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Part of Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

USS Heracles: Call to Arm’s – Sundered Wings

A Bravo Fleet, Fleet Action Event - The outskirts of the Velorum Sector, where distant and more insignificant mining facilities lie, have become a target for the pirates launching raids from the Triangle. Protect them.

Mission Description

  • Barely Home and Now This – Vausees and the crew of the USS Heracles have just made it home to our timeline when Admiral Korlin sends them orders to head of Romulan space; the Velorum Sector. To defend a group of mining Colonies.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

23 June 2022

Act 2 - Raising Action part 3

USS Heracles: Call to Arm's - Sundered Wings

-Report of the Heracles-Acting Captain’s Log: It has been two days since Captain Vax placed me in command of the Heracles once more. Just like the last time, we were attacked nearly instantly once we departed from the orbit of Proto II. During the time that we have spent at warp eight, I had had [...]

23 June 2022

Act 2 - Raising Action part 2

USS Heracles: Call to Arm's - Sundered Wings

Vausees stood in the living room of the Governor’s house as the primary monitor lit up with the features of a Romulan. Everyone in the room turned their attention to the monitor and listened to what was being said. No one dared to breathe as the message was being sent to them. When the message [...]

14 June 2022

Act 2 - Raising Action part 1

USS Heracles: Call to Arm's - Sundered Wings

-Proto II – Planet side- Vausees, Cody and Debrah stepped off of the ramp as it lowered down to the ground from the shuttle that they had taken to Proto II. They had followed Viktor from the battlefield to the planet where the Heracles was to stay in orbit. Now on solid ground they [...]

9 June 2022

Act One - Arrival

USS Heracles: Call to Arm's - Sundered Wings

-Proto II and Protous IV-Simix looked from the cockpit of his transport ship at what looked like a solid strand of cordage that ran from one planet to an adjacent one. ‘It is beautiful and from this distance shimmered with an ethereal look.’, he thought to himself. Of course Simix knew exactly [...]