itself caught between competing foreign and domestic interests.

About the Mission

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End Date

11 July 2022

Act III, Scene 5

USS Arcturus: Non Nobis

Captain Lancaster was ensconced with a dozen reports at the table in his office, his dinner pushed aside and untouched. The ship was close to being able to depart and resume course for the remainder of the convoy, but there were still loose ends to tie up and a few hundred more refugees to get [...]

11 July 2022

Act III, Scene 4

USS Arcturus: Non Nobis

There had been some work for Galan in managing the various handshakes between Arcturus and the remaining functional transporter rooms on Cardinal 1, but once the runabouts were off the deck and the evacuation was proceeding in earnest, he was able to leave his post and get some much-needed rest, or [...]

27 June 2022

Act III, Scene 3

USS Arcturus: Non Nobis

Oban was nearly sure that the Humans—and their assorted coterie of sycophants and hegemonized ‘allies’—had forgotten about him, after nearly a day alone in the guest quarters they had provided him with. He definitely wasn’t used to silence when he wanted something. The fact that they [...]

24 June 2022

Act III, Scene 2

USS Arcturus: Non Nobis

The doors to the shuttlebay slid open to allow Commander Navarro a last glimpse of one of the Volga-class runabouts leaving the bay. Not much bigger than large personnel shuttles, the Volgas had squared off hindquarters and could easily handle two or three-week excursions away from the mothership. [...]